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武大教授30年后寻访初恋 盛开在雪域的青春之花--亲稳网络舆情监控室
today,School of education, wuhan university, 58, professor Deng Heping trip to hide,Set off on a journey to search.Because of the,Jilong xian xigaze district in Tibet,The pure first love,Also has a youth, he had left in the plateau.
In 1976,,At the end of the torrent of countryside sports,Two young of wuhan college students to enter Tibet to jump the queue.His name is Deng Heping,Her name is Qian Jianxin.
This is a story about love.37 years ago,Qian Jianxin and Deng Heping chose love habitat in the south of the Himalayas mountains.
This is a story about choice.Two college students learn German,The youth of the place in a mountain eight months throughout the year,It is difficult to communicate in Chinese area,A farmer.
This is a story about life.To Tibet two years,Female college students Qian Jianxin sacrifice in the fire,To the local.
This is a story about looking for.The wooden tombstone,After 30 years of wind and rain is still in?Wuhan girl's youth and beliefs,Thirty years after they left are still standing?
入藏前学校送“嫁妆” Sent to Tibet before school"A dowry"
"We left the youth in the snow area plateau……"In his office at wuhan university,Professor Deng Heping temples dye cream,Snow area plateau basking in 35 years ago.there,With his youth/The blood/love,Life and love.
That year,Deng Heping and first love Qian Jianxin calls countries support the frontier,Sign up to Tibet.now,Deng Heping, 58, said:"For 35 years,I want to go to her grave to take a look at."
"Actually I'm her boyfriend."Deng Heping told reporters,Qian Jianxin are university classmates with him,Two people study in German professional department of foreign languages.Qian Jianxin is secretary of the party branch,Deng Heping is the monitor of the class,The class of big and small are often two people hold together,Contact for a long time,Affection in Deng Heping heart stirring.
在邓和平眼里,钱建新 “阳光、开朗,性格随和,在同学中人缘不错”。她高中18岁时就入了党,这在当时是不多的。不仅如此,钱建新乒乓球球艺了得,曾获武汉地区高校女子单打亚军。
In the Deng Heping eyes,Qian Jianxin "The sun/A bright and cheerful disposition,Easy-going personality,Good relationships with classmates".Her high school at the age of 18 into the party,This is not much at the time.Not only that,Qian Jianxin table tennis but now get,Has won the women's singles runner-up in colleges and universities in wuhan area.
Before graduation in 1976,School mobilize students in Tibet.Deng Heping blood boiling,He immediately sent to Tibet after graduation.But that there is no results of unrequited love in your heart how to do?
"How about,Go with me to Tibet?"At the time,Deng Heping do so,Qian Jianxin one mouthful allow down,Two people also formally established relationships.
"Schools are not allowed to fall in love at the time."Deng Heping said,But they are a special case,Schools not only"lenient",When he left also gave a sewing machine/A haircut tools is from the school"A dowry".
钱建新在武汉九峰山革命公墓的铜像 The statue of Qian Jianxin located at jiufeng mountain revolutionary cemetery in wuhan
They decided to family opposition.
Deng Heping father died early,One mother bring up four children,Deng Heping eldest son is home,Family had wanted him to work to improve the family circumstances as soon as possible.And assistance to Tibet is"Don't earn workpoint wage earners",Can't solve the practical difficulties at home.
Money is not easy to build new family more,Mother's illness,On his father to take care of all,Family's four children,Qian Jianxin eldest daughter is."If the elder sister don't go,Is the mainstay of our home."Money to build new brother Qian Jianmin said,The decision of the elder sister,Bring father is unlimited loss.
"Heard that the school to give us the original allocations is I in the state department of transportation,Money in tianjin."Deng Heping said,This to go,Changed the course of their lives.
"At that time,We know almost nothing about Tibet."Deng Heping said,Though it is hard heard about Tibet,Can the young heart,Hard, even if it is a kind of temptation,They fear neither alpine hypoxia,Don't worry about food shortages,All the way in high spirits.
The Tibet after amdo/When the tangula,desolate/Lack of water,Many people lack of oxygen and a splitting headache/Night didn't sleep a wink,Strong ultraviolet ray let skin exposure to crack.Facing the unexpected hard,Some of my classmates began to cry.
