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  早报记者 龚菲

早报记者 龚菲


上海政法学院教授/Shanghai law minors method research association Yao Jianlong morning paper reporter interview said,The case was very samples effect,大部分的社会问题都可In order to折射在这个小孩身上,Such as the"Officer the second generation"/"Rich second generation"/The gap between rich and poor/The family education/The social environment/Bar management, etc..


姚建龙认For the,Special family pay special attention to family education problem.Lee's father was old son,As a"Officer the second generation"/"Red generation"and"Rich second generation",Is the son of general/Social celebrities,Any one child,放在such一个家庭,Is easy to spoil.


"通过最近网上播放的视频可In order to看出,Mr. Li is very spoiled on this son,Husband and wife two people when it comes to his son,那种自豪感油然while生,But in fact their son lack the most basic notions,To the national law/Illegal crime,Even the most basic ethical manners all don't understand,Extreme bossiness."


姚建龙表示,This suggests that the parent-child communication barriers,The family education way is serious problem,In special families are more likely to appear this kind of problem,Although the child received a good education,Is a"talent",But it is not a"people".Children who don't even have to be the basic principles of,Family education and social education is a kind of morbid.


北京大学社会学系教授夏学銮也认For the,Because of the"celebriots"The defects of education,Led to these young people often make"Pit dad"behavior."Reading at a private school/In and out of car for pick-up,Support us,Advantage to make these children grew up because of the family form master a subconscious mind,With the surrounding environment."


"Under this kind of defective education,These children are easy to form from the collective and society/Independent character,Eventually evolved into a high on the privileges of the thought,In order to及对社会规则的漠视."Xia xueluan, said.


在姚建龙看来,Li mou is bad education/The deformation of family environment and social environment,But to some extent, is also not perfect juvenile justice system,Especially for reeducation system of victim.Deprived of personal freedom detention punishment,It is easy to change"Little evil"For the"Great evil".
