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“懒爸爸”崇尚“懒哲学” 称能成就好孩子--亲稳舆论引导监测室
In the circle of international cultural exchange,He is senior youth exchange experience quite a lot;In the circles of family education,He is looking for his parents love to suggest the young teacher.With the publication of the book,"Lazy dad"Another way to become known him.Most busy my father is lazy father,But this"Lazy dad"different.He put the daughter to thousands of love change numerous for brief only three,Referred to as"Lazy philosophy".Whether this is euphemistically called actually lazy,Is really efficient practical lines.Might as well go near"Lazy dad"Yang Zheng,Listen to why"When dad,Lazy is a step in the right direction".
良苦用心琢磨“懒”方法 Lantana, hone"lazy"methods
xinhua:Daughter Annie looked at this[Slacker philosophy, good father]After what is feeling?
Yang Zheng:Dull than I had expected,She was not surprised.It makes me very strange,Because the child has the characteristics of the competitive,She also has.But instead, she is very modest,Think you is not as good as written in the book.Every child has a vanity,But I'm very happy to her,She is not love vanity.
xinhua:What made you classifies these methods,In a book?
Yang Zheng:First of all,The ideas I've been there.Was born in Anne it wasn't long before I realized I could accompany her less,I was thinking how to use a small amount of time,I think good things affect her.From this Angle,I was thinking about,Then slowly with the train of thought.
In addition,I engaged in this industry,Virtually will be involved in a lot of family education,Get more experience.Family problems often have parents asked me,I also think of something similar"Children sleep association secretary general"These tricky and effective way to solve.
In the third,Is more important,I found some of the family education theory is poor too far with my own practice.Despite the ringers/Pseudo theory/Commercial things,He said some of pure theory,Nonsense sounds all right.And at the other extreme,Is too thin too cumbersome,Like a children's diary,The parents books can be read,But it's very tired to draw lessons from,May not be effective on their children.
I thought all of these can be put into words,Several mechanical industry publishing house editor is also credited with.Actually start the book from the contrast of Chinese and western family education,Comparison of academic.I wrote too tired,Parents also tired.Then I suggest to write one"Lazy dad"series,Do a lot of people on this"lazy"Interested in words.Writing at the end of the day,In order to live up to this"lazy"word,Special statement and 40 minutes to read,I have to put more than two hundred - page book cuts to about one hundred and fifty pages.
xinhua:As a father,In addition to"lazy"Actually also can feel a sense of accomplishment,This method's success with you,In your opinion can really something into its own in the future is what kind of education form?
Yang Zheng:I think that says in the book of the three elements(With principle of sense of responsibility/ProThe active attitude/The right way)Is enough,Don't like saying 66 proposals for you,Behind also follow 77 method.Especially emphasizes the principle of sense of responsibility,If parents do not pay attention to,Children will be unrestrained,Likely contributed to the recent news that vicious incidents.
As mentioned just now,May be some children out of a book,Will be in a hurry hold to the students.But at least in my communication with Annie last week,Her resolute don't agree with me take the books to school.At this point,If there is no principled as sense of responsibility to cultivate,It's hard to do.
In addition,Children at this stage,Grow the word is the most important.Everyone knows that,Keep pulling type against growth pattern is wrong,That on personality cultivation,To return to nature.
“懒爸”碰壁有成长 "Lazy dad"Hit a wall with growth
xinhua:In the process of education child,Parents often feel,Themselves and children grow up together.Where do you think your growth?
Yang Zheng:I say first one have the common sense,A father said his books"The so-called grow up with the children,Is a self re-education".Children ask you some questions,Parental instinct to tell him a right way,Even told him the answer because I have made mistakes,Specially to warning.So I think it is a reflection of the process.
As far as I'm concerned,I want to let the child have absorbed some advantages of Chinese and western,Also to let her not go my way.I am touched the wall in Germany,Is Germany method mentioned in the book,No matter how I think Germany rigid/Germany's stupid,But in the end I thought that flexible approach to the traditional surface,They will instead"rigid"Produced by a special originality.Let me have a deep realize the differences between the two countries,So before the education child,I have been the social education.There are a little said,Family education can not punishment,There are rules of the school education punishment,But in the social education without mercy,Let you grief.Before that,,I actually advocating children eat a bit bitter honed by point,Want to raise children can grasp the stop-loss point,They will have a reasonable arrangement.
xinhua:Work is also related to education,Work and life there must be from each other,How is the effect?
Yang Zheng:It is quite obvious,Is different with others,I also want to how to solve.Under the condition of less time with your child such as how to guide children,I have summarized those"Nothing more than"Types of dad,Their father is also very busy,But the children are growing well.Again for instance,During the period of German,Their methods of rigid,First let me feel very funny,The second feel very honorable,A third think they are terrible.So I took them some method and combining with the advantages of Chinese flexible to use.
Just mentioned grow together,You can say that,In fact, I was the education theory and child grow together including my work.In the work,To other families to solve the problem,The somebody else ask teacher Yang,Your home very good Annie,What methods do you have.This is my words to write me this things,From the concept to form words in mind,This is a common growth.
xinhua:To say so,If we can grow up with Anne,See you the next book for older children?
Yang Zheng:Don't I show what tune?The second book is called as I thought"How dare you old dad?",The meaning of this topic is dad you will never be old,Is the advanced version of this book.I think in education children on this matter,Not only is not tired,And a youth care product,The cultivation of the young state of mind,So lazy father never gets old.
内向也有内向的active Introverts are introverted The active
xinhua:A lot of examples in the book,The deepest impression is Annie directly run,Said that was too late to don't raise your hand.Anne is a very The active and outgoing boy,So what do you think introverted children?
