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October 24,,[financial](blog,Micro bo)- appropriate letter wealth"China's wealth management series BBS, change traditional wealth management innovation strength"In Shanghai held successfully.This BBS by[financial]Magazines and appropriate letter remarkable wealth investment management(Beijing)Co., LTD.(Next referred to as"Appropriate letter wealth")Jointly hosted,From academic research institutions senior scholars/Wealth management machine experts and the experts and scholars, etc of more than 150 people attended the BBS activities.
Attend the BBS of the main guests have,Bank of communications(601328,guba)Chief economist even flat/Shanghai jiaotong university Shanghai senior financial college finance professor and vice President of the China financial institute YanHong/Appropriate letter company founder and CEO downing/Appropriate letter wealth chief wealth management experts LvQi doctor/Bank of east Asia(China)Wealth management department general manager ChenBaiXuan/KaiPengHua surplus venture capital fund executive director SunLan/Kingburg industry investment fund management co., LTD. FanYin managing director/The McKinsey global vice director FangXi source/Kearney management consulting company global partner and the greater China region President ZhuangRuiHao/XiangCai securities vice President and chief economist kang li, etc.We discuss the technical innovation and the wealth management interaction and integration,Share both domestic and overseas investors education and talents cultivation of best practice case,In order to seek wealth management industry innovation and transformation path.
This BBS is the"Mass affluent class wealth management challenges and opportunities"As the theme of the[financial]- appropriate letter wealth"China's wealth management series BBS"On August 28, Beijing after starting the second station.
Bank of communications chief economist even flat
Wealth management and economic operation are inseparable
China's current total wealth is not the world's largest,But the growth space is the world's largest.The growth in wealth from the operation of the economy,Through the study found that,The overall economic operation next year than this year in general better.Reason have three:a/Three big demand.two/Inventory changes.three/Financial support.
Three big demand,The U.S. economy in the fourth quarter of this year have obvious recovery,Export trend turned for the better;In the second half of the investment start up,Investment next year will also maintained a fast growth;Income growth in consumption growth brings more stable constant pull.
Inventory aspects,Stock index began to rise,From the point of view of inventory can pull aggregate demand,Three big demand further expansion and the influence of the factors,The expansion of aggregate demand will be quicker.
Financial support on,This year has changed before two years continued to decline the situation,Appeared growth,So there is no doubt that economic growth next year than this year,If this year is 7.8%,Next year more than 8% of the possibility is bigger.
Capital flow and the exchange rate,I personally observed,When the western economic stability,Undermined by the growth,Capital flows to developing countries,Chinese much more pressure.
At the same time,Interest rates continue down the possibility of more and more small,The future smooth even upgrade is more likely.
From the reserve to see,At present the necessity of further cut is more and more small,Possibility is also more and more small,Next year the deposit reserve rate cut of the space is not large.
Appropriate letter company founder and CEO downing
Change traditional wealth management innovation strength
Today we talk about changing the traditional wealth management innovation strength,We understand the innovation power has two:A is the latest high-tech temperature is very high/The Internet/Mobile terminal and the combination of wealth management;Another is advanced/science/The correct wealth management concept to China,Make our wealth management industry's concept and mode from products to drive sales type to take the customer demand as the center of the asset allocation/The ratio of risk and return service change.These two kinds of innovation strength mixed together,Influence each other,Promote Chinese wealth management industry ascension.
Take the customer as the center,Provide a comprehensive range of asset allocation/Financial planning services
Wealth management the next phase of ascension,Is through the high-tech,Take the customer demand as the center,Provide asset allocation/Financial planning services.Wealth management in China is new,And in the American public rich class,Almost every family has wealth management consultant.Customers don't understand professional,Need to be in financial planning has help,Every year everyone need to do financial health physical examination.Wealth management mechanism should be periodically for customers to do physical examination,Real-time customer economic change,Including emergency,Real-time to provide solutions.Such service in China's development opportunity,Are now coming.
And the above all this in the present and the Internet/New technology is not divided,So the Internet financial,High-tech and financial combination,Make take the customer as the center of the wealth management becomes more and more important.
The Internet financial makes financial become more personalized and common people
High-tech and financial combination makes financial become more common people/personalized,More reflect every investor values.The past financial services,The threshold is relatively high,And high-tech/The Internet/Mobile terminal to reduce the threshold.For example:In the United States/Europe's mass affluent class,Their family expenses financial package there is an important part of public finance is called,While in China to do the public welfare the threshold is very high,Is usually large organizations/The government do.In China through the Internet/P2P model,You can make financial person/Lender choose want to help individual,City people can help the rural people,You can also participate in the activities of the line to see you on the Internet support exactly is who,His project of operation.So the Internet financial makes financial/investment/Finance more humanized,More reveal the values of investors.And such model can also teach children how to finance,Can teach children experiencing folk sufferings.
