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部分专业98%淘汰率 艺考是捷径还是“囧途”?--亲稳网络舆情监测室


艺考,“捷径”还是“囧途”? Art exam,"shortcut"or"Sorry way"?


艺考,要选拔什么样的人才? Art exam,To select what kind of person?


艺术素养,又是否能靠速成“习”得? Art literacy,And whether it can crash"xi"Have to?


面对不少专业高达98%的淘汰率 Face a lot of professional elimination rate as high as 98%


Beijing warm in February,The heat of the but no stop art test.about/Musical Instruments/backpack/Drag boxes……NianWeiEr hasn't cleared,The examinee of major art institutions flocked and parents together a war""Skill tests to be completed".


This time,Nearly one million people across the country have joined the thundering with their dream"Art force test",Of all the university entrance exam told reporters,To participate in art exam is many loved art since childhood/And experienced professional training system,But more is interested in art that itself is not big,Just as it enters a higher school"shortcut"the"Crash was born","Many people in the two or three‘Try see bad’Hasty text to art/Richard turned to art,Study section of the clapper talk even dare to play,But also tend to imagine the outcome."


Art exam,To select what kind of person?Art literacy,And whether it can crash"xi"Have to?Are on the increase of time/Double pay back money and body and mind,Face a lot of professional elimination rate as high as 98%,It is a reachable for everyone"shortcut",Or a waste of money and"Sorry way"?


艺考,不易! Art exam,Not easy to!


The Spring Festival,In order to cope with the upcoming art exam,Miss wang in shanxi east 4th ring road in Beijing with my parents spent a rented house.after,She was in a nearby art training class in more than three months.


Wang from the Shanxi Province lack of a small town of one hundred thousand people.A winter vacation begins,34 students in my class"shout"Go half"Are travelling outside place".


This is a dubbed by the county people"Cradle artists and athletes"The high school,In several dozens of students admitted to the university each year,There are more than half is artistic or athletic performance."Bad grades in school art"Also become a lot of parents of word of mouth"Entrance magic weapon","No matter what,Academic achievement is relatively low,Always have hope to go to university."


After screening,Academic achievement to wang will in general"Look very need professional film and television playwright-director"Chosen for his own"specialty",Also on"Professional training and examinations"the"Special quick track"."In order to improve the hit rate,I reported a total of 6 13 professional schools,Stick together all at the first,Take a few more field certification can also feel the university entrance exam more chips."


In order to eat the so-called"certainty",The vast majority of"A crash"Art examinee like wang chose to attend training classes,Also paid a high price.Reporters learned from training institutions and a number of advertising,Art examinee three months of training cost should be at least tens of thousands of yuan,And some in"Zero basis of admission,Introduction to 24 hours"the"Teacher training course"Fee is as high as hundreds of yuan or even thousands of yuan per hour.Coupled with the application fee/accommodation/The trip, etc.,Each art examinee exam season spend four or ten thousand yuan.


But even in,In the face of increasingly fierce competition,A lot of"Crash was born"Or because not firm and professional basis"To play the soy sauce"."Some students a mouth is a training class,But blindly imitate the authenticity of the loss of performance.And students to participate in the so-called professional training,Waste this is not a very good learning culture knowledge,Art exam/The university entrance exam is not ideal."Zhao Nan seems to tell us,Art on this article"shortcut",Don't so easy.


考的不是技巧,是素养! Take an examination of is not skill,Is the quality!


"Art is the purpose of the test selection that have artistic talents/Art potential talents,Rather than you already have the professional skills,Our teacher through examination to the students in the process of this kind of professional potential.The real professional learning is need rather than in the training course at the university.Sometimes we may find the situation,Good guy in the training courses are taught in twist,You also need to spend big strength back in college."The dean of admissions at the communication university of China, chardin's eyes,Many misconceptions is that many children may not have professional potential or ability,But don't want to sent to training classes,And this is not love art crash is not desirable.


Even with short term"A crash"Through the art test,Worry and enrolled after training process.Shanxi normal university music department of a teacher tells a reporter,if"Halfway decent"Candidates with only need mechanical memory and imitation made it through art,Also facing the same from culture gave birth to the art students in the university of radical transformation,Not interested in or is a good state of mind,Because unable to stand and hold up learning specialized course easily.


One side is difficult to"A crash"Professional basis,On the other hand,A gradual increase in cultural arts exam score weighting also let many wants to go to"shortcut"The examinee of pressure.


In early years ago,There is media coverage,The ministry of education plans to improve the literacy class of recruit students of the arts since 2014 control fractional line.Among them,Fine arts class undergraduate course specialized students' academic scores control,Not less than 70% of the ordinary the admitted students culture with batch;Music professional students can't below batches with ordinary liberal arts examinee culture 65% of the grade.While this shift,In this year's art exam admissions also anticipated.We have learned,In the light of the different nature of professional study,This year the Beijing film academy admissions 25 professional direction,Sorted by cultural performance merit of specialty and according to the scores and academic achievement of comprehensive sorting admissions professionals accounted for 80%;And the communication university of China said,Will gradually increase the intensity of the appraisal of students cultural knowledge,At the same time,In order to avoid a major special outstanding candidates"die"The fractional line of stuck,The school also launched the top creative talent plan,Select outstanding talents in all aspects.


"Some of the arts,Even more important than ordinary students cultural quality."Famous painter han meilin art talent selection/Culture also has its own unique insight,"With this feed,He can grasp the social essence through representation,And to understand their own spiritual roots."


“艺术家不是逼出来的,艺术是涌动出来的” "Artists aren't pushed out,Art is flowing out"


"Before his art on the road,First to see whether the children have the talent,Second to see kids hot not love this industry."Chardin think,Both parents/Or the candidate,When choosing to attend art test,Want to combine their talents and potential to carry on the rational thinking and judgment,If it's just to get a paper ticket and was forced to step on art schools road test,For the long-term development of the child is not a good thing,"What's more,This in essence,Is not a shortcut."


There are examples to prove it.As early as last year,The Shanghai education commission will art design/performance/Such undergraduate majors as a broadcasting and hosting art"Annual warning professional",Suggested that art college enrollment scale of compressed 10%,Because the professional employment contract rate is low for many consecutive years.


While China YinXie appointe secretary-general of Xu Peidong had loudly,Art on the one hand to love art/Artistic skills and talents of students provides a good platform,On the other hand also become nightmare in some children,These children are striving to learn music at an early age/dance/Drawing a picture,Parents are more than wishful thinking.Xu Peidong called for,Art test function should be to give children love art providing opportunities and platforms to make my dream come true,Kids and the interest is not art,The parents have to let it go when it's letting go,Should not be forced.

  “艺术家不是逼出来的,艺术是涌动出来的。把艺考当成是救命稻草是不可取的。”也许,著名雕塑家吴为山的这句话告诉我们的是,艺考本身,从来就无“捷径”和“囧途”之争,关键在于你为何而来。(本报记者 邓晖)

"Artists aren't pushed out,Art is flowing out.The art exam as lifeline is not desirable."maybe,Famous sculptor wu tells us is this sentence,Art on itself,Never without"shortcut"and"Sorry way"battle,Why is the key to you.(Our reporter Deng Hui)


(Guangming daily)
