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一、课程基本理念 a/Curriculum basic idea
Butch lele garden universal lesson is CNP parent-child curriculum in child development center is one of the most characteristic of the course.Is a real focus on early comprehensive potential development course;In the true sense of home produced course;A set of key social curriculum to cultivate emotional intelligence;A set of cartoon image partner accompany children to grow up in class.For 1 to 3 years old to provide the comprehensive education of school-age children.It focuses on young children's social development,Grasp the children's recent developments,Inspire their unlimited potential.In a happy class,Promoting children's emotional/social/language,The development of sports, etc.This set of course combines the traditional parent-child activities of parent-child play/jihs/Study of interactive teaching form,breezy,Quiet times,Let children in addition to draw nutrition from butch family reason suits,Also can promote physical fitness/habit/Comprehensive development of artistic creation, etc.
Butch universal lesson not only focus on the development of young children in the class,At the same time关注对家长的指导,Highlight the effect of home produced.Butch universal lessons and monthly butch lele park with family presence suits will give parents the best parenting support,With parents and children grow up together.
二、课程与布奇产品的结合方式 (2)/The combination of curriculum and butch products
Butch universal every class is class is made up by basic parts and upgrades.Basic parts with butch family presence into full play the value of the product,Women really home;Upgrade parts issued strict state 0-3 years old infants and young children education plan for game Settings,A greater degree of meet the needs of children ages development.
Which most closely the base part of the content and products,It is a[Butch lele garden]The family reason sets based on a design,Combining with the contents of the products every month an interactive games,Children returned home after can be class extension activities and parents,Strengthen learning.Fundamental part four topic link on a monthly basis:Butch growth story house/Butch idea for time/Butch rhythm of time/Butch beginning time;In addition to this,2-3 years each class has a feature of link - English theater.
布奇成长故事屋: Butch growth story house:本环节以成长故事书为蓝本,给出当月故事详细解读方案,帮助宝宝在与家长、同伴共读故事的过程中,增加对书籍的喜爱之情,促进宝宝情商的发展。
This link to story books based on growth,Detailed analysis is given for the month story plan,To help babies and parents/In the process of peer has read the story,To increase love for books,Promote the development of baby's emotional intelligence.
布奇乐思时间: Butch idea for time:本环节以综合读本中“世界真奇妙”(1-2岁),“认知魔方”(2-3岁)为蓝本设计,延续其中对宝宝认知能力发展目标设置的系统性和科学性,并对原目标进行了扩充和深化,发展宝宝的注意力、记忆力、想象力、推理等思维能力。
In this link in an integrated reader"The world is really wonderful"(1 to 2 years old),"Cognitive rubik's cube"(2 to 3 years old)Based on the design,Continue to the baby's cognitive ability of development goals, set up the systematic and scientific,And to expand and deepen the original target,Development of baby's attention/memory/imagination/Reasoning and thinking ability.
布奇律动时间: Butch rhythm of time:本环节的音乐元素绝大多数取材于《布奇乐乐园》原创的奥尔夫音乐和适合宝宝们欣赏与律动的儿歌。让宝宝们从小感受到不同的音乐风格,增强音乐欣赏与听辨的能力,让宝宝们在玩中学习音乐、感受节奏。
Most out of this part of the music elements[Butch lele garden]Original orff music suitable for babies and appreciate the nursery rhyme and rhythm.Let the baby feel the different style of music since childhood,Enhance the ability of music appreciation and aims,Let the babies learn to play music/Feel the rhythm.
布奇动手时间: Butch beginning time:本环节取材于综合读本中的“亲子创意室”,带亲子完成有趣的创意手工,促进亲子情感,培养幼儿想象力,动手能力。
This part based on integrated reader"Parent-child creative room",Interesting creative hand with parents to complete,To promote parent-child feelings,Cultivate children's imagination,Beginning ability.
英语小剧场: English theater:本环节以布奇乐乐园《英语小剧场》为蓝本,结合2-3岁宝宝学习英语的特点,通过英语故事、游戏、儿歌、律动等多种形式,重点帮助掌握26个字母的读音,学说一些英文单词、常用短句等,并在宽松的语言环境中尝试英语的表达和运用。
This link to butch lele garden[English theater]Based on,Combining with the characteristics of 2 to 3 years old baby to learn English,Through the English story/The game/Children's song/A variety of forms such as pulse,Help to master the pronunciation of the 26 letters,The theory of some English words/Commonly used phrases, etc.,And try in easy language environment of English expression and use.
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