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北大“售票帝”3年帮同学订20万张火车票(图) 裴济洋(图片由本人提供) PeiJiYang(The images provided by himself)


新华网讯 xinhuanet


PeiJiYang,The undergraduate class of 2009,Major in international politics/economics/Three professional philosophy,Help students booked 200000 tickets for three years and red blasting network,Referred to as"The ticket emperor".


随着铁路春运逐步进入抢票高峰,Such as ticketing artifact/Booking the man of god, etc. Recently popular in the Internet.Beijing university grade 2009 undergraduate PeiJiYang is such an Internet sensation.It is said that he had in the past three years to help students booked 200000 tickets,A year out of a book is a professional ticketing strategy,Person of Peking University"The ticket emperor".


"The ticket emperor"Is how to practice?In the"A ticket is hard to find"During the peak travel booking,Booking is there a shortcut?In his eyes the ticket ok to buy this year?On the 17th,Xinhua PeiJiYang attachment,Hope his experiences can give is after Spring Festival bring you some revelation.


只要你动脑,去哪都能走 As long as your brain,I go I go


reporter:Every year Spring Festival,Buy a ticket to year after year.For you,,Booking seems to be a simple thing,It's really hard?


裴济洋 PeiJiYang


其实今年车票不难买.Some friends didn't buy a ticket,Or there are four reasons:One is focusing only on a few popular routes to smash;The second is don't abide by the ticket rules,Miss the selling time;Three is the insufficient preparation,The lack of alternative routes,Lead to confusion when booking;Four ideas not flexible enough.Might as well reference for me to do the strategy design of transit routes,Make good use of"Envelope method"/"The method of limited"And so on.


"Envelope method"Is to buy from in front of the station,At this site get in the car:For GuoLuChe via this site,This way you can take;"The method of limited"Is the station to buy further,But in the middle of the stand out of the car in advance.


以电话订票为例,Many people have a official booking calls again and again or login booking website are not successful experience,Don't give up at this moment.In Beijing, for example,Hebei handan also belongs to the Beijing railway administration,Beijing residents can dial the area code of handan(That is, 0310),Plus 95105105,Can be relatively easy to dial in,Well the ticket.


还有直达的票难买时,The way of curve can be used to buy tickets,Generally the ticket to success.Still in Beijing, for example,The ticket train of thought is as follows:


A京哈方向:JingTianJin or transit in shenyang;In the direction B:JingTianJin or hengshui transshipment;C jingjiu direction:Via Ren Qiu or hengshui transfer;D the jingguang direction:Shijiazhuang or transit of zhengzhou;E longhai/Jiaozuo-liuzhou direction:Taiyuan by zhengzhou or transit;F Beijing package direction:Via zhangjiakou south transfer;G all over southwest:Zhengzhou or xiangyang transshipment;H southeast coastal areas:Via Shanghai hongqiao hub.


一般来说,Within 1500 km across most of the transit can be reached at a time;Within 3000 km across most of transshipment can be reached.


我的攻略中有一句口号,call"I go I go",I think as long as you willing to learn/Being creative,Does not fear endures hardship,There is no issues,No can't get places.


没有铁路上的关系,现在研究购票攻略 No railway on the relationship,Now the ticketing strategy


记者:网上说你3年订了20万张票,这事怎么来的? reporter:Online saying you ordered 200000 tickets for 3 years,It come from?


裴济洋: PeiJiYang:


我是In the校内的火车票售票窗口做义务售票员.In the 200000 tickets,I directly play out is a part of the ticket,Another part of the group is to help the school student tickets.Many students fill out the bus needs do not conform to the requirements of the railway,I help after adjustment for everyone to get tickets.


记者:你现在还在帮人订票吗? reporter:Do you still in the group booking?


裴济洋 PeiJiYang


原来我是In the窗口售票.Telephone network ticket rise after basic couldn't get on the window,To specially research to explore the ticketing strategy,Distributed on the Internet,Put my experience more and more people,Let everyone to buy,This is as far as possible with the least amount of time to help more people back home smoothly,I think this is very interesting.


记者:网上很多人猜测你是铁路员工子弟,所以能订到票,是真的吗? reporter:Many speculated that railroad workers' children you are online,So I can book tickets,Is it true that?


