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Today is world AIDS day


The earth on average every minute a child died of AIDS


Henan this year new findings report 3058 cases of HIV infection

  学生同性传播感染比例3年剧增32.81% 老人性传播感染人数增加明显

Students gay spread the infection ratio jumped by 32.81% three years old human propagation infection increased obviously


Micro film became moxa anti propaganda new mode


Yesterday our province two moxa prevent micro film during the premiere



Today is world AIDS day


The earth on average every minute a child died of AIDS


Henan this year new findings report 3058 cases of HIV infection

  学生同性传播感染比例3年剧增32.81% 老人性传播感染人数增加明显

Students gay spread the infection ratio jumped by 32.81% three years old human propagation infection increased obviously


16 accumulated confirmed that people infected with HIV


55424 cases


16 not pathogenic infections


7166 cases


XianZheng 16 patients


30660 cases


This year the province 16 new found that AIDS infections


3058 cases


Painted cumulative death


17598 cases


16 students gay propagation infection ratio


From 1.39% in 2009,Rise to 34.2% this year


Stem on 60 years old age group report heterosexual sexually transmitted infection ratio


From 6.4% in 2008,Rise to 17.6% this year


Yesterday morning 10,Micro film[Questions of life and death]In zhengzhou city centers for disease control and prevention multi-function conference hall on the second floor premiere.


This film 15 minutes of micro film,In our province is the first AIDS prevention, the theme of micro film,As a new ai anti propaganda way,Get the light audience's consistent high praise.


today,Is a 25 world AIDS day,This year's theme is"action,to‘zero’Towards AIDS",Province FangBan ai/Provincial health department in north henan agricultural university held promotional activities,At the same time in cercis square to undertake large yizhen advisory.

  记者 邢进 见习记者 施杨

Reporter XingJin trainee reporter ShiYang


 [故事] [story]

  一个艾滋病恐慌者的心路历程 A AIDS the panic of the journey


In just 15 minutes of the time,Micro film[Questions of life and death]Tells the story of QianWeiHao successful people in a party,Could not withstand the temptation of sexy girl,Intoxicated in case there was a sex outside marriage.


Shortly after,Long time have a fever is not retreated his doubt yourself infected with the HIV virus,Physical and mental chastened,self-rejection,still.finally,In CDC ai FangBan doctor under the psychological counseling,Eliminate many concerns,Open to and accept HIV virus detection.


Test results were negative,QianWeiHao a false alarm,And not infected with the AIDS virus.


In that after testing results,Passion and vigor once again return to a handsome and natural and unrestrained entrepreneurs body,He began to pay attention to the prevention and control of AIDS,And take part in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the public welfare activity.


[Questions of life and death]Artistic expression in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS a line staff responsibilities,Through the micro film form warned people is in the life don't have inappropriate behavior.If you doubt yourself infected with AIDS,In 3 months after window period can be detected.


Through the film,Viewers can learn,AIDS is can prevent controllable,Daily life contact,Like take a shower together,Having a meal with family together/Shake hands/Hugging and kissing ritual won't infect.


If really infected with AIDS,In the treatment to adhere to antiviral treatment,periodically/follow-up,Such control viral load,Keep immunity,People infected with HIV can normal life for decades.


 [创新] 通过微电影,让大家掌握科普知识 [innovation] through the micro film,Let everybody master science knowledge


Zhengzhou city, director of the center for disease control and prevention WangSongJiang,Is the micro film[Questions of life and death]Total producer.He when accepting a reporter to interview,December 1st is world AIDS day 25,This film is for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and a line worker.


The micro film,Is the disease control department in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS propaganda in the secondary innovation and try,"We is to get through micro movie artistic technique,Make it easy for people view shadow at the same time grasp the prevention and control of AIDS science knowledge,Let the people to cherish life,Away from AIDS".


Zhengzhou city health bureau deputy director xu meet xi said:"Micro film on after network spread quickly is also very popular,In this new model for publicity,Believe that effect must be better,You can also better to accept."


December 1st is the annual world AIDS day.On earth,Every minute is a child died of AIDS,More than 15 million children lost parents because of AIDS.


At present Chinese AIDS virus infection in the global number in a 14,More at the rate of 40% every year increasing.


 [行动] 今天有两场艾滋病日宣传活动 [actions] today have two field AIDS day campaign

  今天,是第25个艾滋病日,今年的艾滋病日宣传主题与2011年相同,仍为“行动起来,向‘零’艾滋迈进” (英文主题Getting To Zero),副标题是“全民参与,全力投入,全面预防”。

today,Is a 25 AIDS day,This year's AIDS day propaganda theme with the same as it was in 2011,Is still"action,to‘zero’Towards AIDS" (English theme Getting To Zero),Subtitle is"The whole people to participate in an,Dive into the,Comprehensive prevention".


