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  全国人大代表、佛山市市长刘悦伦谈机构改革 The National People's Congress/Foshan mayor LiuYueLun about institutional reform

  转变职能,还需再造行政审批流程 Transformation function,Still need to reengineering process of administrative examination and approval

  ■新快报特派北京记者 罗仕 罗琼 报道

S new express special Beijing reporter Luo Shi Luo Qiong reports


"Institutional reform is a kind of means,Fundamental purpose is to transform government functions,To provide better public services."The National People's Congress yesterday/Foshan mayor LiuYueLun new express reporter to interview said,The institutional reform from the successful experience of the foshan institutional reform pilot.He thinks that,Institutional reform should be in accordance with the public/standardized/Informationization principle to reengineering process of administrative examination and approval.


 ●谈机构改革 When talking about institutional reform

  下一步应考虑补上行政审批流程 The next step should consider to make up for all the administrative examination and approval process

  “要按照公开化、标准化、信息化原则去再造行政审批的流程。” "According to public/standardized/Informationization principle to reengineering process of administrative examination and approval."


New letters:A new round of institutional reform has been launched,Foshan has pilot reform two years ago,What do you think what issues need to be paid attention to in the reform?


LiuYueLun:Institutional reform not only considering the function organization setup and function transformation,There is a large piece of administrative system reform.


Do you have the institutions and functions,But you these organizations to fulfill its functions,Or according to the problems of the program to do in the past.so,Administrative examination and approval process to put in,The next step that should be considered,Should catch up on.


Implementation of online examination and approval, for instance in foshan now,Citizens can scan through the terminal to provide material,Don't need to go to the scene,Finally, with the original documents to obtain evidence.Like this kind of information online has a lot of benefits,Because it is open and transparent,Even people don't have to meet,This could reduce corruption.


For another example,The past is a series of examination and approval for examination and approval,Batch of this batch of the back,Batch of this batch that back,Time is very time consuming,But if you take him into the front desk and the background,You put the case closed down at the front desk,The background is more than a dozen departments for examination and approval at the same time,This will greatly shorten the time,Convenient for people,Convenient for the enterprise.


So I think it should according to the public/standardized/Informationization principle to reengineering process of administrative examination and approval.


New letters:Some people think that department interests is one of the largest resistance institutional reform,If you agree with this view?


LiuYueLun:The resistance(Department of interest),As long as the central government determined to,Make up my mind to, or the government at a higher level,Is to promote.I don't think department interests is one of the biggest institutional reform difficult,The real difficulty is the institutional change/Administrative functions.


New letters:Foshan shunde institutional reform pilot strength is very big,The central institution reform,How do you think?


LiuYueLun:The central focus on function transformation and to delegate such ways,This is right.Institutional reform,Not for institutional reform and institutional reform,Fundamental purpose is to transform government functions,To promote the socialist market economy fair competition,Promote the government to provide better public services,The purpose of which is the institutional reform.


New letters:Media reports said,After the institutional reform,A bureau deputy director may there will be many,What do you think of this phenomenon is the norm or transition state?


LiuYueLun:Sure is only transitional,To tell the truth,After the institutional reform hasn't thought of how to digest the way.I think still need to humanization,Gradually, gradually digestion/eliminated.Now to the civil service job"knock"off,If this isn't good.


 ●谈广佛同城 Second-ranking guangfo city

  充分理解广州车辆限行 Fully understand the vehicle limit line in guangzhou

  “要互相理解、互相尊重,尽量去减少对于跨地居民的影响。” "To understand each other/Respect each other,As far as possible to reduce for across the influence of the residents."


New letters:Guangzhou has started the vehicle limit line at present,This will affect the advance of the city?


LiuYueLun:Guangfo city dynamics in the further,Especially the transportation infrastructure.Some time ago someone said that the city guangfo city is false,I don't agree with.Now Gao Tiexi stand construction for two weeks,Many people think of foshan west station is actually the west station in guangzhou.We also have a idea beat west station of guangfo transportation hub.


As for the vehicle limit line in guangzhou,First of all, we fully understand,If foreign car to any line,Guangzhou from traffic congestion and environmental quality are affected.Many residents are worried about, of course,Afraid of the limit of guild influence life across the region/Some people work,We also put forward this problem to guangzhou,As far as possible to solve see through what way.I want to,The first is to understand each other/Respect each other,On this basis acceptable to seek a common solution,As far as possible to reduce for across the influence of the residents.