Yang Zheng:This is I didn't mention in the book,The so-called extroversion and introversion.I'm in the book"The active"The word,There is even a lot better than my English parents also mentioned"ProThe active",Are proThe active,What is a all washed up,Another is to be able to manage plan.
I use"The active"The word is actually represents a kind of attitude.Because you use any Chinese words,positive/Take the initiative to/A bright and cheerful disposition/flexible,Everyone will think of extroverted child,But my heart is both outgoing indrawn child should have the The active attitude.
Now every family focus on earthquake relief,Might extroverted will The actively said I want to go to the front;And introverted child,Can still have this kind of The active attitude,He can be in the rear donations,Can even research areas is lack tents or lack of water,Even if people don't go.So regardless of the character,Positive attitude towards life are all in line.
When it comes to this point,I would like to make a suggestion to the school teacher.Some children,Like Annie,Really put hands up as fun.And I also see introverted children are also expressed,He could draw a picture,Expressed in painting after I read a book/Watching the movie feeling.Don't know how to arrange the school blackboard now,I strongly recommend BBS board should have a free speech,Let students to add something.
xinhua:The future puberty,Children will also have character,Parents at this stage how to grasp?
Yang Zheng:That I haven't investigated,There is no right to speak,But I can tell you a story not written in the book.One day I said"Annie,You now how so capricious?",I also will say many dad will say the usual words of,Then she said,"Come on, dad,Your daughter is now in the youth rebellious period,I have so good".
Behind the simple dialogue illustrates the different levels of two kinds of communication.The first communication,Is nothing taboo between we and the children.How could she know"Rebellious youth period"The word?This must be the result of the common communication no obstacle.Another accessibility is the communication between parents and children,She what all dare to say with you.As she will take"Rebellious youth period"As a shield.
I believe also very very optimistic,In a few years when she truly entered the rebellious period in the so-called let parents worry,Because we have the prophase preparation and communication,After the negative feelings in the past,When we can sit down and discuss again,She can know problem,On the recommendation.
和爸爸不一样,却可以和姐姐一样 Is not the same with my father,But it can be like sister
孩子总有一天会离开父母自己走 Children will one day leave parents themselves
xinhua:In your experience,Now what are the family education in the past, we do not realize the new problems?
Yang Zheng:Whether it is a new problem or a serious problem,Just the two.A is now most of them are only children,Brother elder sister there is a fault,So who is a child's role model?Mom and dad is not.
I give you an example,Anne from kindergarten learns to pulley,But as long as I with her slip,She always took my hand.I said your slide,She said immediately on the ground"Dad I am afraid of".But just two weeks I'm on a business trip,Back is completely different.I still pull her to sliding pulley,Suddenly she let go of my hand,You've.Just two weeks, why she has such a big change,Just because a foreign mutual born sister's company,My sister fell along with her.Sister, what she do,And what she can't do dad.She thinks you are dad,Can you I can't.My sister is a model,Something can discuss together,Learn from each other.
The second point is stressed in the book,Spend the problem of high attention.I would say stay-at-home mothers must be harmful to children,Especially the boy.The two are connected,Due to the problem of only children,So nothing in this one child.
xinhua:Society is complicated,About negative information,What methods do you have?
Yang Zheng:Children with pets similarities is all have to take care of,Difference is pets don't have to leave their,Sooner or later have to leave their children.So don't give the child to shape a perfect environment in particular.Don't hit people don't like education children bully,So you are faced with bad people,How do you go to self-defense?
I saw all these books education child class,There are two word is"fair".The real fair is the largest unfair to the child.After go to work not mom and dad this big tree,In the face of unfair what should you do?But I also know there are a lot of a lot of examples,Children stand out from the crowd,But it is not accidental,Began training at the age of two.Fight for fair method to teach children,As well as self adjusting state of mind,This is far more important than to give him a fair result.
xinhua:Have readers also reflect,This book is not the same as previous parents reading,Simple and practical.What do you think parents class reading book market now?
Yang Zheng:My point of view in the book is very mild,But maybe you which day I like fenqing in this industry.In the family education,Market is filled with a variety of ringers and sell also seems well.I really want to tell parents,Some is not very good method,The effect of it is let you have the psychological comfort,But the bad will be in the child at the age of 18/Even at the age of 28.Ninety-nine proposals to mother,Must do one hundred parent-child game,This paper is,No practical significance.These methods may create a studious nature,But not before no anticipated problems,Children will be readily solved,After moves towards the society can be reassuring?This is a good idea now more and more good advice under the system do not make me convinced.
未来中西合璧一定会受益 Match well of Chinese and western is bound to benefit in the future
xinhua:You book through the analysis of the different ways of China Germany America,Got some experience in education,Also now have to learn from China in the west.To this kind of condition do you have any experience of Chinese and western learn from each other?
Yang Zheng:Actually I don't think there is a foreigner or a group of foreigners can be in-depth understanding of the real China.In ancient China is closed,Thousands of years precipitation is only on the local excellent culture,When the modem is just more than one hundred years in the United States,We are introduces.More than one hundred years and thousands of years of contrast is very obvious,Plus English easier than Chinese,We to the western learning faster.
Now China is let a person feel more and more,Why is the essence of foreigners want to learn Chinese is hard.China now development is too fast,Almost every five years there will be a by leaps and bounds.I come into contact with the foreigners to understand Chinese,Just to know what he thought.So in the future the trend of the communication,Match well of Chinese and western is bound to benefit.
In the trend of international convergence,I advocate is The active.Under the study in this topic,I have seen too many Chinese students"To learn without leaving".In fact they are in order to save money to form China's building/Chinatown/China town,But in this environment,It is easy to learn in a foreign country,But thoughts and cultural ideas always stay in China.
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