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青岛理工女生设计隔震球获专利 能抗8级地震--亲稳舆论引导监测室

来源:青岛新闻网 source:Qingdao news network
In high-rise buildings full of weapons,As long as the"The foot"Add a layer of small ball,Can withstand an earthquake of magnitude 8.Yesterday, the reporter learns from Qingdao university of science and technology,With a set of magical high-rise isolation stent,Wu Xueli of civil college senior students successful national utility model patents.
地震灾害催生“筑梦团队” Earthquake disaster has"Dream team"
“像青岛的建筑物,基本都是没有隔震支座的,一般只有四川、台湾等地震高发地区,建筑物才会设计上隔震支座。 ”武雪莉说,隔震支架其实就是在桩基础和主体建筑之间的“夹层”,功能有点类似于高架桥上的减震层,“大家经过高架桥时可以注意一下,在桥身和桥墩之间,往往有一些绿色的小方盒,里面就是减震的支座。 ”上下两层钢柱,中间是一层橡胶,上下震动传到钢柱上,因为橡胶有弹性,就能迅速地把震动吸收掉,从而减少整个桥面的震动。
"The buildings like Qingdao,Basic is no isolation bearings,Usually only in sichuan province/Taiwan and other areas prone to earthquakes,Buildings will be designed in isolation bearing. "Wu Xueli said,Isolation stent is actually between pile foundation and main body construction"sandwich",Function is a little similar to the viaduct on shock absorption layer,"You can pay attention to when a viaduct,Between the bridge and the bridge pier,Often there are some small green box,Inside is the damping of the bearing. "Upper and lower two layers of steel columns,In the middle is a layer of rubber,Up and down vibration to the steel column,Because the rubber elastic,Can quickly dropped the shock absorption,Thereby reducing the entire deck vibration.
据武雪莉介绍,在震后四川等地修建的建筑物,使用的隔震支座基本上也是这样的原理。 “但这样消除上下震动比较有效,左右的效果就差一些,而且遇到强大的地震横波时,橡胶还会被撕裂,造成建筑物的损伤。 ”她告诉记者,现在已经广泛推广的隔震支座,只能做到“大震不倒、中震可修”,虽然能保证人员的安全,但遭遇地震波尤其是强烈的横波之后,建筑物常常损毁到无法再使用。国内外频频出现的地震新闻,让武雪莉和同学们相当担忧,他们决定自己设计一款“放心的房子”,从此,这个5人小团队开始了“筑梦之旅”。
According to Wu Xueli,After the earthquake in sichuan and other places to build buildings,Use of the principle of isolation bearing basically also is such. "But that eliminate fluctuation shakes more effective,Or so the effect is less,And meet with strong seismic shear waves,The rubber will be torn apart,The structure of the damage. "She told reporters,Is now widely available isolation bearings,Just do it"Flame to fail/In the earthquake repairable",Although can ensure the safety of personnel,But a seismic wave especially strong shear wave,Buildings are often too damaged to use again.Frequent earthquake news both at home and abroad,Let Wu Xueli considerable concern with students,They decided to design a"Trust of the house",From now on,This small team started 5 people"Dream trip".
“卧谈会”锁定“抗震球” "Would lie to talk about"lock"Seismic ball"
从2011年6月决定打造 “放心房”开始,晚上拿着小手电在操场上开“卧谈会”,成了武雪莉他们的课后娱乐,一次偶然的机会,大家想到了加“圆球”这个点子。 “球形可以左右前后的滚动,把地震能全部消耗完,而它自己最后却还可以保持平衡。 ”武雪莉告诉记者,这个看似有些叛逆的创意,被指导老师张纪刚感叹为“不按常理出牌”。有了思路后,这个5人“筑梦团队”就开始分工设计图纸,研究具体的结构。
From June 2011 decision to make "FangXinFang"start,In the evening on the playground with a little light"Would lie to talk about",Became Wu Xueli their after-school entertainment,A pure chance,You came up with"ball"The idea. "Spherical can control before and after rolling,The earthquake can all run out,And its end but also can keep balance. "Wu Xueli told reporters,This seems to be some rebellious ideas,Guidance teachers Zhang Jigang exclamation as"Not to play".After a train of thought,The five people"Dream team"Began to division of design drawings,Study the structure of concrete.
上面一个半球、下面一个半球,扣在一起,就形成一个摩擦摆。 “因为有摩擦的存在,所以圆球吸收地震波后肯定会有移位,但我们会在至少11个方向,给圆球钉上钢拉索扯住圆球,第二波地震来临时,可以进一步消除震动的能量。”因为学校里没有专门的地震台,武雪莉他们只能通过建模分析的方式,来进行最终结果的测算,根据学校老师审核,这种隔震支架可以抗8级左右地震。
On a side/The following a hemisphere,Buckle together,To form a friction pendulum. "Because of the existence of friction,So there must be a shift after sphere absorbs seismic waves,But we can at least 11 direction,To the ball screw Shanghai cable pulled the ball,The second wave of the earthquake comes,Vibration energy can be further eliminated."Because there is no specific seismic station in our school,Wu Xueli the way they can only through the modeling analysis,To proceed with the final result of measurement,According to the school the teacher review,This kind of isolator bracket can 8 magnitude earthquake resistance.
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