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小学校长猥亵多名女生10余年 受害者:想杀了他--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
老师,This is a sacred profession of teaching.Qianshan a elementary school principal Yang,Over the years was obscene number of elementary school girls.The reporter learns from qianshan county prosecutor's office on February 20,杨某已于2月8日被移送since诉.
2月19日18时许,Net friend"Natural rhapsody"Tweeting said,Qianshan county town dawn village elementary school principals more well Yang compulsory indecent 6 to 11 more than female students,Span of 10 years or more."拿出压箱底的2012年8月In the安徽潜山的日记,Despite how much I want to never open,Ear, I often think the children's mother cry."
2月20日下午,The reporter found the tortuous"Natural rhapsody"cheng.According to introduction cheng,He was buried,现In the外地工作.Cheng said,On August 19, 2012 in the morning,When he returned to qianshan,With a relative's child XiaoJuan(Not his real name)do"Not for the bad guys keep a secret"When the game,XiaoJuan said in broken accent:"Miss Yang I insulted,I want to kill him."When 'tis once spoken,Taken half a day cheng was speechless.After the shock,The second day is dialed 110 call the police.
接到报警后,Qianshan county public security bureau immediately launched an investigation,当晚就将In the家的杨某抓获,The next day to lock up.记者yesterday从潜山县检察院获悉,杨某今年2月8日已被检察机关移送since诉.We have learned,Since 2001 and was arrested,杨某In the该小学当老师/校长的过程In the,Compulsory indecent more teenage girl,Yang obscene the victim,Some now adult took to the society.
据杨某的同事介绍,Yang was born in 1954,Have a happy family,子女现In the也都已经工作.而如今, etc.待他的,Will be the legal punishment.(Six qiao jiang)
相关案例: Related to the case:
上海一男教师被多位已毕业男生实名举报性骚扰 A Shanghai male teachers are more than boys real-name reporting has graduated from sexual harassment
多名微博Net friendAt the same timeIn the网上实名举报,华东师大二附In the物理教师某教师曾多次以"Check the body"grounds,对In the校In the学男生do出有违师德的举动.记者就此事采访了In the国青年政治学院教授/In the国社会工作教育协会副会长陆士桢,She said,Such events is very bad,Through a research visit found recently,幼年遭到侵犯,特别是遭到同性侵犯的男孩,长大后的行为举止更易受到此类事件的影响 Childhood violations,Especially being gay boy,Grow up to behave more vulnerable to such events。[详细]
校长涉嫌强奸多名小学生 谎称亲亲可以长得高点 校长涉嫌强奸多名小学生 谎称亲亲可以长得高点
广东阳春市一读者向南方农村报爆料称,Yangchun Dan hope primary school headmaster Chen Shipeng town and the people were arrested on suspicion of rape, the university students,Recently the trial.The principal why pupils time frequent outbreaks of sexual abuse,The principal psychology have a problem or poor regulation of the school,The reasoning behind this is worth all the parents and school officials thought,And resolutely punish this kind of behavior。[ .[详细
In more detail] ]
台湾教师4年间性侵12女童千余次 被判囚4613年 Taiwan teacher four years of sexual abuse 12 girls thousands times was sentenced to prison in 4613
中国台湾网7月21日消息 据台湾媒体报道,台中市一家补习班的王姓老板,4年间在补习班地下室或趁驾驶接送车时,当学生的面陆续对12名女童猥亵性侵1013次,其中多名女童几乎天天被侵犯,一女童更在3年内遭染指536次,法院先前依一罪一罚判这名变态狼师4613年10月,最长应执行有期徒刑30年,为性侵案最重判刑。台"最高法院"昨驳回上诉定谳。[详细]
In the国Taiwan湾网7月21日消息 据Taiwan湾媒体报道,TaiwanIn the市一家补习班的王姓老板,4年间In the补习班地下室或趁驾驶接送车时,When students face of 12 girls in succession for indecent assault 1013 times,Among them多名女童几乎天天被侵犯,一女童更In the3年内遭染指536次,Court a a punishment for crimes according to the previous abnormal wolves in October 4613,The longest fixed-term imprisonment shall be implemented for 30 years,Final sentence for sexual abuse.Taiwan"The Supreme Court"Yesterday set to reject the appeal trial Thursday.[details]
评论: comments:
毛开云:教师性侵女学生,悲剧啥时是尽头? 毛开云:Teachers abuse women students,When what is at the end of tragedy?
老师性侵学生啥时才是尽头?This is the whole society must think and think of some way to explain the problem.The current,Shanghai/北京, etc.地大力开展青少年性教育,Improve adolescent sexual awareness and ability,Strengthen the sexual attitudes/Sexual morality/Sex education,Should be positive.But...[details]
应对儿童性侵犯各国方法不相同 Response to sexual abuse method is not the same in all countries
英国 把性教育排进课程表,根据"国家必修科学课程"的具体规定来进行教育。儿童从5岁开始,就在学校接受有关防止性侵犯的课程。该课程将向学生解释身体的哪些部分属于私处,大人摸不得。
英国 把性教育排进课程表,According to the"State required science courses"The specific provisions for education.Children from the age of five,就In the学校接受有关防止性侵犯的课程.This course will explain to students which parts belong to the private parts of the body,Adults touch may not.
韩国 将对儿童性犯罪的最高刑期由15年调至50年。2011年7月,韩国首部针对严重性犯罪进行化学阉割的法案获得通过。今年5月21日,韩国法务部首次对娈童癖惯犯朴某正式实施药物阉割,为期3年。韩国也成为亚洲首个实施化学阉割的国家。[详细]
韩国 将对儿童性犯罪的最高刑期由15年调至50年.In 2011,7月,South Korea first in view of the seriousness of crime for chemical castration of its passage.This year May 21,,Justice for the first time to child abuse addiction recidivist park was formally implemented a drug castration,For three years.South Korea has become Asia's first implementation of chemical castration.[details]
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