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"This is the kindergarten?"4, small WeiNing carrying bag standing at the gate of the kindergarten,Dare not enter door,And couldn't help looking around the yard color slides/Green buildings.On April 18,,Dahua chemiacl cream-laid yao autonomous county in guangxi township center formally hailida international kindergarten.WeiNing under the guidance of the teacher and the children playing on the seesaw,Between held high,The children shouted excitedly,For the first time they have mechanical knowledge.
不远处,Weng home weeks, silently watching the children smile,Some moist eyes,他是国家级贫困县大化瑶族自治县education局局长,"More than two years of efforts,Finally let the children have a kindergarten."Weng home weeks earlier in the bureau of health is responsible for the health reform,调入education系统后,Always wanted to have,他将目光聚焦到学龄前education上,"Don't have enough money to build the kindergarten,Rich built what also don't know the nursery,A kindergarten and teachers could not be found."Talked about early research found,He is only a sigh.
留守儿童和留守老人是贡川乡的标识.A year ago,WeiNing to age in the park,But there is not a kindergarten,Parents work in the city,Only my grandmother with her every day,"Eat good/Wear good,It is ok."This is township of the consensus of most to take children the old man inside.The old people's children are working in the city,Unable to bring children to big cities,留在农村孩子又无法接受正确的早期education.Cream-laid township children aged 0 to 6, 1695,能接受早期education的567人,未接受过早期education的1128人.
而今,"Hand in hand"Support project to help the state-level poverty-stricken counties is built up to the standard of child friendly kindergarten,And before home weng zhou problem is where to find more qualified teachers.
"1050 yuan every month,No insurance for,No preparation,Is very hard work."On April 17,,Guangxi huanjiang maonan autonomous county of luoyang kindergarten in the centre of the town,23-year-old WeiBiYing described his school work,She had as a preschool teacher in foshan, guangdong,"To get married,You must come back to work,Didn't prepare/Can tolerate low treatment,But hope to have the insurance."
同为环江毛南族自治县辖区内的龙岩幼儿园是一所民办园,Director and teacher Liang Yixin 30,2005 teachers a year only preschool teacher after graduation,"The collapse of kindergarten,I will apply for become a highway toll collector."1 and a half years ago,My sister to tell her,"Kindergarten school bus in the town,village/The road is the children in the village for the kindergarten."She resigned,With home house opened in kindergarten,"Teachers' salaries each month 1500 yuan,But good teachers do not leave,We also could not get high wages.Now I double as teacher and nurse two hats,Cook and two other teachers are related to retain."
“现在无论是在公办园等编制的,还是在民办园工作的,都觉得没有身份认同感。” 梁艺馨说。
"Now preparing both in the public garden,Or do you work in private kindergartens,All feel no identity." Liang Yixin said.
"Rural kindergarten teachers is weak,Many preschool teacher graduates are not willing to work in the countryside,But pushed to public kindergartens in the city.Some rural kindergarten teacher professional body is divided,Both as a teacher,And when life nanny,Also when take part,It is difficult to guarantee the teaching quality."Le yi children can"Hand in hand"Project coordinator in guangxi yu hyun said.
翁家周为了改变困局,试图从职业education学校找到突破口,On April 17,,He was invited to act as the judges of the vocational education teachers class quality ratio,He looked at the students some in a hurry,"Now all kinds of ways to build the kindergarten,Preschool teacher jobs short of people,But now your ability not reached the standard of qualified teachers."翁家周不认可社会对于幼师education的态度"Learning is not good,Take an examination of preschool teacher,Have a job in the future."
学前education是国民education体系的重要组成部分,是基础education的基础,夯实学前education才能巩固义务education成果,To improve national quality.
"Right hand grip pen"/"Feet and neat"/"Write Chinese characters in the grid",Teacher's love king said the children making baby ah,This is April 16, reporter saw in huanjiang luoyang zyprexa village kindergarten.
华东师范大学学前education系教授姜勇对记者称,"幼教绝不是为小学education提前打基础,Preschool teacher treatment problem is need to overall consideration."
据透露,目前education部正在征集幼师资格证考试的试题,Increase a lot of practice topic,"Change the subject to a large number of rural teachers to pass the exam with practice experience,Their theory is weak,But experienced."姜勇曾向education部基础education部门有关领导建议,To develop a national standard,Whether it is a public/Private school,Whether there are compiled/No establishment of jobs,As long as through the preschool teacher qualification test,To paraphrase this treatment standards.
据悉,On April 19,,"Hand in hand"Construction projects in guangxi huanjiang maonan autonomous county of sichuan hills centre kindergarten is officially opened,And has carried on the training for the county of kindergarten teachers.
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