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As the financial crisis sweeping the globe,Both developed and emerging markets such as Asia nothing"immune",International financial firewall is pushed to the front line,The importance of regional firewall increasingly prominent.Each layer between financial safety net how to cooperate?Whether Asia should strengthen financial cooperation and expand emergency fund scale?Like a raging fire with the European and American financial regulatory reform compared,Asia's regulatory reform and what is its special features?

  不久前,在狮城的办公室,去年4月履新的新加坡金管局新任局长孟文能(Ravi Menon)接受了第一财经和《第一财经日报》记者的独家专访。

Not long ago,In the lion city office,Last April the newly Singapore the hkma's new chief MengWen can(Ravi Menon)Accept the first finance and economics and[The first financial daily]Reporter's exclusive interview.


MengWen can think,Although Asia's real economy has very strong,But in the financial market is still in the integration"Baby stage",And of the Chiang mai initiative polygonization mechanism(CMIM)Regional financial cooperation is an important step.In dealing with a crisis,domestic/Regional and international three levels of safety net is like"Concentric circles",Only cooperation can we truly successful.


For the future of the financial industry,MengWen can still keep optimistic.He thinks,Need to let the financial industry more toughness and more meaningful:"Don't be too too focused on financial side of the bright,If we can make financial return to nature,The economic benefit will be huge."


Three layer"Concentric circles"


The first financial daily:We see the Chiang mai initiative polygonization mechanism in advancement,At the beginning of this year set up asean and China and South Korea macroeconomic research office(AMRO),The office is in the building.This is a very important measure.Looking to the future,Asian integration of the next big breakthrough be?


MengWen can:I think we need to have the basis of achievements in strengthening construction again.Asia's real economy has constantly integration,Especially by trade contact.Asian internal trade large Numbers,This is largely due to the Asian integration production network.10 asean countries in 2015 will try to establish a asean economic association.We will become a joint production base and between countries is almost zero tariff of the single market.I think that in the real economy aspects,Our integration has very strong,Also very promising.


Of course,This and the European Union have a certain gap.First of all,We are much smaller scale,Also won't like them so highly integrated.Our financial market integration are still in the infant stage,Now just beginning.In Asia,Countries and each big central bank financial cooperation between also gradually strengthening,The Chiang mai initiative polygonization mechanism is one of very important step.In 2010,,We start with $120 billion fund set up of the Chiang mai initiative polygonization mechanism.Only two years later,Our funds has more than doubled to $240 billion.We and the IMF"decoupling"Money has been increased from 20% to 30%.More important is,We are of the Chiang mai initiative polygonization mechanism into the crisis defense rules.I think that in such a short time so major move is very not easy.


The establishment of AMRO is very important,In Asia have such a perfect supervision mechanism is undoubtedly exciting,We're very honored to AMRO office in this building.I am surprised AMRO in such a short period of time will tend to be perfect,And start the high quality supervision.AMRO not only understand Asia system culture,And regulations makers synchronization,It can also the Asian development put forward a constructive suggestion and scheme.Of course,AMRO growth and expand the function of the space is very big still.At the same time,It does not mean we will and outside of Asia is out of the world,The future AMRO real success depends on and IMF/The world bank and other international multilateral organization continued cooperation.


daily:You just mentioned,AMRO and IMF decoupling capital part has increased from 20% to 30%,And with the IMF AMRO in some degree between existence competition.How to deal with this kind of both cooperative and competitive relationship?

  孟文能:我们应该把这个问题理解为同心圆。最中心的当然是国家层面的安全网,首先我们应该靠自己,这很重要。第二,才是区域层面。当我们遇到一些非常棘手的问题时,我们需要在区域层面一起解决,这就是CMIM的意义所在。我们有 2400亿美元和多种机制来应对危机。我们现在正在扩大区域性安排的职能,这种区域性的自救措施很重要。

MengWen can:We should understand the problem for concentric circles.The center, of course, is the national level safety net,First of all, we should depend on ourselves,This is important.The second,Is the regional level.When we meet some very tough problems,We need to work together to solve regional level,This is the meaning of CMIM.We have 240 billion dollars and a variety of mechanisms to cope with crisis.We are now expanding the function of regional arrangements,This regional self-help measures is very important.