New letters:Although the foshan also has some major platform among the province's platform,But with the nansha/hengqin/New district, such as the sea, than before,Enjoy the special preferential policies may not have so many countries.Now in a period of regional competition becoming more and more strong,Foshan how to strive for the next step development advantage?


LiuYueLun:Reform should not always provide preferential policies of the region,This in itself is a kind of unfair,Is a kind of misunderstanding.Why does it do,We can't do,Forced the mayor to get discount.


Of course I as mayors,I also want to strive for more preferential policies,But I got,To the somebody else is not very fair.I think,At the beginning of the reform and opening up is necessary,Now should be to promote regional coordinating development,And should not be given some special preferential policies,The special preferential policy guidance,Kills people's creativity,Who should be creative,Who can reform,Who will encourage dry.Countries should encourage system/Mechanism of the innovation,Rather than simply give some preferential policy.


So foshan next will not be able to count on how many countries special preferential policies,Never in our history,Foshan depend on reform and innovation spirit,Bold reform,Bold innovation,Rely on cadres,By our hard work.


●谈GDP排名 When talk about GDP ranking

  偶尔领先只是幸运,广东转型佛山先走 Occasionally lead just lucky,Transformation of guangdong foshan go first

  “我真正关心的不是这个排名,关键是下一步能否实现有质量有效益的增长,通过一种新的发展模式实现增长。” "I don't really care about the rankings,The key is whether the next step can achieve with quality benefit growth,Through a new development model for growth."


New letters:Recent media reports said,Foshan GDP fell to 15 in the whole country,In the past two years have been in chengdu/wuhan/nanjing/Dalian has been beyond the,How do you think of foshan the downward trend in GDP?


LiuYueLun:I noticed this problem,To be honest,I never thought in my heart,We are really beyond you just mention the cities,These are the famous cities in the country.Even if we over them occasionally,It is lucky,And the location of the 15,I think is not low.


Of course a little decline over the past two years,Because the foshan foshan industrial structure decided to met with some difficulties,This should cause our attention,But I really concern is the next step can be fulfilled with quality benefit growth,Through a new development model for growth.


New letters:In foshan face was beyond GDP at the same time,Guangdong is faced with jiangsu/Beyond the threat in shandong province,How do you see the economy"The boss"battle?Have any good Suggestions to the development of guangdong?


LiuYueLun:The amount of guangdong and jiangsu,Tell I just argue with other cities of foshan I think attitude is the same.Guangdong's advantage,You first development for 10 years,So you're cashing in.But this is one of the biggest disadvantages of guangdong,Because earlier this decade,Your level of industry is lower than the somebody else,What you introduce, would probably be somebody else.


So now we are faced with the problem is real,How to grade industrial structure problem,How to have a better quality benefit growth problems,How the transformation of the mode of development of the problem,How to innovation driven path problem.If you don't change,In these areas in guangdong by someone more than you will never catch up with,If changed,Even if being beyond,Still can catch up with.


Personally, I think,The development of guangdong,Foshan representative,Foshan if the transformation is successful,In guangdong have a demonstration significance,So we should take the lead in turn to.


 ●谈环境保护 When talk about environmental protection

  治灰霾或应排在经济发展之前 For ash haze or should be prior to the development of economy

  “起码要渐渐地让指标越来越好看,让大家感觉到空气越来越好。这个事情要做不好的话,我们就是失职。” "At least let indicators gradually more and more beautiful,Let you feel the air is getting better and better.The bad things to do,We would be remiss."


New letters:Nearly period of time the fog haze weather in the country,Foshan have appeared in the serious fog haze days,How do you think about the relationship of economic development and environmental protection?


LiuYueLun:I admit that foshan on the ash haze problems are still serious problems.Actually, foshan leaders are aware of a few years ago,And take the favorable measures,The hundreds of polluting enterprises shut down and go,Don't admit it is not fair.


But now is in the whole province,Foshan is one of the most serious region of PM2.5.This year we have spring is the first thing is about environmental protection,The gas in one of the most important position,It will take us more strength,Even with strong man brokeback courage to environmental protection.


Economic development and the control air is usually should be together,Is as important as,At this stage,I think may be governance grey haze should be prior to the development of economy,I dare not say it can be cured,But will be urgent/Required to do.At least let indicators gradually more and more beautiful,Let you feel the air is getting better and better.The bad things to do,We would be remiss.
