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同济大学更多专业文理兼招 上海工大新设五专业--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  同济大学昨天公布2013年本科招生计划,该校今年全国本科招生计划总数与去年基本持平,但面向农村地区、西部地区和重点高校录取率低的省份的招生计划投放,将进一步增加。 同济大学昨天公布2013年本科招生计划,The total number of national undergraduate admissions scheme this year basic flat with last year,But facing the rural areas/Low acceptance rate of the provinces in the western region and universities enrollment plan,Will further increase.


同济招生办公室主任廖宗廷教授介绍,Tongji university has 74 undergraduate admissions,The 60 professional will be effected according to the 25 major categories of recruit students.After the students according to the first professional categories accept unified culture,After a/After studying, grade 2,Combined with their own development goals/Interest in professional categories, select the specific professional expertise.


继去年德语专业试行文理兼收后,Tongji university for the first time this year to open a group of professional arts and recruit:The school construction/Urban and rural planning/Historical building protection engineering/Landscape architecture/Design class/Management part of the original only to recruit students of school of science living, such as professional(class),Will invite the school of arts living and;English/Japanese/Class of law/Journalism and communication, such as part of the liberal arts majors(class),Will be open to the students at the same time.In addition,New this year of tongji university"nursing"Undergraduate major,Will be open to the liberal arts in nine provinces, including Shanghai, destinations.


上海工程技术大学昨天公布了2013年高考招生计划:This year the school plan recruit students 4505,Among them,Bachelor degree, 3805,College, 700.In the Shanghai area enrollment plan for 1705,Among them,Bachelor degree, 1420,College, 285.

  今年工程大新设了5个专业,分别是电子封装、广播电视工程、焊接技术与工程、数字媒体艺术和药物化学。5个新专业的开设体现了工程大始终坚持的“依托上海现代产业,主动服务地区经济”的办学宗旨。(记者 张炯强)

今年工程大新设了5个专业,Electronic packaging/Radio and television engineering/Welding technology and engineering/Digital media art, and medicinal chemistry.The opening of five new professional embodies the engineering always adhere to the"Relying on modern industry in Shanghai,Active service economy"The tenet of.(The reporter Zhang Jiongjiang)