The Internet finance and investor education and professional talent training
The Internet financial for investors education and professional talent training brought a unique opportunity.China's vast financial person will see,Advanced science correct wealth management idea not only can through the line method is used to obtain.Appropriate letter in the national wealth more than 40 cities have thousands of financial planners,We'll have a wealth lecture hall activities,Enlightenment for the customer knowledge wealth,At the same time we will also put the information/All kinds of market information,Through the Internet,Through the wireless transmission way to investors.
Industry on talent cultivation,Many emerging into the field of talent in the past for wealth management is not very understanding,China for such talents have large demand,How to make they can quickly into the line,To improve their level,Can also through the Internet and mobile terminal of the innovative ways.
Shanghai jiaotong university senior financial college financial professor/Chinese enterprises, vice President of the institute YanHong
The financial industry is essentially a service industry
The financial industry is essentially a service industry,For the real economy development service.but,The development of China's financial industry is difficult to completely copy Europe and the practice of developed countries.
China's economy in the past 30 years of development has created a number of rich people,For these people,How to make their assets get is the value of the assets management industry of chance,Is a daunting challenge.
These challenges from several aspects,One is the idea of challenge,The second is the challenge of products,Three are professional mental challenge.These three challenges need the support of the policy and innovation of the products,A lot of financial product launch no policy support is undoable,Financial product innovation design also need professional concept.
Professional team of employees is the key to wealth management industry,Training a large number of professional knowledge financial planners/Professional investors is for us the whole financial market has a great role in ascension.
Financial services professionals do need to have the basic knowledge of economics,Because finance is a branch of economics.At the same time,Financial services professionals must for financial markets have a further use,And be able to understand customer needs and provide professional advice.
Interaction BBS a:Science and technology innovation and wealth management interaction and integration
Bank of east Asia(China)Wealth management department general manager ChenBaiXuan:For wealth management speaking,Don't but asset allocation,Asset allocation is your life to different cycle to accept the risk of how to configuration of different part.The other is the financial planning,Through the different combination of asset allocation and different risk make to a effect.
The McKinsey global vice director FangXi source:I think in scientific and technological innovation to promote the next ten years of wealth management development should be promising.McKinsey think the next ten years,Wealth managers in China to the world.
XiangCai securities vice President/Kang li, chief economist:Wealth management in China's future ten years of development,One is the need of hi-tech means as support,The second is wealth management to break control.Three is to change concept,The Chinese do financial don't like to leave money to somebody else,We need to change the.
Appropriate letter company founder and CEO downing:In China engaged in financial innovation in line with the general principle is"Legal compliance,Benefits the country and the",Under such a major premise in can have very good pratt &whitney finance and wealth management breakthrough.
Interaction BBS two:Both domestic and overseas investors education and talent cultivation industry best practice
Kearney management consulting company global partners/The greater China region President ZhuangRuiHao:Customers will education,30% of the rate of return is 07 years ago thing,07/08 after the storm,Everybody for the expected rate of return has gradually tend to be rationalization.
KaiPengHua surplus venture capital fund executive director SunLan:From the current market has the disposable wealth growth speed to see,Actually 10-500000 dollars phase of the talent is growing at a faster rate than the rest of the population growth.
Kingburg industry investment fund management co., LTD. FanYin managing director:I think wealth management first is to trust,He gave the money to you,First think he believe you.Second risk,Income third.
Appropriate letter wealth chief wealth management experts LvQi:In financial market in China,We still lack of some strategic vision,Are familiar with international financial market,And also has the risk control ability of the high-level financial talented person.Enterprise should have further eye,In the cultivation mechanism,Through the internal mechanism of talents training.
- 出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳网络舆情监测室
- 出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- 一周财讯--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- 张承惠:不差钱的金融市场难匹配城镇化的资金缺口--亲稳网络舆情监测室
- 专家称银行应适应互联网需求--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 理顺机制尤为重要(明星教授)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- 假新闻袭击金融--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 支付行业快速扩张--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- “三马”闯两江--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- “金融创新不足”致结构调整举步维艰--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- IMF:中国内需支持亚洲经济--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- 小摩:2013年全球经济增速2.4%--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 对外资产结构失衡FDI撤资风险、资产收益率过低并存--亲民维稳网络舆情监测
- 一季度北京金融业增加值619亿元 同比增长11%--亲稳舆论引导监测室