You will also find,We have a part of the capital don't inform IMF can use,Only 30%,In other words,Just a tiny part,The remaining 70% capital to work together with the IMF finish.That is,Even regional problems,If very difficult or a major crisis,We still need to deal with the international community to jointly together.It is common.


I think the debt crisis is a good example.When you run into a major regional problems,Only depend on oneself to solve will be very difficult.When a problem is too big,You need to IMF to establish an international firewall,And they work together.Sometimes the cooperation between countries will have supplementary terms,But in these terms agreement signed in the region is very difficult,Therefore need on the international level,There is a independent/No interest relations of the third party to put forward Suggestions and solutions will be simple many.So I think,We should also use domestic/Regional and international the three channels,Is three"Concentric circles"To solve the we are faced with the challenge of the financial market and financial crisis.


Strengthen AMRO function


daily:In the medium term,CMIM in expanding funds at the same time,Whether should also gradually increase the decoupling of money? Part?


MengWen can:We in the past few months have been so done.At present,I think our primary task is to establish the AMRO regulatory capacity.We have already large wrongdoing,This period of time also is growing.


daily:But when meet a serious crisis,These funds may still not enough.


MengWen can:Like I said,We should not only look at the $240 billion,We have domestic resources.Don't forget to,Asian countries capital reserves than European countries to much more abundant.In addition,Regional levels there are international level can help.So I think,We don't have to unrestrainedly expand regional institution capital scale.

  至于已经施行的其他改革,我认为我们还需要进行巩固,我们必须要有一个强健的AMRO 来支撑这些项目和改革,为金融危机所困的各国政府提供有建设性的建议。所以我们需要加强AMRO的职能,从资金上支持AMRO等,这些都需要时间。在考虑资金规模之前,我们应该先集中精力把AMRO建设成一个更完善的机构。

As for other reform has been in effect,I think we need to consolidate,We must have a strong AMRO to support these projects and reform,The financial crisis for trapped governments provide constructive Suggestions.So we need to strengthen the function of AMRO,From capital support AMRO, etc,These things take time.In considering capital before scale,We should focus on the construction of the AMRO into a more perfect mechanism.


daily:How do you convince AMRO the office in Singapore?


MengWen can:When an agency set up international regional office,Many countries would expressed interest in.Then the country will discuss,Finally to make a decision.Singapore is an international financial centre,And with other Asian countries have very good communication and links,I think our connectivity and on the financial market open,AMRO is established in Singapore advantage,So the choice can be said to be very reasonable.


Let the financial industry more meaningful

  日报:危机之后,金融界声名显赫的人物,例如像巴克莱的Bob Diamon和摩根大通的Jamie Dimon,他们挺过了金融危机最严重的阶段,但现在却纷纷声名扫地。现在金融产业还能承受更多的丑闻吗?

daily:Crisis after,Financial circles of great eminence characters,For example like Barclay Bob Diamon and jp Morgan's Jamie Dimon,They survive the financial crisis the most serious stage,But now have been famous sweep the floor.Now the financial industry still can withstand more scandal?


MengWen can:We can't simply take these as a hero or a bad man,Financial was supposed to be a very volatile industry.In terms of relative to other industry,Risk management in financial industry is the more center position,If you make the wrong decision consequences and loss will be very great.And to see people do,We go to the attention of the whole financial system and procedures,Understand its inherent is more vulnerable to risk/polytropic/concussion/Managers of judgement(Such as greed or fear)The influence of such factors as.Other industries is not without these problems,But in the financial industry,These problems lead to serious consequences of many.


