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Li tianyi, the son of suspected earlier wave of something new.Earlier media reports said,Mr. Li because son is ill in hospital.But check by journalists,Mr. Li is not in the hospital,yesterday,The PLA art academy art were held on normal,He has also appeared on xiaobo.Some netizens also said that yesterday,The victim the cancellation charges,Had reached a settlement intention and the suspect's family,But the well-researched,This is a false news also.
The day before yesterday,Media reports said,74 - year - old Mr. Li because of son's spirit is heavily influenced by the blow,Have been sick in hospital.But the media as they headed to work in Mr. Li in an interview with the people's liberation army art academy,The school staff denied that Mr. Li has been in hospital,And said its come to school every day,Looks very normal.
yesterday,Our reporter went to from goshawks continue to follow.Because there was no pass,Couldn't enter the Mr. Li as the dean of the music department understand relevant situation in the building,But the security guard downstairs told reporters,The school is not open now,Only a handful of workers in the building.Reporters then call music department office,Has been no one answered.In another building in the school,The school recruit students professional art exam yesterday formally started in 2013.Although failed to enter the examination room in the building,But a man named Wang Yunfei parents told reporters,Mr. Li xiaobo when sunrise music examination room now.He said:"Son is enter oneself for an examination of the vocal music,Take an examination of come out told me li shuangjiang xiaobo.Don't know if Mr Li is the examiner,But he has been sitting next to her."For people's health,Look not to come out Wang Yunfei said son said ill or not,"Don't look very good. But listen to the son said miss li,Hand from time to time over his head.Children at the time the in the mind very nervous exam,Also don't dare to look again."Wang Yunfei revealed,Unfortunately when his child to smoke[My father]This song,"In the lyrics‘Do your son or daughter in my life I didn't do enough,Beg you next life do my father.’Children sing the in the mind is very nervous,Scared of the lyrics can stimulate to miss li."
Yesterday there is Internet on sina weibo, whistleblowing:"Actress li mou a case to cancel complaint,Has reached a settlement,Because of li mou under 18,And had been drunk,Even if the lawsuit is the low possibility of heavy sentences,Li mou, and other parents to run four suspects,Finally contacted girl parents and had a long talk,The victim finally got great material compensation,Including the implementation of the Beijing hukou/Work and a set of house property."
Then the sina entertainment's official weibo has carried on the rumours.Has a lawyer yesterday also to understand the reading:Criminal cases by the people's procuratorate prosecuted,The victims not at liberty to withdraw,There is no criminal settlement system,"Everything can not be alone a person's unilateral statement."And lawyer said,From the perspective of a Beijing police official,The case in the investigation stage at present,Has not yet entered the litigation procedure,So far from the victim dropped the case.
驻京见习记者 陶禹舟
Beijing TaoYuZhou trainee reporter
(The newspaper of today's Beijing)
事件解读: Event interpretation:
还原:李双江之子涉嫌强奸被刑拘 曾开宝马伤人被劳教 reduction:Li tianyi, the son of alleged rape being detained had open BMW cuts by RTL
细节:李双江之子轮奸案细节曝光 恐吓后轮流发生关系 Details of the:Li tianyi, the son of earlier details after exposure in turns
后续:李双江之子涉嫌轮奸续:涉案五人中仅一人成年 subsequent:Li tianyi, the son of alleged gang rape:Only one out of five adults involved
当事人:李双江之子看守所多次提父亲 其母称盼社会宽容 The parties:Li tianyi, the son of jail many times to ask father mother said to social tolerance
评论:李双江之子,坑爹也被爹坑 comments:Li tianyi, the son of,Pit dad was dad pit
分析:李双江儿子与药家鑫、汪九刀家庭教育的异同 analysis:Mr. Li yao and sons/Wang nine knives, similarities and differences of family education
特别策划: Special planning:
《搜狐家长课堂No.8溺爱等于害他——从李天一事件看家庭教育》 [Sohu parents lecture No. 8 dotes on is equal to hurt li incident, he looked up from the family education]
China's youngest Olympic ambassador/pianist/Study in the United States……Li tianyi, the son of a resume is to let a person envy of elements.In such experiences"celebriots"It is not uncommon in,But with a good family environment/The corresponding education background,It is lawlessness/His arrogance domineer over.The root is well-connected"Small generalist"How to go to this step today…[details]
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