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红酥手好吃吗?水井边更适合赏月?教授说,你们要多查词典 Red delicious crisp hand?Wells and more suitable for appreciating the moon?The professor said,You want much to check dictionary
"Against the bar well look at the moon,Moths and ducks fly together……"Can you understand this kind of artistic conception is for"Before my bed a pool of night"and"Sunset and solitary seek fly together"In data processing??recently,Some of our primary school/Junior middle school stage is familiar five poems"The new"Turn on weibo is hot.Many netizens sigh for we since the childhood have been fooled?Exactly be misread or someone do STH unconventional or unorthodox in one thousand to create new point?Whether the claim is based on,Reporter yesterday visit.
五首古诗词被误读上千年? Five poems have been mistaken for millennia?
This is for weibo[By misunderstanding of modern five words poetry]Touted online,Often hundreds of thousands of forwarding.Especially after the"@ ancient poetry"After the forward,Netizens believe more.
这五句诗词包括: “床前明月光”,不是卧榻的床,而是井栏;
This five words poetry including: "Before my bed a pool of night",Is not a bed of the bed,But well bar;
"Right to not ship",Ship is"skirt"The meaning of,Before the boat is seen driving fasten skirt;
"Sunset and solitary seek fly together",Sunset is"Scattered moths";
"Head of a bed place roof leak swear",Houses leakage refers to the northwest,Not the house leaks;
"The red hands,Yellow Teng wine",The red hands is a kind of tea.
At that time,Netizens have backed an Epiphany,Also some people clap brick,Said is entirely far-fetched.
Net friend"MeiRenCao CJM"Xiao zhao is a student of department of wuhan university.She talked about her own ideas:"Before my bed a pool of night"The bed is hu bed,That is mazza.Mr Ma did not explain it‘Hyperbole carrying a camp stool,Sitting in the yard‘’,Is the most lively and interesting."
Net friend"Sweep Ye Yiju"said,"The ship"Word for"The collar"Solution is in the qing dynasty,Such as the"XianZu clothes don't ship to the door".Ship should be in the tang dynasty,If you explain collar is impassability.
教授:网传新解较为穿凿 professor:More create network transmission data processing
Central China normal university college of liberal arts Tan Bang and professor,Poems by later generations even had been misunderstood misunderstanding is possible,As long as found should be promptly corrected.But this is not the ground was,The ancient scholar is very serious,Our scholars of ancient Chinese poets should have the basic trust.This a few words of poetry called online"New insights into"Can solve logical confusion,Affect the readers of this a few songs to understand correctly.
Network spread this a few words of the new poetry,The main reason is that these words have more meaning,Such as the"The bed"There are"Backyard fence well"or"mazza"The meanings of,"The ship"Have a dialect"skirt"The meanings of,"Roof leak"In particular the northwest corner of room,"The red hands"Is the name of a pastry, and so on.but,These meanings is the metaphorical meaning of words or more specific meanings,If you put the poetry XieTong for its common meanings,Why must to drill the deep end and the coherent and easy to understand solution poetry was broken?
Tan Bang and examples,According to the"Sunset and solitary seek fly together"Solution for the"Wild duck eat by moth"It is not new,Someone put forward that sunset is in the song dynasty"Scattered moths",The reason is that nanchang have shouted moths for locals"Chardonnay moth",Archaeologists have long been song dynasty criticism.Because there is no such literature interpretation.As for the"The red hands"Solution for dessert,Seems not?.here"The red hands,Daemonorops margaritae wine"Make love people down if the solution hand of fine fine jade of daemonorops margaritae wine,How much more can strike a chord of lu you?
Professor Tan Bang and think,Poetry was to understand the poem,Not only need language exegetical and nature science knowledge,You also need to read poetry,Understand the poet,Enter the context,The poem to access solution,Go to beauty solution,Solve the artistic conception,Solve the intrinsic,Work out beauty.Appreciation of classical poetry[CiYuan][lexicon][Kangxi dictionary]Even more specialized reference books is a good habit,Can help us to better interpret poetry.
文/记者李芳 屈建成 通讯员党波涛
Wen/reporter li fang QuJianCheng correspondent party waves
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