This morning,Province FangBan ai/Provincial health department in henan agricultural university held the north"The 2012 world AIDS day campaign",At the same time,In cercis square,Also have capital medical institutions at all levels carry out HIV/AIDS prevention and control of large treatment yizhen advisory activities,The public can go to understand AIDS knowledge.


 [数据] 河南艾滋病感染者55424例 老人性传播感染人数增加明显 [data] henan 55424 people infected with HIV cases of old human propagation infection increased obviously


According to the provincial CDC issued 2012 yearly AIDS epidemic analysis report to know,So far this year October 31,Henan province accumulated confirmed 55424 cases of people infected with HIV,Which has not yet been disease of the patients in 7166 cases,XianZheng patient 30660 examples,Total 17598 patients died.the,January 2012 to October,The new findings report 3058 cases of HIV infection,Compared with the same period last year increased by 7.79%.


The report shows that,The sexually transmitted infections rise significantly,Students in the proportion of infected homosexual spread rising rapidly.From January to October this year,New findings report infection,The sexual way infected 2286 people,In 75% of the cases of report,Compared with the same period in 2011 increased by 48.35%,The gay sexually transmitted in 426 cases,Compared with the same period last year,Increased by 78.24%.Sex outside of marriage spread increases year by year,Gay sex increasing spread.Students in the proportion of infected homosexual spread from 1.39% in 2009,Rose to 34.2% in 2012.


In addition,60 years old age group report heterosexual sexually transmitted infection quantity increase obviously,The number of the report of the opposite sex sexually transmitted report number ratio from 6.4% in 2008,Rise to January to 17.6% in October.


According to the provincial CDC relevant controller introduces,The AIDS epidemic fast rising slow down,But HIV/AIDS are from high-risk groups to the general population diffusion,Epidemic situation is still severe.


Present the HIV/AIDS epidemic situation of low,But individual areas of serious disease.Henan infection rate of about 5 cases per ten thousand people,But at/zhoukou/nanyang/Shangqiu kaifeng city and may report the number of 75.1% of the total number of the report.


还有一部艾防微电影《后来》首映 And a moxa prevent micro film[later]premiere


In a 25 world AIDS day approaching,Zhengzhou municipal party committee support by the communist youth league/Youth volunteers filming a about HIV prevention,transfer"Don't abandon,Don't give up"Happiness micro film[later]Yesterday in children's palace on the premiere ceremony.


The film tells the story of the heroine in learned that her boyfriend after HIV infection"Don't abandon,Don't give up"Touching story of,The heroine a"Who says that people infected with HIV can have a happy?"Caught everyone's resonance.

  据悉,这部微电影近期会陆续上传到各大视频网站,公众可以直接登录网站进行观看。见习记者 刘涛

It is reported,The micro film in the near future will have to each big video web site,The public can directly to your web site to watch.Trainee reporter liu tao


 评说 address

  何必谈艾色变? Why talk about ai colour change?

  写在世界艾滋病日来临之际 Written in the world AIDS day approaching


In the face of the national close to 500000 HIV infected people and patients,The social public have some difficult to eliminate misunderstanding and prejudice?


从“世纪瘟疫”转变为慢性传染病 from"Century plague"Convert to chronic infectious diseases


From 1985 the first found in AIDS patients has been nearly 30 years,Experience was introduced into the/The process of diffusion and rapid growth,Although HIV/AIDS is not strange to the public,But all the about AIDS misunderstanding and prejudice still exist.


The Chinese CDC venereal disease AIDS prevention and control center director wu zun friend said,AIDS already from"Century plague"Into a chronic infectious diseases.Practice has proved,AIDS and diabetes/As high blood pressure,Can prevent controllable remedy,Scientific rational drug use can dramatically reduce infectious,Patients can expect to live for life expectancy.


 定点医院只是过渡 Fixed-point hospital just transition


after,Tianjin people infected with HIV small peak was two hospitals rejected,Then to the third hospitals hide condition to get surgery.The event public opinion after exposure,Shuffle the patient's hospital were health department is investigated.But this incident sparked controversy continues.


The ministry of health said in YiZhengSi medical treatment response,Fixed-point hospital is currently not enough conditions in the period of the transition management strategy,Will eventually realize people infected with HIV in all medical institutions can enjoy safe and effective service.


就业呼唤平等待遇 Employment call for equal treatment


In the difficult survive at the same time,People infected with HIV group development rights more and more attention.November 26,Jiangxi people infected with HIV richie will JinXianXian bureau from the court,He enter oneself for an examination the teacher post found infected with the AIDS virus rejected record,People infected with HIV employment discrimination rights call gradually tall.


At the same time,Commercial insurance will people infected with HIV as franchise clause,For a long time is also the insurance industry"Latent rules"."Whether insurance franchise or employment discrimination,All reflects the development of people infected with HIV dilemma."YiBo public welfare legal AIDS hotline lawyer opportunities said,Especially civil servants employed, etc will exclude people infected with HIV,Negative demonstration can not be ignored,Transfer equal positive energy,To make infections to strengthen self-management,Science treatment.According to xinhua
