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涩谷在清晨中醒来,一小群青年人在清扫完涩谷的街道后领取了当地专有的R币,他们纷纷进入咖啡厅、超市、图书馆、瑜伽中心,用手中的R币兑换一杯咖啡、获得一次购物折扣或者免费上一次瑜伽课的机会。这样的生活他们已经过了10年,而这种货币就是“社区货币”,R即半径,它鼓励人们在社区内分享、交换商品和服务,通过参与志愿或义工活动,换取能在社区内使用的“金钱”。两年前,基于日本著名NPO世界地球日货币协会的平台,嵯峨生马发起“Earth Day Money”的倡议,将本地非营利组织、商家和青年义工连成网络,现在已经有5000人加盟。通过R币可以从超过30个非营利机构中挑选感兴趣的项目进行捐赠或志愿服务,赢得币值不等的R币,再去150间合作商铺里消费,或在Earth Day Market(地球日市集)上买东西。
Acerbity valley in the morning wake up in,A small group of young people in cleaning the acerbity valley after the streets for the local proprietary R money,They all into the coffee shop/supermarket/library/Yoga center,In the hands of the R money for a cup of coffee/Get a shopping discount or free yoga class last chance.Such a life they have after 10 years,And this kind of money is"Community currency",R namely radius,It encourages people to share in the community/Exchange of goods and services,Through participating in voluntary or volunteer activities,In exchange for the use of the community"money".Two years ago,Based on the famous Japanese NPO world earth day monetary institute platform,Towering raw horse launch"Earth Day Money"initiative,Will the local non-profit organizations/Merchants and youth volunteers connect network,Now there are 5000 people who join.Through the R money can from more than 30 select non-profit organization interested projects donated or voluntary service,Win the currency unequal R money,To 150 cooperation between the shops consumption,Or in the Earth Day Market(Earth day market)buying.
从理论的角度来看, “社区货币”起源于一种“时间经济”,建立在社区成员“等值交换”的基础上, 是一种新型的“服务信用”。瑞士社会学家乌里·彼得·特里尔说, 随着闲暇的增加, 未来将出现一种“工作文化”, 它将使“非薪金工作”在货币领域里享有同“薪金工作”同等重要的地位。埃德加在1980年发明了“时间银行”的概念,认为时间货币是金钱经济和社区经济的桥梁,1986年哥伦比亚特区的卡恩教授创立“时间美元“,社区内达成“1小时=1个时间美元”的协议。据不完全估计,全美有超过75种社区货币,32个国家设有时间银行,仅英国就有109间,“存款”达60万小时以上。中国的城市公益“货币”也在广州、杭州、南京、四川等地展开,重庆沙坪坝区2003年即设时间银行,香港湾仔地区推行的社区货币“时分券”已经运行了10年,台湾花园新村社区的“花币”也于2008年开始使用,广东沙东街地区的“良币”则有唤起人们良心的含义。
From the theory point of view,"Community currency"Originated in a"Time economic",Based on community members"Equivalent exchange"Based on,Is a new type of"Service credit".Swiss sociologists monkshood, Peter treves said,With the increase of leisure,The future will appear a"Work culture",It will make"Non salary work"In the monetary field with enjoy"Salary work"Equally important status.Edgar invented in 1980"Time bank"concept,Think time currency is money economy and community economic bridge,In 1986, the district of Columbia professor kahn founded"$time",Reached in the community"1 hour = 1 time dollars"agreement.According to not complete estimation,The United States has more than 75 kinds of community currency,32 countries offer time bank,Britain only has 109 rooms,"deposit"600000 hours.China's urban public welfare"currency"Also in guangzhou/hangzhou/nanjing/On sichuan, etc,Chongqing shapingba district 2003 is set time bank,In the implementation, wan chai, Hong Kong community currency"Time-division voucher"Has been running for 10 years,Taiwan garden of saemaul undong community"Spend money"Also in 2008 started to use,Guangdong sand tung street area"Good money"Have arouse people the meaning of conscience.
台北花园新城以“务”易“务” Taipei city garden with"affairs"easy"affairs"
"LiJie,Would you please help me to the quilt."Chestnut wife in the community have the best xiangyang big balcony,And they began to the"Help an office worker drying the quilt"service,She was glad to received the white-collar workers in the hands of a girl"currency",A closer look,This is not the whole table of circulation nt $,But Taipei city garden DIY currency, spend money.Spend money by the design of ecological etchers lai JiRen do,Rip city garden"flower"Natural concept,The mountain common Taiwan native species plant as the main design notes,And cover community special steel seal,Become Taiwan's first seen village autonomy currency.
Local residents Peter/JiangHuiYi couple reference community monetary operation mode,Called village residents was established"Spend · help"system,Issue autonomous currency"Spend money".Spend money issued a total of 10 points/30 points/60 rating three kind of currency,Residents pay nt $100,Can join"Spend · help"community,For 200 points spend money into the community economic system."Spend · help"Service value from the length of the time,Such as 60 minutes of repair work is turf with 60 points spend money,30 minutes hair that had 30 points spend money.Provide service multifarious,Fully show the imagination of the residents,Such as millet wife"Help an office worker drying the quilt",10 points spend money in exchange for a bed sun fragrance;JiangHuiYi baked apple pie as long as 60 points spend money,Also have residents volunteered to help workers to take care of the use of the sun's heat"Solar pot",Came home from work have hot water and hot food,Don't consume energy,Spend money as long as 10 points foundry fee,The yoga the classroom accept cash have received"Spend money".Now for the garden new town district management committee ZhangYouFu director-general,Once use 60 points to spend money neighbor borrowed a straw mat,Have a hot summer day.Every weekend he lead the community mothers sitting at CKS park in the pavilion,With ear etna auspicious decoration a teacher to learn how to weave.Widely in urban noisy frequency,Here is still on their own carefree and full pace.
