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宋冰接手蔡金勇 高盛高华首位女性总经理即将履新--亲稳舆论引导监测室
宋冰 资料图
SongBing material diagram
和讯网消息 和讯网1日中午获悉,高盛高华证券有限责任公司在其内部备忘录内称,宋冰将担任高盛高华总经理兼法定代表人职务。宋冰将与韦达文 (Matthew Westerman) 及中国投资银行部执行委员会在治理结构、管理与监管事务上紧密合作。
HeXunWang news HeXunWang 1 that noon,Goldman sachs gao hua securities company limited in its internal memo said within,SongBing will act as a Goldman sachs gao hua general manager and legal representative position。SongBing will and wei Da Vinci (Matthew Westerman) And the China investment, k, executive committee in the governance structure、Management and supervision matters close cooperation。
高和讯网还在高盛高华官网上查阅到,宋冰是其管理委员会成员。官网上对宋冰的介绍是:曾任Baker & McKenzie律师,Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP律师,德意志银行香港分行法律部副总裁。
High HeXunWang also at Goldman GaoHuaGuan online access to,SongBing is its management committee members。Official website of SongBing introduction is:Once was appointed Baker & McKenzie lawyer,Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP lawyer,Deutsche bank vice President of the Hong Kong branch laws。
In SongBing before,Goldman sachs gao hua securities a general manager by the famous investment banking sector as CaiJinYong。Not long ago CaiJinYong was instructed to the world bank,As the subordinate international financial company's executive vice President and chief executive officer。
According to media reports,In CaiJinYong after by,Goldman sachs investment banking in China President daily work is by wei Da Vinci gradually take over。
Goldman sachs gao hua's official website said is introduced,Goldman sachs gao hua securities by Goldman sachs group and its strategic partner in China Beijing gao hua securities company limited in 2004 invested by December。The company is headquartered in Beijing,To provide customers with a wide range of investment banking services,Including underwriting stocks、Bonds and convertible bonds and other kinds of securities,Can also offer the merger and acquisition and financial advisory services and other related services。The chairman of the company by the China investment banking world leading level character and party a。
此外,北京高华证券官方网站显示, 宋冰目前还担任高华证券副总经理,联席首席运营官,管理委员会成员。
In addition,Beijing gao hua securities official website display, SongBing is still as gao hua securities deputy general manager,Joint chief operating officer,The management committee members。
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