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北京联网采集小学入学信息 随迁子女入学凭五证--亲稳网络舆情监控室
本市幼升小增加2.6万人 This city baby l little increase of 26000
2012年本市小学入学人数为141738人,Junior high school enrollment of 108133.From the area county summary data,Primary school entrance in about 174616 people this year,26421 more than last year,Junior high school enrollment of 113558,More than last year, 5716 people.
由于近几年学生生源持续增加,Municipal education commission launched three years plan of action.Established in 2013, 30 school of urban and rural integration,Plans to add 8000 degree,In 2014 is expected to increase to 24000 degrees.
户籍地居住地选一处登记 Choose registered permanent residence registration
今年本市将对未来3至5年适龄儿童入学进行信息采集.May 2 detailed rules for the districts and counties in the future work will hang nets.
人户分离,How to make information collection?Roger said deputy director of the municipal education commission,Information gathering must guarantee uniqueness,School-age children can only in the census register seat or choose any one to register.Districts and counties are in student id number for authentication,A registration number corresponding to an id number,No duplicate registration.Students according to the registered address to place the audit area entrance.
外来人口入学也需先在网上进行信息采集,In the process of registration,Need to consider the long-term living or to be registered for more than six months.
随迁子女入学仍凭“五证” The trailing their children to school is still on"5 card one"
随迁子女入学今年仍保持"5 card one"The same.School-age children without the registered permanent residence of this municipality/young,Because their parents or other statutory guardians work or live in this city needs to receive compulsory education in our city,By their parents or other statutory guardians hold his temporary residence permits in Beijing/The actual residence in Beijing residential certificate/Migrant workers in Beijing employment certificate/Issued by the township government seat of registered permanent residence in the local have no proof of guardianship conditions/Family residence booklet, etc/certificate,The residence sub-district offices or township people's government of the audit confirmation,到居住地所在区县教委确定的学校联Department of就读;The school have difficulty in receiving,You may apply for residence in area county education committee to coordinate to solve.
四类外地儿童可按本市户口对待入学,Including holding area county education committee[Taiwan compatriots children attend instrument of ratification],The national postdoctoral management department[Postdoctoral researcher at children of introduction]As well as the parents[Into the station letter]/Forces division(brigade)Level of political department of the army's family and active documents/Area county of overseas department[Beijing overseas Chinese children to receive compulsory education certificate]Certificate of school-age children.
跨片入学将建立审核制 Across the entrance will establish a audit system
按照免试/Neighborhood school principle,All reaching the age of 6(Prior to August 31, 2007 was born and has permanent residence in the city)The school-age children,Must be according to the district education commission designated school nearby enrollment services.
罗杰表示,Will be set up across the flow audit system,For students across a slice of entrance requirements is put forward,Across the reason must be reasonable,Across specific requirement for checking by district education commission decision.
严查将奥数纳入招生标准 Scrutiny include mathematical olympiad in admissions standards
2013年将重点就公办学校通过考试/Training course selection form of students,Mathematical olympiad pegged to the entrance,Schools to recruit students behavior as well as the district education commission set up and implement control flow such as audit system for special inspection,The irregularities resolutely corrected,To criticized the clue is serious in the city,For those responsible serious processing.
西城小升初取消“双向选择” Wl among cancelled"Two-way choice"
西城区教委相关负责人表示,Xicheng district will be in accordance with the policy requirements related to the city,Determined to carry out"Mathematical olympiad and all kinds of performance are strictly prohibited to students as the basis,Pegged to the entrance"Such policies.
在小升初入学考试policy上,Students from outside the area to xicheng district,Conform to the conditions,Implementation of"Two-way choice"policy,This year, this policy will be cancelled, xicheng district,This part of the students into four kinds of recruitment method.According to introducing,Special immortal/Recommend central allocation/Build the life/Big central allocation,This is the current xicheng district four among admissions.
今年西城区小学入学压力非常大,Only the household registration number of school-age children will reach 9000 people,3000 more than last year,Growth rate is as high as 50%.
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