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9成受访者小时挨过打 孩子:挨打过后有心理阴影--亲稳网络舆情监测室
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"Are not allowed to play children's festival,Who set up the?To be sure it is not Chinese."
"We play when I was a child who doesn't have dragged?My daughter not obedient when I played her palms,I think still have effect."
"Spank their children because parents just don't have education child's patience.
昨天,不少网友在 微博上转发一则消息:“今天是国际不打小孩日,不许打小孩哦!”原来,这个特殊的节日是1998年由美国反体罚组织“有效管教中心”发起的,提出了“请来试试看,至少在今天不要打小孩,或者你将会发现,今天过后的每一天,你都不需要打小孩了”的口号,借此反对儿童体罚,宣传对孩子的正面管教方法。
昨天,A lot of net friend to forward a message on weibo:"Today is the international day for the children don't play,No children play!"The original,This special holiday is in 1998 by the United States against corporal punishment"Effective control center"Launched by the,Put forward the"Please give it a try,At least don't child today,Or you will be able to find,Every day after today,You don't need to hit a child"The slogan of the,To against the physical punishment of children,Positive discipline methods of propaganda to the child.
成都商报记者昨天在街头随机访问了100位12-60岁的市民,90 respondents said they played as a child by the parents or elders,There are 89 residents said,The appropriate corporal punishment of children can yet be regarded as a kind of effective education method.
大人:小时候谁没挨过打? adults:When I was a child who was not playing?
"Are not allowed to play children's festival,Who set up the?To be sure it is not Chinese."Yesterday afternoon.,With 12 years old daughter tingting in red star road 2 citizens sheu a listen to) wait for the bus"The international day for the children don't play"Laughed at."We play when I was a child who doesn't have dragged?My daughter not obedient when I played her palms,Generations are so over,I think still have effect."And around her,There are quite a few people have parents nod,"Different national conditions,Foreign does not suit Chinese family education methods."Most of the people polled said,Usually parents beat children will not be too much,Is more of a symbolic punishment".
在100位受访者中,Only 10 people said they had never been parents corporal punishment as a child,But seven of them,Support a moderate amount of corporal punishment.21-year-old college student huang with grandpa's grandmother life since childhood,Never get the beat of the parents,When I grew up, he think it's not necessarily good."Young don't understand,Sometimes adults make sense can not understand,Can get a couple of impressive,At least can regulate behavior,Can slowly understand."
孩子:挨打让我感觉很无助 The child:Beaten let me feel very helpless
在受访者中有8名12-18岁的少年,They all said:"Hate beaten,After all have psychological shadow".17 years old tang still remember,On the junior middle school have a didn't test good,His father played a dash for the door,Hiding in the street to 12 points to go home."Very helpless,Later any further don't study hard."
"but,Wait until child sensible hasn't played,Will hurt his self-esteem,"唐磊的妈妈money女士said.
观点:Spanking is a sign of impatience
昨天,"The international day for the children don't play"Has become a hot topic in the weibo,Many people said,Spank their children because parents just don't have education child's patience.Net friend"Treasure to be Britax flagship store"said:"They grew up,Will have their own ideas,Be patient to listen,Patience to teach,To treat in good friend's point of view,Let them have psychological balance,So can say true."
昨天,Chen shiqu, director of the ministry of public security DaGuaiBan also published weibo:"Don't love kids as simple and crude!"And according to,Against domestic violence,Countries are legislation,Spanking is illegal,Or crime.
网友观点 Users point of view
棍棒下出孝子 有时不打不行 棍棒下出孝子 有时不打不行
@张怡筠:Every day it is"Don't spank their children,"!Parents spank their children,Is to admit that he has no ability to communicate with children.Parents' violence,Children or cowardice child teach is violence,The excellent kids rather than sensible understanding.
@520兰儿:Archaism cloud:Sticks out of the son,Sometimes really don't play no drops,Now too many children is playing/Owe the lesson……
@谌强SQ:Appropriate punishment children why can't you?Proper way,Measured is a very good education.
@那朵连花:Now don't agree with propaganda education idea in the play,Because of different parents,Children vary widely,Just remember to play,The whole theory and can't keep up,Put to much in reality,Have kids lawlessness.This is content with rare for expensive,The family's adult with a child as the center,With a fear of change,Holding fear fell,Don't want to touch……According to @ the People's Daily microblog
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