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泰国等非法象牙交易猖獗 国际社会呼吁贸易制裁--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
It is reported,WWF and TRAFFIC has urged[Endangered species of wild fauna and flora convention on international trade](CITES)177 a contracting party start formal program,The most rampant illegal ivory trade to the members of the strict implementation of the trade restrictions.CITES the 16th contracting party congress in early march held in Bangkok, Thailand.
CITES will no supervision of illegal ivory trade transactions.According to the convention terms,CITES member can initiative to stop and illegal behavior of the members in the convention as listed in the appendix from wood to crocodile skin of as many as 35000 species of trade.
“过去10年内,这些国家在所有非法象牙贸易的研究分析中均被认定为最有关联的国家。”TRAFFIC执行总监Steven Broad说:“对象牙的巨大需求导致非法盗猎问题激增并扩散,CITES 成员国必须要求全体成员恪守国际法。”
"The past ten years,These countries in all illegal ivory trade analysis were identified as most relevant countries."TRAFFIC executive director Steven Broad said:"The huge demand for ivory to illegal poaching problem surge and diffusion,CITES Members must ask members abide by international law."
作为此次CITES 缔约方大会的主办方,泰国是世界上最大的无监管的象牙贸易市场之一。由于泰国法律允许销售来自其国内大象的象牙,不法分子正在利用此法律漏洞,通过泰国商店将大量销售非法的非洲象牙制品。绝大部分此类商品的买主均为外国游客。
As the CITES Contracting party conference organizers,Thailand is the world's largest without supervision of one of the ivory trade market.Due to the Thai law allows sales from its domestic elephant ivory,Illegal molecules are using this legal loopholes,Through the Thailand shop will be a large number of sales illegal ivory products.Most of this commodity buyers are foreign tourists.
“通过禁止所有象牙销售,泰国可以轻而易举地解决这些问题,并免遭贸易制裁,”WWF全球物种项目主任Carlos Drews 表示。“WWF正通过公众请愿敦请泰国总理立即下达象牙贸易禁令。目前已有来自泰国及世界各地的近40万民众支持并加入这次请愿,人们希望为野生大象争取生存空间。”
"Through the banned all ivory sales,Thailand can easily solve these problems,And from trade sanctions,"WWF global species project director Carlos Drews said."WWF is through the public petition urged Thai prime minister immediately issued a ban on ivory trade.There are from Thailand and nearly 400000 people around the world support and join in the petition,People hope for wild elephants fight for survival space."
“由于象牙贸易猖獗几近失控,大象正从越来越多的非洲地区消失。每一个CITES缔约方都有义务保护大象,并确保那些参与了此类致命贸易的成员国对其行为负责。”Carlos Drew 说。
"Because of the ivory trade rampant nearly out of control,Elephants are from more and more Africa disappear.Each CITES contracting party shall have the duty to protect elephants,And make sure that those involved in this kind of deadly trade members responsible for their actions."Carlos Drew said.
今年1月,WWF曾向泰国总理英拉·西那瓦(Yingluck Shinawatra)提出全球性呼吁,要求泰国政府禁止泰国境内的所有象牙交易,以遏制对非洲象的非法盗猎。
In January,WWF has to Thailand's prime minister British Barbara west the tile(Yingluck Shinawatra)Put forward the global called for,For Thailand government banned the Thailand all within the territory of the ivory trade,To curb illegal poaching for African elephants.
African poaching is in one of history's most rampant stage,Every year, tens of thousands of elephant because their teeth and to be slaughtered.Released last month by the transaction data display,International ivory trade line hit a record high.Thailand is the world's largest unregulated market in ivory,Thailand market also therefore become poaching phenomenon and illegal trade of the largest.
The elephant trade information system(ETIS)2012 annual report:"Thailand in law acquiescence to domestication Indian elephant ivory trade,A large number of retail shops is the advantage of this to African elephant ivory trade,Sales of African ivory products."
It is understood,WWF and TRAFFIC is urging China to strengthen the law enforcement through its domestic legal ivory trade city often CITES should require China makes the corresponding improvement.If China in the coming year failed to achieve significant improvement,CITES should consider next year to its trade restraints.
WWF and TRAFFIC think all countries can take some measures to help solve the problem of elephant poaching,Including the creation of global stock ivory tracing mechanism/Large-scale ivory ZhaMei cases of forced registration system/Routine forensic identification and cross area to law enforcement personnel in collaboration with the follow-up survey.
"At present,Large-scale ivory ZhaMei important information of the case is often lost,Or fail to be effective utilization.For each smuggling case of wire-puller identity/Ivory transport channels/Who finally gain the problems such as investigation is usually blank,Or inadequate enforcement.Therefore illegal ivory trade growing small wonder."Broad said.
[Endangered species of wild fauna and flora convention on international trade]
Considering the wildlife international trade is the main cause of wild animals and plants are one of the factors,Second only to habitat loss and damage.In order to protect wildlife resources,[Endangered species of wild fauna and flora convention on international trade](Referred to as CITES)On July 1st, 1975 formally went into effect,Become management international trade in endangered species of international law.
This convention shall come into effect upon the state only ten.China is a country with 63 CITES,On April 8, 1981 effective in China,On September 4, 2012 bahrain is becoming CITES the 176th contracting party.CITES contracting party congress almost every two annual meeting held a,On 4 March this year - 15, in Bangkok, Thailand for the 16th congress.
CITES contracting party congress through the evaluation of the present situation and development trend of endangered species and international trade in endangered species of wild populations of the impact of survival,Endangered species are listed in appendix I will/Appendix II or appendix III;The high contracting parties undertake, in accordance with the provisions of the convention of common standards,Through the issue/Check license or certificate,To control the CITES as listed in the appendix endangered species in international trade.
Effective CITES,Listed in the appendix species only more than 1100,There are more than 30000;The origin of Chinese CITES as listed in the appendix has more than 400 kinds of wild animals/Has more than 1300 kinds of wild plants,The origin of our CITES appendices I/Appendix II animal has been approved according to law for national level/Secondary protection animals.
China is the world of wild animals and plants resources of the major trading nations,Compared to other countries,CITES to our country restriction is especially obvious.China's wild animals and plants large scale industry,Only traditional Chinese medicine and health products is worth up to several hundred billion dollars,The use of many endangered species rely heavily on import,The production of many endangered species products also need to export,Its international trade shall be in accordance with the provisions of CITES to,Very vulnerable to CITES appendix adjustment and trade policy changes influence;In addition,Most of the attention CITES sensitive species,Especially the species smuggling and illegal business use,With our country are directly related,The task is very hard to deal with.
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