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本报讯(记者宋兰兰 通讯员乐钢 袁安华 实习生喻志敏)长大以后想做什么?半年前,面对问卷调查中的这个问题,武汉市培英中学的初中生们约八成的答案是“工作轻松”、“赚大钱”。学生们的回答引起校方思考。几经推敲,该校开设《初中生职业生涯规划教育》课程。昨日,几经修改的新版校本教材出炉。
Report from our correspondent(Reporter Song Lanlan correspondent LeGang YuZhiMin Yuan Anhua intern)What I wanted to be when I grew up?Half a year ago,Facing the questionnaire survey of the problem,Wuhan from the high school students-to-be on about eighty percent of the answer is"Work easily"/"Make a lot of money".The students answer cause the school thinking.After several wash,The school open[Junior high school students career planning education]course.yesterday,After several changes of the new school-based teaching materials.
It is understood,Class to introduce"Career planning courses",From the middle school the move in the city first middle school.
The school headmaster Jiang Zhiwei is introduced,90% of the students are children of rural migrant workers school.Parents do a small business,Life pressure big.Earlier this year,The school conducted a questionnaire survey,A total of 248 students participate.Among them,Accounted for only 36% of parents satisfied with their work,Reasons for discontent"Low pay"/"To work hard".The children hear adults's catch phrase is at most"After make a lot of money,Can you not so tired".
In this family atmosphere under the influence,The school found,More than 80% of the students' interest in their special skill lack of awareness,To aspire to professional direction of the blur.
Examination of each year,About half from the middle school students in secondary vocational schools,Because many people don't like the selected professional and middle school.Into the other half of the ordinary high school students,When the university entrance exam to fill volunteer also often face confusion.School leaders and teachers:"If you can introduce‘Career planning courses’,Help students to understand themselves/design‘Personal development plan’?"In the first half of this year,The school began to write school-based teaching materials[Navigation life career planning education in junior high school students reading].
"Why do cows?""To earn money!""Why to earn money?""To marry the daughter-in-law!""Why marry a daughter-in-law?""Gave birth to baby!""Why gave birth to baby?""cattle!"Shaanxi cowboy story to let the students learn in smile,"A man without ambition,Life can reference only parents leave footprints".School-based teaching material in a similar story,To teach students"Life begins with planning"/"Know occupation,Find opportunities around you"/"Attaches great importance to education,To prepare for early career goals",As well as"How to temper myself,Learn to choose".
In September of this year,This new curriculum into the schedule,Is popular with students.Two months later,The first grade teacher ShuQiongLin found,Many students are clear and stick to their own specialty/hobby.The students in choosing a career in the future,"A personal love"/"A promising young"Factors such as also ranks high in the.
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