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Shanghai pudong development bank


Offshore business assets exceeded 5.2 billion us dollars

  本报讯 截至2012年5月末,浦发银行(600000,股吧)离岸业务总资产达52亿美元、离岸存款余额达51.7亿美元、离岸贷款和贸易融资余额达26.3亿美元,分别是开业当年的66倍、75倍和51倍,10年来年平均增幅分别为52%、54%和48%,离岸客户从96户发展到1.9万户,年平均增长幅度达70%。

Report from our correspondent by the end of May 2012,Shanghai pudong development bank(600000,Shares it)Offshoring total assets of $5.2 billion、Offshore account balance of $5.17 billion、Offshore loans and financing trade balance of $2.63 billion,Opening of the year respectively is 66 times、75 times and 51 times,10 years average growth in the coming year were 52%、54% and 48%,Offshore clients from the 96 homes to development of 19000,Average annual growth rate of 70%。


According to understand,Shanghai pudong development bank offshore business customer group mainly in small and medium-sized settlement based type customers,The big group customers as the core。Shanghai pudong development bank offshore department general manager ZhengHui said,Shanghai pudong development bank offshore business with rich product solutions、Efficient service rate and strict risk of,For domestic customers“Go out”To provide effective extension service support,Satisfy the customers' various aspects、Comprehensive business requirements。




The national development and reform commission secretary general ZhangYanSheng academic committee:


Make china-arab financial cooperation“First area”

  本报讯 “2011年伊斯兰金融资产为1.3万亿美元;到2015年,伊斯兰金融将达到2.8万亿美元,这个体系对成为世界第二大大国的中国在全球空间的布局和全球的责任来讲,是不能被忽视的。”国家发改委学术委员会秘书长张燕生7月13日在宁夏银川召开的第三届中国*阿拉伯国家经贸论坛理论研讨会上强调。

Report from our correspondent “2011 islamic financial assets for $1.3 trillion;By 2015,Islamic finance will reach $2.8 trillion,This system to become the world's second largest country in the world of Chinese space layout and global responsibility to speak,It can not be ignored。”The national development and reform commission academic committee secretary general ZhangYanSheng July 13, held in ningxia yinchuan the third China * Arab state economic and trade BBS theory emphasizes the seminar。


At this meeting,Promoting china-arab both sides“Financial cooperation”The topic was pushed into“In ningxia as a breakthrough development islamic finance,Provide new investment and financing channels”The specific links。A region of the entity economy development potential and service areas is the key to the development of islamic finance center factors,And this is precisely ningxia makes the internationalization the islamic financial center of potential advantage,Also in other economic and trade cooperation in promoting the ideal role positioning。


“The ningxia to fight a Chinese and the gulf Arab state financial cooperation first area,Not only is the development of inland the open economy needs,The whole country is further deepening the needs of the opening。”ZhangYanSheng in theory seminar that。

  (陆 丰)

(Lu feng)


Traffic bank(601328,Shares it)Introduced the first


“The remote intelligence iTM ATM”

  本报讯 2012年7月18日,交通银行在上海宣布推出全国首台全新“远程智能柜员机iTM”,实现“远程智能柜面服务”新模式。据了解,远程智能柜员机不仅是将远程渠道与柜面服务进行简单地优势互补,而是改变银行传统单一设备与单一柜面的服务模式,转变成为以全行资源实时支撑的集约式在线服务模式,努力打造“全功能、全天候、面对面、类柜面”的微型智能网点,实现未来网点的“无人银行,有人服务”。首批远程智能柜员机将于上海、南京、广州等城市进行先行布放。

Report from our correspondent 18 July 2012,Bank of communications in Shanghai announced the launch of the first brand new“The remote intelligence iTM ATM”,realize“The remote intelligence service counter”The new model。According to understand,The remote intelligence is not only a remote machines channel, and the counter service simply advantages,But change traditional single equipment and a single bank teller service mode,Change to become to both real-time upon that support resources online service mode,To create“Full function、all-weather、Face to face、Class counter”Miniature intelligence network,Realize the future of the network“No one bank,Someone service”。The first remote intelligent machines will be in Shanghai、nanjing、Guangzhou city in the cloth。




Merchants securities


“Wisdom is second phase of a hedge”listed

  本报讯 招商证券(600999,股吧)旗下集合理财新产品“智远避险二期”集合计划7月23日起发行。该计划将为客户资产提供“双保险”,一方面运用CPPI保险策略力求规避风险,在立足固定收益品种的同时,适度投资股票和基金,追求超额收益。另一方面,招商证券还将投入自有资金,若推广期参与并持有到期的委托人在产品到期时发生亏损,将以参与的自有资金提供有限补偿。

Report from our correspondent investment securities(600999,Shares it)Its new product set finance“Wisdom is second phase of a hedge”Pool plan on July 23, the issue。The program will provide for the customer assets“Double insurance”,On the one hand use CPPI insurance policy to avoid risk,Based on fixed income varieties in at the same time,Moderate investment stocks and funds,Pursue excess profits。On the other hand,Merchants securities will also put into their own funds,If the promotion period involved, and hold expires client in product due losses,In their own funds to provide limited compensation。


According to the statistical data Wind,Merchants securities set's 2011 investment products under the similar products in the most performance brokers before a quarter,By the end of June this year with a year of operation set financial products,Nearly a year performance in the similar products still most brokers in the quarter before。