广东沙东街社区低成本的好生活 Guangdong sand tung street community low cost a good life
"Health life hall"In the sand there 's service center introductory place,From green tillage social work development center in urban and rural areas of cooperation and fair trade projects of agricultural and sideline products on display in this,Simple packaging honey/Black peanut/Size is not big pumpkin,Looks extremely simple,But all is worth buying;Other such as ecological eight-treasure rice sushi/Old pumpkin juice/Rural potherb also wait for the highest bid.Ok have"Community good ticket",The highest is worth 50% cash,This can be half price buy organic agricultural and sideline products,Count down to less than the supermarket common ingredients are even more cheap."Community good ticket"Is service center this year the march issue of the community currency,Range of application is not limited to this,In the center of the second-hand exchange platform/Manual mill/The family kitchen products can be used to buy a ticket,January once a better life with good market is also a good opportunity for ticket to save money."Good ticket"Gets its name from the countrymen on"Food stamps"memory,A good conscience meaning,Aims to help people with low cost for good life.Green tillage social work ZhangWenHao said,In the process of promoting good ticket,He is more willing to advocate"Equivalent exchange"Rather than"buy"concept.The subtle difference is"Equivalent exchange"To be able to reflect the labor and the employee's respect,Community residents and promote mutual symbiosis between the feelings of connection.
As a carrier of the residents will connect,The community good ticket only through a way of receiving:Volunteer service.For youth counseling courses/stories,Visit old man,Assist in organizing people with disabilities in recreational activities...In the latter part of the center,There are 13 room multi-function room,Divided into parent-child activity room/Community kitchen/Manual mill, etc.Community the kitchen,Waiting for sale is eight treasures in meters/Bamboo shoots/fern/Flowers food...These ingredients are from yunnan/Conghua mountain small farmers.Community kitchen team members ChenJie six ZhangLiang ticket,Is the son to come to visit Hong Kong students do volunteer guide for 1 hour,Every ZhangLiang par a time division(Ten minutes is equal to the voluntary service),In a community equivalent to 1 yuan RMB.The one horn of the market also offers GongLiaoZhan disabled paintings charity sale.Especially for GongLiaoZhan students YangFang opened a small platform,The market sold five paintings,Value 50 yuan and 2 time,Many residents in the purchase at the same time also to write down the message to give her.
香港“时分券”寄托三十年后的未来 Hong Kong"Time-division voucher"After thirty years on the future
Jean elder sister work of the enterprise,In the 2000 years ago have failed,Have sewing technology she couldn't find employers,Since then she was only sit at home,Life burden overwhelmed."After unemployment since,I the whole individual as if without a purpose,Sitting at home every day to the four wall,Feel yourself with society out of joint.I'm so happy can join"Community economic mutual plan"Is also the"Perfect team",Find like-minded friends,At the same time use their expertise to create a unique bag earn income."
Jean elder sister said revenue with the bag,Refers to will be ready to finished product in wan chai area"Time-division heaven and earth"sell,For community currency"Time-division voucher",Then use it to buy daily articles for daily use.This is"time"System as the center of community economy mutual plan."Time division system is Hong Kong st James f group will be carried out in 2001,It in time for the exchange unit,Embodies the value of labor,The community is a form of currency.Members may use of their talents,Provide an hour service exchange 60 time division,Can use time in exchange for others quite value of the services or goods."Hong Kong st James f group will project supervisor ZhengShuZhen woman says."Time-division heaven and earth"in,Duty of volunteers is mainly in the community of women/elderly/Unemployed people,Their workload not much,As long as answering the telephone,record/Donations or sell goods,collection,Reply to customer problems.The duty, lu said,She will probably be in a week"Time-division heaven and earth"The duty eight hours for the corresponding time voucher,1/4 used to in organic food,A quarter to change some articles of everyday use,A quarter can also be used to give the child remediation,The rest of the can save it for some second-hand furniture electrical appliances.Basically the daily life can solve the problem.While Hong Kong minimum wage for 28 Hong Kong dollar/hour,If in social work,The same workload even hk $80 / hour of general supplementary charges will be difficult to pay.And in"Time-division heaven and earth"For things is not bad,Even the director of XuAnHua[The tin shui wai of day and night]Costumes of the,Here are selected.
圣雅各福群会的社区经济主人赵文敏最记得的一句宗旨是,“人尽其材,物尽其用,地尽其利,各取所需”。这群为街坊开拓新生活的社工相信,街坊能通过时分券,学会重视人和重视资源,透过时间经验发挥才能,得到自己需要的事情,懂得give and take的道理。
St James f group will community economic ZhaoWenMin master the most remember a aim is,"People use its material,Make the,we,Each takes what he needs".This group for neighborhood develop new life of social workers believe,Neighborhood can through the time ticket,Learn to pay attention to and pay attention to resources,Through time experience develop ability,Get your need things,Know how to give and take the truth.
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