So I think,We should think about how to have a more toughness of financial industry,How to have a more meaningful financial industry."ductile"Refers to a strong financial industry,Will not become the real economy hidden trouble,Won't cause a great loss of economic crisis."meaningful"Refers to the financial industry need to support and construction entity economy has practical significance,Can promote economic growth and development.I think this is the core of the financial industry.I think we will constantly emphasis on these aspects,Not too focused on financial side of the bright,If we can make financial return to nature,The economic benefit will be huge.I on the financial industry still optimistic,I don't think the industry have any problems in principle.instead,I think it has a potential for economic development to make a lot of contribution.The international community is also regulation reform,The key to make financial return to the fundamentals.


daily:You just mentioned financial regulatory reform problem.Now the center of the reform of the banking industry.We know that the United States has"Walker rules";Britain also passed the vickers(Vickers)Regulatory framework,The European Union has also drew up a similar law.In Asia there will be"Regulatory arbitrage"In case of any?Whether Asia should also have a similar rules or act?


MengWen can:I think the most important regulatory reform is those after several efforts to achieve reform.From banking to see,We need to improve the quantity and quality of capital,Because capital can absorb the loss.This is all the world common recognition and accept point of view,We also have global unified standards,For example Ⅲ Basel agreement.In the capital problem,Don't have too many regulatory arbitrage happen.In fact,We are careful to observe all countries to the situation of the implementation of the Basel agreement Ⅲ,See the nations and whether effect with the original agreement coincide.I think the Basel agreement is the international cooperation and coordination of a very good progress.The second is liquidity standards.The financial crisis of a lot of problems and lack of liquidity,These problems has not been very good solve,Relevant rules in also develop,Some draft has set up a file in the negotiations,This is not easy.Singapore has a liquidity standards,We also look forward to the international standard come on stage,Let us can be used as a beacon to contrast.


daily:Is to use liquidity coverage(LCR)Consideration??


MengWen can:Don't,We made a minimum liquidity requirements.We always require Banks to hold part of liquid assets,We have set the form of assets held,It depends on the different situation of each bank,According to past income and outflow situation to evaluate liquidity demand.We always have this regulation,And has been emphasized the importance of liquidity risk management.therefore,Capital and liquidity is to reduce the risk of investment Banks two of the most important reform.Of course,Also there are many regulations efforts to reduce over-the-counter trading and derivatives risk.In this problem,Everyone's opinion also gradually beginning to converge,But it is not mature.


"Vickers rules"Britain is for a more specific rules,In the eu, also have similar ideas,But I don't see it as the core content of the reform.In this problem,Each country has to assess their financial system and status,And then create the most suitable for their own regulations.You can see,In Asia,Many countries have introduced the global bank mode,Its advantage is,Supervision to allow them to optimization operation and you don't have to its business to make unnecessary restrictions and isolation.


At the same time,Some Asian countries different strategies,Their retail bank more attention,For example, in Singapore,We now allow the important foreign Banks to establish branch offices,They set up company in Singapore,We care most is their retail bank this business,Because no matter from the political Angle or financial stability point of view,This is the most sensitive part.To deposit account funds supervision in every country is very important,Vickers rules are for retail bank,To ensure the safety of the depositors money,Have higher security system,And from the influence of other bank business risk.But the way to realize in Asia and Europe and the United States may be different,I don't think it will lead to regulatory arbitrage,But will change the bank in specific business and geographical position organization management mode.Look at the future of supervision will be how to develop evolution,Will is an interesting thing.


daily:Now let your headache??? What???


MengWen can:All of us should be most concerned about is the debt crisis brought about by the risk,The spread of the crisis risk has been let us on tenterhooks,We follow up the situation in Europe in development.From Singapore to see,Our attention is the limitation of domestic resources,Supply shortages may cause overheating pressure.We still need to work hard to control inflation,Financial stability is also we have been thinking of problem.
