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从另一个方面,I talk to Zheng Xiaomeng classmate,美国的education也不是国际的education,离开了中国优秀的culture,离开了中国优良的education方法的同时,也就是美国的本土education.I looked at the library catalog at the university of Utah,里面有中国最核心culture的书籍,Such as the:Buddhism/Taoism/Confucianism is rarely.And the United States to read these books in Chinese professor/How many students?当美国的大学敞开了大门In the迎接中国的学生的时候,You want to pass what values to Chinese students?Is the United States?Or the people of the world to share?I think,In the东西方两种文明相互交融的时候,美国学校不要刻意地不要拿你们主流culture的核心价值与中国核心culture的碰撞中寻找差异的部分并放大,而是要接受弱势群体的culture, 应该In the相互共享的culture中,比Such as the说民主/equality/Free for fusion and development.So in American universities and national progress is also a kind of not out of the house and harvest may meet cannot be asked.中西方文明同时In the美国得到了尊重和发展,并被人们所遵循和In the生活中体现.So that both sides will be good to set up a new mode of ideology. I'm telling the truth,西方人有对其自有culture的优越感,Always use their own moral yardstick to measure the Oriental thought and action.The lack of tolerance,而东方人的含蓄和保守缺少敞开胸怀去展示积极主动迎接主流culture的勇气,Just cause the distance of two great ethnic minorities.这是In the当今世界culture和经济/Political era of increasingly close communion,In the培养国际人才的学校所应该注意填补的教材.Schools have to provide to students at home and abroad the spiritual and material platform,They dig study abroad treasure to provide a full range of preparation.


鉴于中国学生主动性差的弱点,Eddie has also established full-time teacher in charge of the school system.The teacher in charge is not to teach,Is to help students transform mode of thinking,Learn to active thinking,Independent judgment.The teacher in charge to help student organization activities,让学生In the参与活动中体会到集体的重要性和克服困难的方法,Set up to make friends and confidence into the new environment.这个班主任系统看似只是形式On the的需求,实际On the是In the学校里面建立了一种良性的师生关系,比Such as the你的职业规划,Your pressure,Including the ability to challenge,Going to get affirmation from the teacher,So that students can learn a lot of things outside the classroom from the teacher.These are the schools should do.所以我们今天谈国际education的实施远不是夸夸其谈,I think I should is steadfast to do something for students.
