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今年北京新增入园名额2.4万个 近三年增7.5万个--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


This year is the implementation"Preschool education action plan for three years"In the last year,yesterday,Released by the Beijing municipal education commission"In 2013 to assume the city shiny.you engineering tasks"According to,Beijing this year add 24000 places in the park.


The relevant person in charge of municipal education commission said,As the peak in the park"Ebb tide"Capacity and kindergarten,Children in difficult problems will be fundamental.


近三年幼儿园学位增7.5万个 75000 kindergarten degree increase in nearly three years


According to introducing,To ease into the garden,Beijing enacted in 2011[The Beijing pre-school education action plan for three years(2011-2013)]Put forward,The city/area(county)Investment of 4.96 billion yuan for 3 years,Planning and construction and reconstruction of 769 kindergarten,Increase the degree of 75000.


This year is implemented in Beijing"Three years in a plan of action"In the last year,The passbook engineering task division according to published by the municipal education commission,This year Beijing kindergarten will add 24000 degree.


According to introducing,In Beijing last year to reconstruction of 142 kindergarten and equipment configuration,Support 105 village garden construction,20000 new places in the park,Added 3100 new teachers.Standard public kindergarten fees,The education department of China public garden subsidies from 1200 yuan to 3600 yuan.


 随迁子女考中职办法年底完成 Trailing children secondary way to be completed by the end of test


yesterday,Released by the municipal education commission"In 2013 to assume the city shiny.you engineering tasks"According to,This year, the commission will apply on ten shiny.you engineering,including:Promotion of district teaching resources sharing/A school alliance, etc,Promote the compulsory education balanced development;Construction of primary and secondary school three years plan of action,Support 30 school for urban-rural integration construction,The project is expected to be completed by the end of;Implementation of migrant workers children trailing in secondary vocational school exam admission policy,The entrance exam concrete implementation measures,The policy is expected to finish at the end of the year.


According to introducing,Beijing launched last year"Three years of primary and secondary school construction plan of action",Implementation of seven projects such as construction of urban and rural district elementary and middle schools,Support new 29 middle schools and primary schools,In urban and rural copula and 15 suburbs support construction"A legal person/The integration of management"Primary and secondary schools.(dutin)
