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爱迪国际学校 Eddie international school


爱迪学校成立了"The student services centre".学生的一些志向的实现可以In the中心的帮助下得到尝试,年初In the我的帮助下,Ed the students MiBoWen,毕业后In the我的办公室实习,And published articles[My high school study and life]In the社会各界引起了很大的反响.But there are a lot of people take the opposite attitude with my communication,包括他们认为学生做很多的活动是In the耽误学习,Students should give priority to with their studies,认为我的很多做法是In the做秀.


这里面确实有一个对education的理解问题,做活动是不是education?The students do activity of process can exercise the ability to communicate,Can cultivate the consciousness of participation/Exercise can be active thinking,And through the activities can directly show their talent,Easier to absorb the strengths of others,从分数On the不会表现的那么直接,But seen from its own development,Students learned the things outside the classroom,是最好的education.This habit of nurturance to an unfamiliar environment,The students are able to consciously into the local society to make new friends,就会In the困难时能够得到多人的帮助,Will have a stronger ability to survive than others.

  爱迪学校的学生服务中心能有效地帮助同学去实践他们的想法。 近日学校运动会我们叫它“体育文化节”。除了体育运动,学生们还展示了各种的文艺才华,并在同学和同学,同学和老师的交流方面得到了充分的锻炼。一些学生们组织义卖,他们自己组织货源,包括汉堡包、咖啡等。他们先做预算、成本核算、推销,再把收集来的钱全部捐给雅安地震,这些活动都是为中国学生出国以后的生存做准备的,同时得到了我们服务中心的支持。

爱迪学校的The student services centre能有效地帮助同学去实践他们的想法. 近日学校运动会我们叫it"体育culture节".In addition to sports,The students also showed various literary talent,并In the同学和同学,The aspect of the classmates and teachers got fully exercise.Some students organization charity sale,Their own material,Including the hamburger/Coffee, etc..They do the budget first/Cost accounting/To sell,To donate all the money collected to ya 'an earthquake,These activities are to prepare for the survival of Chinese students going abroad later,Supported by our service center at the same time.

  所以国内的学校除了要教授学生同国际接轨的知识以外,还应该做些什么?还能够做些什么?这是我今天所要谈的。特别是对于即将到海外留学的同学,在选择学校的时候要注意该学校在这些方面的作为。多数的国外学校都有丰富的校园资源提供给学生使用,包括心理咨询室、就业指导中心、学业咨询、学生活动中心、论文修改中心(Writing Center)等。如果一位学生没有经过相应的锻炼,就没有意识去融入学校、融入当地的社会,就不能够“挖掘留学过程中的宝藏”那他留学的收获最多也就是书本上的那些,我相信他在异国的生存能力也不会强。将来回到中国也会突然地发现,发展和变化的中国仍然需要他们重新去适应,就会存在着变成“海待”的危机。这样的留学充其量也就是开开了“洋荤”根本谈不上是接受国际教育的人才。

所以国内的学校除了要教授学生同国际接轨的知识以外,Also what should be done about it?Will also be able to do?This is I have to talk about today.Especially for the students to study abroad,In the选择学校的时候要注意该学校In the这些方面的作为.Most of the foreign school has rich resources of campus for students to use,Including the psychological consulting room/Employment guidance center/Academic advising/The student center/Paper modify the center(Writing Center), etc..Such as the果一位学生没有经过相应的锻炼,There would be no consciousness to has gone to school/Into the local society,Is not able to"Digging in the process of studying the treasure"那他留学的收获最多也就是书本On the的那些,我相信他In the异国的生存能力也不会强.Back in China will suddenly found that in the future,Development and change of China still needs them to adapt to,就会存In the着变成"hai"The crisis of.Study abroad is just like that"YangHun"根本谈不On the是接受国际education的人才.
