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北京4月拟出台新小升初办法 奥数与升学脱钩--亲稳网络舆情监控室

参加政协活动有三任务 Chinese people's political consultative conference activities have three tasks
新京报:You are a newly elected CPPCC member this year,How will you rite?
线联平:I am a freshman in the CPPCC,The three take part in the activities in the Chinese people's political consultative conference (CPPCC),One is to learn,Is more wide field of vision in the understanding process of the capital's economic and social development and the city of major project propulsion,At the same time also understand the difficulties that exist in the field work/Key issues.The second job is to research,In accordance with the unified arrangement of the Chinese people's political consultative conference,And with the actual characteristics of their work,Combined with me to Beijing is interested in some of the problems in economic and social development,Targeted to carry out the investigation and study,To hear more from front-line staff opinions and Suggestions,To know the truth.The third job,Is the advice,I am a education of other members,For the development of education,The healthy growth of the teenagers are very concerned about,How can I use the identity of the CPPCC in the investigation and study on the basis of developing education reform,Adolescence is the focus of the problem put forward some feasible Suggestions for government departments to adopt and using for reference.
谈关注 Talk about attention
将对学生减负进行调研 Will students burden for research
新京报:This year's two sessions,You are more interested in what's the problem?
线联平:Mainly two problems,On the one hand,The social from all walks of life how to teenagers healthy growth for capital/Comprehensive development to provide a better support,Now children wants to accept high quality education,This topic is harder,To do well,You also need to solicit support in every way,For instance,We focus on students physical health problems,In particular, parents/Family is more concerned about student's physical health,Rather than simply learning the culture/The examination results as the main task of child growth and development,There are a lot of policies to improve in this respect.On the other hand,The eighteenth big report,Want to do good to people's satisfaction of education,This request is higher,The development of education at various levels and of a remarkable in the capital,But compared with the people's hope,Have a gap.As a CPPCC member to deal with the government and education administrative departments a position put forward better Suggestions,For instance,How to embody quality education in the education activities,What measures are taken to achieve primary and middle school students during the goal.
新京报:You will take this proposal?
线联平:This year don't have my proposal,My main task is to research on two issues.Burden will become my research topic as a CPPCC member perform their duties,This topic is very difficult.
除了减负,I also pay attention to students' physical health,This is a capital of education development around though/Hide not open,Primary and middle school students bad vision detection rate and obesity rate continued high,The disadvantage for the growth of students.But the two rates continue to remain high is due to a variety of reasons,How to use some specific measures to solve these problems,Need to research.
谈热点 Talk about hot
制止小升初与奥数挂钩 Stop among pegged to the mathematical olympiad
新京报:Beijing suspended last year Olympic math class,And said resolutely put a stop to aoshu pegged to the entrance,Among policy for this aspect of the adjustment this year?
线联平:Among measures this year is still in making,Basic guidelines will resolutely put a stop to the entrance and mathematical olympiad,This attitude has not changed.It is customary,Every year around April,Beijing will give a principled provisions,District and the specific measures.
新京报:For primary and secondary school physical problems,Beijing put forward last year over the next three years will increase care doctor of primary and secondary schools,The presence of specific measures?
线联平:More is through the existing teacher's on-the-job training,Conform to the standard conditions can be engaged in the work,Enrollment expansion outside sometimes not so good,Because for what kind of people,Too professional staff also don't want to do the job for a long time.In addition,Some of the kindergarten/Primary and secondary schools hire retired doctors and nurses when health care doctor,With the help of this resource is also effective.
新京报:Last year the city education DuDaoShi to evaluate 11 counties compulsory education balanced development,How's the progress of now?
线联平:Supervise the process has finished,Working on the final evaluation report,This 11 counties reached the basic standards.There is no final conclusion,The equilibrium level enhances unceasingly,But there are some problems need to improve.
新京报:The two sessions this year will be a general election,For a new government,As a member of what do you expect?
线联平:这届政府在改革力度上应该能进一步加大,因为在北京城市发展中,遇到很多难题,包括环境问题、人口问题、资源问题和产业结构问题,这些问题要解决只靠一般性的政策推动不够,要加快各领域的改革,包括机制、体制改革,这些改革推进之后,应该说我们能取得一定成效,所以说改革是我们这届政府面临的重要任务,也是关键的一个手段。 (记者 杜丁)
线联平:The government should further increase in the reform,Because in the development of Beijing city,Met a lot of problems,Including environmental problems/The population problem/Resources and industrial structure problems,To solve these problems on general policies alone is not enough,To speed up the reform in all fields,Including the mechanism of/System reform,After the reform,It should be said that we can obtain certain result,So reform is our important task facing the government,Is also a key tool.(The reporter dutin)
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