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recently,About London interbank offered rate(Libor)The manipulated reporting more and more。Due to the United States in an important position in the global financial field,Libor especially Libor was manipulated to $of the us and global financial economic enormous influence,Recently some American regulators began investigating related bank,Mend to。


Libor importance to how to describe too much。Libor rate is the first global financial foundation index,For the global and the U.S. financial markets have a wide range of importance。Libor rates was a British regional banking between the interest rate between funds,But because of London is the world's leading foreign exchange market and currency trading center,The currency has already become the Libor world's major financial product design and trading the reference standard。Although Europe have Euribor、New York has Nibor、Singapore has Sibor and so on,But even influence can replace Libor position and role。

  美元Libor影响了大量互换和期货合约、大宗商品、个人消费贷款、房屋抵押贷款以及其他交易。美元Libor是在CME交易的三个月期欧洲美元期货结算的基础,该品种在2011年交易量的名义价值超过564万亿美元。此外,据BBA,名义价值约350万亿美元的互换合约以及10万亿美元的贷款直接与美元 Libor挂钩。据国际清算银行数据,在2011年,与欧元利率挂钩的场外利率衍生品的名义价值超过220万亿美元。全球银行间的信贷和拆借利率等,往往也都是参照相应币种的Libor再加“点”,美国约90%的商业和抵押贷款据信也与Libor挂钩。

Dollar Libor affected large swap and futures contracts、commodities、Personal consumption loans、Mortgage loans, and other transactions。Dollar Libor is trading in the CME three months period Europe futures based $settlement,This variety in 2011 under the name of trading volume was worth more than 564 trillion dollars。In addition,According to the BBA,Name about $350 trillion worth of swap contracts and the $10 trillion of loans directly to the dollar Libor hooks。According to the bank for international settlements data,In 2011,And the euro rates of interest rate derivatives linked outside the notional value of more than 220 trillion dollars。Global bank credit and between the overnight rate, etc,Often also is corresponding to the currency Libor plus“point”,The United States about 90% of the mortgage business and believed to link up with Libor also。


but,Such an important data forming process is extremely simple,Simple to very easy to manipulate。Libor rates by British banking association management,Selected by the 16 Banks and several major currencies dollar libor rate of the self offer,Then remove the highest and lowest several offer,Put the rest of the dozens of bank rates of simple weighted average,Again through a commercial data release centre announced。If Libor is based on the actual situation of the bank offer,It can reflect the financial market of real interest rates,Related derivatives trading according to the interest rates to run is a kind of fair state。But it is easy to manipulate。If a Banks want to let Libor level toward the direction of the favorable,Just quote us extreme offer,Let their own data taken out,Libor data natural meeting on himself the direction of hope to tilt。especially,If several big Banks is reached or Ming or dark tacit understanding,Libor is enough to distortion。For example,During the financial crisis,If the bank to quote,So the published Libor will be higher than the Libor be manipulated,But according to the truth of these Banks offer will expose liquidity conditions,No one wants to be perceived tensions in the capital market,So deliberately cover your intentions,Quotations down will become the Banks of tacit act。


In addition,These quotations bank also hold other large financial asset positions,If make a false offer,Can help these positions earnings。According to barclays bank's internal mail,Britain's financial services authority in the survey said in conclusion,In January 2005 to May 2009 at least 14 of the interest rate derivatives traders,173 times requirements of interest rates barclays declare member they want to see in accordance with interest rates to declare,Most of the cases according to declare member。


The future direction of the main supervision,The offer is for the bank to review,Only the pure commercial Banks can participate in an offer,Those who mixes industry the management shall not participate in the bank。At the same time,Such an important data,The forming process by only a dozen Banks in,Form the military alliance conditions too convenient,The future regulators should significantly enlarge Libor rates in the number of Banks form,If extended to the hundreds of above,Individual Banks to extreme price will not have a function,But many Banks in also make a military alliance more difficult。


Because the United States is the world's leading financial centrally,Libor rate is also being the biggest impact on countries,At the same time is the global market Libor dollars the most important interest rate,So the United States must to the supervision of the Libor take corresponding responsibility。In addition,Since the 2008 global financial crisis since the outbreak,The internationalization of regulation has also become an important content,So the United States involved in the supervision of the Libor responsibility is part of the natural order of things。The Libor rates now only a dozen offer bank,The United States had citibank、Bank of America, in a very few home,For American funds rate insufficient representative,So Libor rates shall be extended the offer bank Banks in the United States。


At the same time,The United States should and British regulators fully communication,Common commitment to the forming process of Libor transparent。In addition to participate in an offer bank must be regulation compliance of pure commercial Banks outside,Also greatly expanded participation in bank especially the number of Banks in America,Also must monitor the compliance and transparent quotation bank offer,Ensure the authenticity of the quotation,At the same time the bank credit data must be submitted to the daily supervision department for future reference。this,The bank offer is not operating motives and space,Libor rate reached the requirements of the true and fair。

  由于Libor利率对于全球经济和金融的极端重要性,加上美国是受到Libor影响最大的国家,美元Libor是所有Libor中最重要的品种,所以对Libor的监管需要美国监管部门的积极参与,才能获得成功。 (作者单位:东航国际金融公司)

Libor rates due to global economic and financial of extreme importance,And the United States is the largest country by Libor influence,Dollar Libor is the most important thing in all Libor varieties,So for Libor regulatory need active participation in the U.S. regulators,Success can be。 (The author unit:China international finance company)
