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中央编译局主要负责人衣俊卿因为生活作风问题,不适合继续在现岗位工作,被免去其中央编译局局长职务。2013年1月17日 ,新华社的消息证实了此前的传言。2012年末,衣俊卿成为一篇记叙17次开房经过的网络长文的男主角,文章作者是中央编译局的一位女博士后,正是这篇文章成了他被免职的导火索。
中央编译局主要负责人Garment tuan qingBecause of life style,Doesn't fit to continue working now,Be removed as wangxuedong, director position.On January 17, 2013 ,Xinhua news agency confirmed the news of previous rumors.At the end of 2012,Garment tuan qing as a narrative of 17 times check in through the network long hero,The author is a female postdoctoral wangxuedong,Is this article became his dismissal.
事件还原 Event reduction
首任妻子:他怕影响仕途而离婚 First wife:He's afraid influence career and divorce
1958年1月,A native of liaoning donggang garment tuan qing,Born in heilongjiang province HuLin county cadre of an ordinary family.CSL (primary and secondary stages of,As China's"The cultural revolution"During the period.After graduating from high school,Garment tuan qing to join"Down to the countryside"The ranks of the.During the period of the countryside,Tuan qing joined the communist party of China.
1977年底,After the college entrance examination restore,Tuan qing was admitted to Beijing university philosophy."University three years before,I基本上是一个循规蹈矩地接受课堂and书本知识的好学生."Said in his work.
1982年2月,Garment tuan qing university after the graduation was assigned to teach at heilongjiang university department of philosophy.In October 1984,His graduate as submitted by the state education commission,To the former Yugoslavia Belgrade university education philosophy.On January 23, 1987 by reply,Garment tuan qing he received a doctor's degree smoothly.
1987年2月回国后,衣俊卿继续在黑龙江大学任教。回国不久,衣俊卿结束了第一次婚姻。彼时,衣与原配妻子丛某已育有一子。对于这段婚姻,其前妻多年前接受《世界华商》杂志采访时的解读是:因为一些事情,丈夫认为她“不会做人”、“怕影响他的仕途晋升”、“加上一系列复杂因素”,两人离异。在黑龙江大学,衣俊卿198 9年晋升为副教授,1991年破格晋升为教授。其先后为本科生、硕士生和博士生开设马克思主义哲学史、西方马克思主义、当代社会思潮等多门课程。1990年起 ,他还先后担任黑龙江大学《求实学刊》的副主编和主编。
1987年2月回国后,Garment tuan qing continue in heilongjiang university.Back home soon,Tuan qing ended the first marriage.At the time,Clothing bundle with original wife has married with a son.For the marriage,His ex-wife accept years ago[The world Chinese businessman]Magazine reading is:Because some things,Her husband thought she"Not to be"/"Be afraid influence his political career promotion"/"Combined with a series of complicated factors",Two people divorce.In heilongjiang university,Tuan qing 198 promoted to associate professor,Abnormality is promoted to professor in 1991.Its for undergraduates/硕士生and博士生开设马克思主义哲学史/Western marxism/The contemporary social ideological trend and so on many subjects.Since 1990 ,He also served as heilongjiang university[Strives for realism the journal]的副主编and主编.
1998年,At the age of 40, tuan qing at heilongjiang university President.2005 is the garment tuan qing life CV is important a year.As research achievements in the field of marxist philosophy in China,Garment tuan qing among the"Zhongnanhai teacher"The ranks of the.
他仍在中央编译局专家之列 He is still in wangxuedong, experts said
"Learning and optimal is shi".In 2007,,Tuan qing formally bid farewell to the campus into official career,Heilongjiang provincial party committee standing committee/Provincial party committee propaganda department minister.In February, 2010,,In heilongjiang province[Shuangyashan daily]First disclosed the garment tuan qing will become wangxuedong, director of the news.
在Garment tuan qing就任中央编译局局长During the period,The agency in our business.In the middle of December 2012,Garment tuan qing and wangxuedong, female postdoctoral Chang Yan affair be disclosed on the Internet.Being an outsider as he later"when"The trigger.
按照常艳的前述自述文字,On December 11, 2011,Two people have sex for the first time.At the time,Both have a spouse.Chang Yan is a land of beulah;But tuan qing ended after her first marriage,Marry wife li mou.
On January 17, 2013,The xinhua news agency reported,Garment tuan qing for"Life style"dismissal.He became the vice secretary of sichuan provincial party committee the original Li Chuncheng/Hubei province people's congress standing committee, deputy director of the original Wu Yongwen after,After the third place in the eighteenth big"Lok ma"The deputy ministry official.
"In relative to the traditional society,Is cheating for adultery/This kind of talk about extra-marital affairs,Often leads to the parties cannot be looked up to be men and women,Even broken,No future to speak of."In one of its representative works[Modernization and a critique of everyday life](The 1994 version)In the book,Tuan qing had such comments.A language into a more,Tuan qing after dismissal,Has the media to"With a mouthful of male,Full of stolen sexual abuse"To condemn them.
但是,There are many people expressed regret for it."Mr Coat is very nice,It's a pity that the"……Similar evaluation,With a number of criticisms coexist in the Internet.
被免去局长一职之后,Garment tuan qing is still in the wangxuedong, experts said.If there is no Chang Yan long,Public garment tuan qing,Perhaps is still a XuePin officer are good people.In this affair,Tuan qing there has never been any public response.
网友热议 netizens
衣俊卿被免,还有多少漏网之鱼? Garment tuan qing is free,How much is the net?
网友"David":Actually I have been looking at this thing.Personal think,Study this matter for many marxists is a major injury,Even for the masses of theory workers is also a kind of damage.
网友"qianjiang":If the clothes tuan qing is not this time"Because of life style"while"Doesn't fit to continue working now",If not he and Chang Yan 17 times"Would lie to talk about"Details out exposure,Moral out of his mouth/Value of the,These noble words,It is very very look up.As he expressed admiration of admirers,"I,Sitting in the audience,Like a foolish boy suddenly broke into a resplendent and magnificent palace……"
网友"Sun Guowen":Chang Yan real-name reporting tuan qing process,Internet users would have control over.So they believe that,There must be something wrong with garment tuan qing.
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