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昨天是榆林The city各中Primary school/Kindergarten school days,This year, the municipal government bring all parents a big good news:All kindergartens in the city and state/BaoYuFei and tuition credits are run by the local high school,From then on, the local children from kindergarten, to a high school diploma will enjoy 15 years of free education.
政策解读 Policy is interpreted
多种费用有减免也有补助 多种费用有减免也有补助
据了解,The huimin policy implementation,Since 2012 the implementation of compulsory education"Zero fee"After a huimin policy.Starting from this semester,Yulin city children born each year from BaoYuFei 900 yuan,All subsidies by the government,But private kindergarten BaoYuFei standards higher than the benefits,Kindergarten can continue to charge according to the rules.For family economic difficulties of preschool for two years/Three years 20% of the children in kindergarten subsidies for living expenses,Every annual subsidy of 750 yuan.In addition,Each raw of average high school tuition $1600 a year,All by government financial subsidies,Schools only accept books and accommodation.As approved by the education administrative departments in accordance with the law of private tuition standard is higher than that of average high school subsidies,Schools can continue to charge the students according to the rules.Public ordinary high school ZeJiaoSheng enjoy free policy,Lack of part of the school can continue to collect ZeJiaoFei,But not exceeding the standards policy.Restudy of average high school students will not be free.
家长心声 Parents wishes
算算账,总共能省几万元 算算账,Can save tens of thousands of yuan in total
榆林The city第三中学一位王姓男同学昨天高兴地说,Before they can listen to the teacher said that the winter vacation last year semester may be free for the taking,Didn't expect really forgave,His classmates were surprised,At the same time they also feel happy for parents to ease the burden.And from a journalist that the citizens to ms. Zhang to free the message,After the simple calculated brushstroke zhang,The children in the park full of expectation to himself,要把免费教育后省下的几万元money培养孩子更多层面的学习兴趣.
背景介绍 background
义务教育阶段已实现“零收费” 义务教育阶段已实现"Zero fee"
据悉,Starts after the fall of 2011,Yulin city in all of the public/Private kindergarten pre-school year free education,Make 44300 children enjoy the benefits.
2012年春季开学,The implementation of the compulsory education stage"Zero fee",Compulsory education phase of the students in the city for free teaching materials/School things/Summer and winter vacation homework/School uniforms;City compulsory education students with free textbooks,From a boarder accommodation, etc.
据测算,The policy of investment is about 160 million yuan,Make 340000 compulsory education students benefit from it.
投入情况 In case
年再投入资金约为2.3亿元 年再投入资金约为2.3亿元
据当地教育部门统计,15年免费教育政策的实施,市、县财政年再投入资金约为2.3亿元,共有14.62万名高中学生和学前幼儿从中享受到这份免费“蛋糕”。这样,加之前两年实施的义务教育阶段“零收费”政策, 全市教育免费覆盖幼儿园、小学、初中、普通高中等4个学段,受益学生达53万多人。
据当地教育部门统计,15 years of free education policy implementation,The city/County fiscal year to invest about 230 million yuan,A total of 146200 high school students and preschool children to enjoy the free from it"The cake".such,Combined with the previous two years implementation of the compulsory education stage"Zero fee"policy, The city covers kindergarten education free/Primary school/Junior high school/Ordinary high school in four period, etc,Benefit students up to more than 530000 people.
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国家级贫困县留坝实施十五年免费教育 国家级贫困县留坝15 years of free education
本报汉中讯 (记者 张松) 昨日是今春新学期报名的日子,记者从留坝县获悉,该县在财力紧张的情况下,从今年开始实施15年免费教育,该县1900余名幼儿和普通高中学生从中受益。
本报汉中讯 (The reporter zhangsong) Yesterday was the day of this spring semester registration,The reporter learns from retention dam county,The county in the case of financial stress,Since the beginning of the year for 15 years of free education,The county more than 1900 young children and ordinary high school students benefit from it.
据了解,Leave a dam county is the state-level poverty-stricken counties,The county a total of 47000 people,In 2012 the county local finance income is 2012 yuan.In recent years,The county has always implement the education priority development strategy,Successively invested capital of 71.16 million yuan,Primary and secondary school safety engineering,All eliminated the D order,For 11 schools(The kindergarten)Installation of air-conditioning/Safety and health heating boiler, etc,Full implementation of the nutrition improvement plan,For the full implementation of 15 years of free education laid a solid foundation.
为实现县域内义务教育均衡发展,To create a strong county of provincial education,The sufficient demonstration research,The county left dam/Since 2013, the county government decision,In implementation of the nine-year compulsory education/On the basis of pre-school year free education,Free will extend to preschool and ordinary high school three years,The work and will include them in the county in 2013 top ten in the people's livelihood project,15 years of free education.
实行免费教育后,Has the county household pre-school inadequacy in school fees/High school students tuition/physical/Accommodation will be exempt,County by county public finances/Private kindergarten born for every 900 yuan a year/Township kindergarten and subsidies has standard preschool born for every 700 yuan a year pre-school education funds.For ordinary high school born per 700 yuan and annual boarders every living standard allowance of 300 yuan a year high school education.
同时,To family economic difficulties of pre-school children/High school students per 3 dollars per day/6 yuan standards,Cost of living allowance of 250 days.Freshman in 25 yuan per person per year/High health-check 20 yuan per person per year and third year students will also be included in grants.
据悉,该项惠民政策实施后,县财政每年将拿出200万元,惠及城乡1500 户家庭,近900名幼儿、1000名高中学生直接受益。(记者 杨永存)
据悉,The huimin policy after implementation,County finance will take out 2 million yuan every year,Benefit the urban and rural areas, 1500 households,Nearly 900 infants/1000 high school students benefit directly.(The reporter Yang Yongcun)
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