Deng Heping/Jilong xian Qian Jianxin and three other people come to xigaze region,Qian Jianxin is five people, the only girl,They cut in Kuala Lumpur area card when farmers help commune."A pole is,Eat to live with tibetans".
青春热情温暖深山边陲 Youth warm warm mountain border
At the age of the vigorous,Hard cannot cut their ambition.This group of han Chinese youth alive,Stir up the silent as a border.Their ideas/System planning,Help Tibetan committee of terraces/Repair the canals/Open the orchard/Fix JiGengLu,The passion of youth warm the remote frontier.
Qian Jianxin to the village,Power to strike immediately.
Under the field/ChuanMenZi,Qian Jianxin is warm with the tibetans.Don't understand Tibetan,She can carry a small notebook,With new words,As soon as I have the time out to read;Doesn't seem to agree with tea/tsampa,Shan wei a heavy smell is vomiting,She spread butter on my face/On the nose,Tsampa vomitted again to eat,Until a habit.
Qian Jianxin don't care,Pick the work the most dirty and tired.Production team sent strong labor hill wood,She is not to see the list,To sign up to go.
On a trail through the forest carrying dozens of pound boards and 60 degrees steep hill to climb,A fat cow pen is the most dirty work,"This is boy's life,She can not completely,Have volunteered to do it."Deng Heping said,The smell of manure is very pungent,Pick out rake to endure the stench,With a bamboo basket carried instead of yoke,Backs were wet with feces.
Night back to the dormitory,Qian Jianxin often for tibetans mending clothes wear out/shoes,Qian Jianmin remember him for his sister mailed several times the awl and line.
Card to help the villagers are very fond of her,A Tibetan name for her,call"DE JiZhuoMa",Meaning is the goddess of happiness.
青春火焰映照拉多拉山 Youth flames reflected DORA mountain
“愿上峰之巅,竞放并蒂莲”。 环境虽艰苦,这对小情侣互相鼓励,爱情让他们坚持。然而,突如其来的噩运悄悄降临。
"Would like to reference the top of the,A new BingDiLian". Environment is difficult,The young couple encourage each other,Make them stick to love.however,The sudden bad luck come quietly.
On March 4, 1978,Qian Jianxin transferred to the zone,As agent for the documents.7 in the afternoon,Near the town of la DORA mountain forest fire,Cranking at the turn of the winter and spring,The fire spread of the flames.
At this point Qian Jianxin just to the zone,The side horse lawton,But she did not hesitate to join the fire fighting force.
"As long as there are difficulties,She would be the first."Qian Jianmin said,This is sister's character,Neighborhood house was on fire,She will also help to put out the fire.
When the fire put out,People found after collection,But less Qian Jianxin.A fug-belching hillside,People found her body,Whole body burning,As the fuzzy.The second day,Her death to help,Deng Heping wail aloud to weep aloud,Only small don't three days,He is heaven forever and lovers separated.
Jilong xian got a best nanmu coffin encoffin of money to build a new body.Deng Heping memories,The snow mountain,Family members unable to attend,But she still bustling memorial service,County leaders/The worker is near/farmers,Who can come here.
Money to build new ashes were divided into two,Outside a jilong xian was buried in the martyrs cemetery,Another is by Deng Heping back to wuhan in May.Jilong xian sent a deputy county magistrate,It located at jiufeng mountain revolutionary cemetery in wuhan.
After a few months,Deng Heping was transferred to Lhasa,Bid farewell to life two years, to help communities.Five years later,He jilong xian to on a business trip,Had to her grave martyrs,Since then he has no chance to her grave.For five years,Deng Heping back wuhan.
In the second year"The May 4th movement"Youth day,[The People's Daily]In order to[The flame of youth shine upon DORA mountain]Under a sheet of the reported money to build a new heroic deeds.
那块木板墓碑还在吗 The board in tombstone
Jilong xian"cemetery"Very humble,Is only a clearing,No walls,No one watch.When Qian Jianxin ashes were buried,Is dug a hole in the empty land,Buried the ashes into half,Set up a're on the mound.
"If she is alive,Must be a person."Deng Heping eyes blurred,Seemed to have her see a living space and time.It is a pity,Life without if,An option when I was young/An operation,For the moment decided to this life.
"For more than 30 years,Don't know that also there're?"Deng Heping concern very much.
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