裴济洋: PeiJiYang:


有这种猜测主要还是因为大家觉得票难买.I don't have any relationship on the railway,Do things completely by interest.


我喜欢铁路,And the most real of all people and things related to rail.Since freshman year I began to take the train to travel around,North to heilongjiang at mohe,South to sanya, hainan,West to xinjiang hotan,The east side to the lianyungang in jiangsu province,Travel 170000 kilometers,Railway where I almost went to a times.


我觉得铁路是一种文化,Through the ticket window,I learned to communicate with various people,The trip,In an airtight train car,I can see the bitter bitterness of social life,All aspects.


记者:介绍下您的购票攻略,都是怎么总结出来的? reporter:Introduce you the ticketing strategy,How are summed up?


裴济洋: PeiJiYang:


我做的攻略In the人人网/weibo上都可以看到.All of the original,Never picked up someone else's.

  以我今天最新研究出来的攻略为例,从广州向北走的就有两个秘诀:可以购买K408次徐闻-长沙,有硬座、硬卧、软卧,之后从广州上车。这样可以 突破广州瓶颈,去长沙中转前往北部各地。还可以购买K1168徐闻-平顶山西以远各站,此车可到咸宁、武昌、随州、襄阳、南阳、平顶山西、洛阳、三门峡、 华山、渭南、西安。

以我今天最新研究出来的攻略为例,From guangzhou to the north there are two secrets:Can buy K408 xuwen to changsha,Have a hard seat/Hard sleeper/Soft sleeper,After get on the bus from guangzhou.So that we can break through the bottleneck in guangzhou,Transfer to changsha around north.Can also buy K1168 xuwen - ceiling far stations in Shanxi Province,This car to xianning/wuchang/suizhou/xiangyang/nanyang/Ceiling shanxi/luoyang/sanmenxia/ huashan/weinan/Xi 'an.


记者:这个秘诀是如何找到的? reporter:This secret is how to find it?


裴济洋: PeiJiYang:


广州这个是通过查余票发现的.Do strategy are experience and research,For trains/line/Ticket of the research.


reporter:Do these strategies need to spend a lot of time?我看到网上还有很多人通过weibo向你求助购票,Handle it??


裴济洋 PeiJiYang


现In the我每天都特别忙,And will continue until the whole during the Spring Festival.The net friend for help,I wrote more than usually by check tickets and strategies to solve their problems.In terms of writing strategy,Experience is very important,Such as the"A friend in guangzhou,If you don't bother,Change can take a car to zhanjiang.Zhanjiang across to the north is very sufficient capacity."This strategy,I'm my own real past experience.


“抢票利器”我不用 "Rob ticket tool"I don't have to


记者:这三年购票下来,你感觉到什么变化没有? reporter:This ticket down three years,Do you feel any change?


裴济洋: PeiJiYang:

  从我这几年关注春运的经验来看,我感觉现在铁路系统人性化多了,乘客也越来越满意了,各种车次越来 越多信息越来越透明了,一部分车票也比以前好买了。铁路系统一直在努力,铁路部门的服务态度、服务质量、以及运力安排都有进步。我认为,“一票难求”局面 会随运力增加而逐步改善。但是目前广州、华东等重点地区的运力依然紧张。

从我这几年关注春运的经验来看,Now I feel is more humanized railway system,Passenger is becoming more and more satisfied,All kinds of trains to more more information more and more transparent,Part of the ticket also bought better than before.Railway system has been working hard,Railway service attitude/The quality of service/As well as the capacity to arrange all have progress.I think,"A ticket is hard to find"Situation will be improved gradually with the increase of capacity.But now in guangzhou/East China and other key areas of capacity remains tight.


记者:网上流传“抢票利器”,这些抢票软件靠谱吗? reporter:The Internet"Rob ticket tool",These musical software on tickets?


裴济洋 PeiJiYang

  抢票软件我不太了解,没用过,但我觉得购票还是采取正规手段最可靠,切勿盲目另辟蹊径,以免误中陷阱却追悔莫及。(记者:姜春媛 陈元)

抢票软件我不太了解,Never used,But I think the ticket or take formal means the most reliable,Don't blindly a different approach,In order to avoid mistake in the trap but to regret.(reporter:Jiang Chunyuan Chen)


