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北京医疗床位4年内将增万余张 鼓励力量社会办医--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


In the future,Beijing will control public hospital blind expansion,Free public hospital bedspace banned more than 1000 copies.In addition,In the control drug prices,This year Beijing will trial by health care providers to participate in the bid for the purchase of the drug consumables,In order to enhance control charge power.At the same time,Will promote the hospital take joint procurement/The group to purchase way to squeeze out water prices.


鼓励社会力量办医疗机构 Encourage social forces to do medical institutions


yesterday,Beijing last press conference,The municipal bureau of health LeiHaiChao spokesman said,The program of the establishment of medical institutions after three years of research,Recently has been approved by the Beijing municipal people's government,2 will be released early.According to the planning,The configuration of the bedspace from 4.9 per thousand population zhang increased to 5.5 per thousand population zhang."The expected future four years,Beijing medical beds will increase from ten thousand to twenty thousand copies."


LeiHaiChao said,The future will focus on support and encourage social forces held at various levels and of various kinds of medical institutions,To adapt to the common people increasingly high level/Comfortable model medical service requirement.


According to the planning,By 2015,Beijing held by social forces of the medical institutions bedspace,Will achieve per thousand population around a,And do not set limit."so,In the foreseeable four or five years,Private medical institutions in Beijing medical service market role and status will be consolidated and further development,Bedspace will increase about ten thousand copies."


医疗机构重点向五环外发展 Medical institutions to focus on the development of the rings


after,Beijing has put forward besides has approved the project and project,The city is no longer new within/The reconstruction of medical institutions,The key to the development of urban and rural areas outside.In the future,Will further control public hospital blind expansion,Puts forward monomer public medical institution beds scale should not be more than 1000 copies,Should be in 600-1000 about zhang,As to public hospital expansion limit.


At the same time,Requires public medical institutions to expand beds,Utilization of beds must meet certain proportion,Such as general hospital bed utilization rate shall be 85%,Or not to approve."After the implementation of the planning is expected,Beijing all kinds of medical institutions and the relationship between the location will be more clear."LeiHaiChao said.


改变单独采购挤药价水分 Change the single purchase prices squeeze water


"Medicine separate"Cut off the hospital income and drug income interests chain.As to how to better solve the doctor and the relationship between the drug income,Such as a red envelope/rebate,Municipal development and reform commission of/Medical director of the city to HanXiaoFang said,This year,To reform will promote the hospital take joint procurement/The group to purchase way,Change the present situation of the hospital separate purchase,Extrusion drug price unreasonable water.


At the same time,This year for the first time to participate in medical insurance department will pilot drug/Consumable bidding procurement,Make bidding procurement process cost control power boost.At present,Medical city do is study detailed scheme.


 医疗新布局 Medical new layout

  未来3年康复护理床位将达五千张 The next three years rehabilitation nursing bed will be five photos

  发展康复医院解决大医院压床难题;西城、延庆等4区县试点 The development of rehabilitation hospital to solve large hospital press problem;wl/Yanqing and pilot counties


After Beijing planned through rehabilitation hospital/Nursing home pilot,Form the community -- big hospital - rehabilitation hospital nursing home and orderly pattern of medical treatment.But now,Rehabilitation hospitals and nursing home lack,Can't meet demand patients,Large hospital press is still very prominent.


LeiHaiChao introduced,Beijing has determined the wl/chaoyang/Shijingshan and yanqing four districts and counties for the development of rehabilitation medical system of pilot counties,Carry out part of the transformation of medical institutions, etc.At present,Four pilot counties are also determine the pilot hospitals.


According to the Beijing planning,By 2015,Beijing rehabilitation nursing type hospital beds per thousand population growth 0.5 zhang.This means that,In the next three years,Rehabilitation nursing bed will reach 5000 copies.


LeiHaiChao said,Now will determine the xiaotangshan hospital transformation for rehabilitation hospital,Approved by Beijing humanitarian hospital beds increase to 1100 copies,Beijing rehabilitation center and increase the reconstruction beds to 800 copies.At the same time,Actively guide social forces held profit or non-profit rehabilitation facility,For harmony home rehabilitation hospital/Chinese children rehabilitation center projects through the examination and approval,Is under construction.


At the same time,Nursing home pilot work has been completed the set standard/ChuRuYuan and referral standards/Service standard/Quality standard/Evaluation standard and operation mechanism of the research.Relevant departments have investigated/Research the different types of elderly nursing home,And charging standards and financial problems, such as subsidies,The pilot scheme is put forward.


医改焦点 Reform focus

  【医药分开】 一、二级医院将启动改革试点 [Medicine separate] a/Secondary hospital will start pilot reform


Beijing currently has five hospitals pilot"Medicine separate".yesterday,LeiHaiChao took out"Medicine separate"Reform the latest report - by the end of last year,Five pilot hospital medical insurance patients than the average of medicine decreased from 42.15% to 34.72%;Outpatient service medical insurance patients second all medical treatment cost reduced from 440 yuan to 351 yuan;Outpatient service medical insurance patients out-of-pocket cost from 196 yuan ($) to 98 yuan;In all cases of medical insurance patients to reduce medical costs an average of 3162 yuan,Out-of-pocket costs from 5092 yuan ($) to 4371 yuan.


LeiHaiChao said,Beijing is in 5 hospitals of pilot were evaluated,Summarize problem,The next step will be in tertiary hospital range increase the scope and at the same time,Also explores in the first and second hospital in pilot reform start.


Municipal development and reform commission of/Medical director of the city to HanXiaoFang is introduced,Central hospital at present is to pilot's enthusiasm is very high,The relevant departments under the state council are coordination promote the work.On the whole,Belong to central hospital will start from the pilot,Gradually enlarged.

  【总额预付】 将研究更合理定总额指标 [Amount prepaid] Will study more reasonable total set index


"The total advance medical insurance system"In the last year has become a hot word.This system in control fee aspects effect is remarkable,But other provinces and cities in the implementation of the system,Have to shuffle out hospital the patient's condition.


HanXiaoFang said,The total advance medical insurance system is gradually perfect.See from the effects of,"Medicine separate"A lot of capital cost index declined obviously,This is also pay medical insurance system reform, and other policy result of the integrated effects of.


She admits,The total advance difficult.How to scientifically determine the advance of the total amount of the index,People club department also in the study."Such as consider disease complicated difficulty,As the performance evaluation,On the basis of more scientific and reasonable to determine the total index."


"Beijing will never appear hospital shuffle the patient's problem."HanXiaoFang said,This problem from the system will be on guard against,Prevent appear"The total,The patient is not received"Of similar problems.


惠民新政 New we

  专科医院将加盟预约挂号平台 Specialized subject hospital will join make an appointment platform


LeiHaiChao said,By the end of December last year,The city has 142 hospitals access unified registered platform,Up to 3.941 million in unified platform use registration,All online hospital(Contain two/Tertiary hospital)Into the unified platform number source came to 33.64 million a.This year will be gradually in the specialized subject hospital also included in the platform inside.


"At present fail rate reached 30%,50% of people don't know how unified make an appointment platform."In view of the present break an appointment the higher rate of situation,LeiHaiChao said,Within this year will be to strengthen the propaganda and at the same time,Expand the platform, in the number of source,Explore the reservation period of time and the expert level make an appointment,Reduce the waste of resources.


心脏移植抗排异将纳入特殊病 The heart transplant rejection resistance will be included in the special disease


To relieve the patient a serious illness/Special disease burden of,City human social security bureau spokesman SongFengJing is introduced,Beijing has successively will 6 kinds of special disease outpatient expense in the hospital to submit an expense account range,Including tumor radiation and chemotherapy/Kidney dialysis/After kidney transplantation rejection resistance,And hemophilia/Aplastic anemia/Liver transplantation rejection resistance.


SongFengJing said,In prophase research,heart/Lung transplantation rejection resistance of higher cost reflects the outstanding,So this year ready to these two into the special disease treatment.

  另外,国务院已出台大病医疗保险政策,即在基本医疗保障的基础上,对大病患者发生的高额医疗费用给予进一步解决。宋丰景介绍,目前北京市的此项方案正在制订过程中,可能会采取按比例分段报销的思路来确定方案。 本版采写/新京报记者 温薷

In addition,The state council has issued medical treatment of a serious illness insurance policy,That is the basis of basic medical insurance,In patients with serious illness to the high medical treatment charge gives further solution.SongFengJing introduced,The present Beijing the plans are under formulation process,May take scale section to submit an expense account of thought to determine the scheme. This article/Beijing news reporter Ru temperature
