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Business sometimes is risky,In one of two born of what situation especially。


The loss of business reputation、The legal system of regret、Place protection looked up...


Any one,Are sufficient to cause the happening of the risk,Then legal rights suffer。In this paper in the previous year,The rights of zheshang ten cases。Some things out of the distribution of interests,Some involved in the new land,Some is began in the functional not as even misbehaving。


This newspaper hope that through these to have common characteristics and the rights of samples,With the reference to newcomers,Lest tragedy reproduce。


Wen │ this reporter ZhuJian


 王向春坠亡之谜 The mystery of the dead WangXiangChun fell

  —一起土地回购引发的命案 -by land together buyback homicide


July 2011,《zheshang》Magazine published rights report《The mystery of the dead WangXiangChun fell》。


Six years ago,Wenzhou people HuangXingRong in Beijing's daxing district with the price of 5000 yuan per to Beijing sifang credit industry &trade Co., LTD rented land,Investment more than 8000 yuan to build professional market。This plot is located in daxing district qingyun shop in town,The land was cao village collective land。


2009 years,HuangXingRong established in the grand palace gate building materials wholesale city south a phase of the project,Will the safety appraisal of buildings for“qualified”。then,The Beijing municipal government increase investment in the south of the city,The new secretary of ZhenWei YanDeJiang requirements repurchase land,HuangXingRong be declined。Since then,Qingyun shop insist that town,Building materials city belongs to“Illegal buildings”,Compulsory destruction。


HuangXingRong refused to move away from,Then in early May 2010 was in daxing district public security bureau“Suspected of agricultural land illegally occupied”Charges detention。Arrest that night,His wife WangXiangChun overnight for this matter to Beijing。In dealing with the matter of the king,But at the police station killed within a catch in it。May 14,Daxing district public security bureau are given“High drop death”conclusion。Family is according to the body of the dead scar there,Think in before from a building,WangXiangChun had already died。


In the family of anger under query,Daxing district government relented,But for families to sign“Body be cremated as soon as possible”;And families and insist on autopsy report out later counsel。


And the latest progress of the case about is,The secretary and ZhenWei qingyun shop in daxing district public security bureau criminal investigation group captain are in the two months after the investigation was removed。


 广德之鉴 GuangDe's lesson

  —政府强行收回土地导致投资人钱地两空 -the government forced back to investors money to land two empty


August 2011,《zheshang》Magazine published special planning《GuangDe's lesson》,Big space report guangde county in anhui province government forced back industrial land series cases。


The second half of 2010,GuangDe electric、Dehe pharmaceutical and other companies have received local government《Notice the idle land survey》,We have not want it back the development and construction of industrial land。


Data shows,GuangDe economic development zone in 2010 years back about 5000 mu of land。According to the development zone for zhejiang merchants 85% this one scale enterprise computing,Zhejiang merchants have at least 4000 mu enterprise land be retrieved。


According to《The idle land disposal solution(Homeland decree no. 5)》,The idle land is the land users shall obtain the land use right,Without the approval of the people's government to agree to land,More than the prescribed period of time of the construction of the development has not started construction land use。Already starting the development of the construction of the construction but development area accounts for starting the development area of construction should be less than a third of the total investment of investment or has less than 25% and suspend development construction without approval for full 1 year,Can maintain for idle land。


Although be involved in“Idle land”The scope of zhejiang enterprise in time for the second phase of the investment and development planning,Even the please construction team,Relevant departments or not to let their construction,Unless signed the harsh conditions“Supplementary agreement”。


“They require all the completed in 1 year,This agreement is too harsh,Really stand。”A local zheshang enterprise directors ZhengHongBin(aliases)View has is GuangDe zheshang consensus。


This awkward situation for more than half a year,Most zheshang enterprise has not been given related department to agree,Can't start。Investment for years,In the case of two empty money creditors。Published reports after,Anhui GuangDe county party committee member、Deputy heads of Nancy and GuangDe economic development zone DangGongWei scribe、The ac LuoZhengJun etc, director of a line here just for to zhejiang,And this newspaper and related zheshang communication,Says will properly deal with it。


谁动了我的“观音园” Who moved my“The view sound”

  —景区无端遭偷卖六年维权方讨回 -scenic spot by selling stolen irrational six years' rights party get back


April 2011,《zheshang》magazine《Who moved my view sound park》Are published,To expose the XuWanYun ningbo businessmen that by holding scenic spot government“Steal sell”A case。


Ten years ago,XuWanYun investment of nearly RMB 2 million yuan,And lianyungang(601008,Shares it)HaiZhouOu jin screen in town,In the peach blossom garden scenic spot jian building view sound。According to the contract,XuWanYun is the garden of kuan Yin stock shares,Responsible for the management of the scenic spots。


short-lived,partners“Honeymoon period”With the government's main leadership of the shift to an abrupt end。2004 years,The new town DangGongWei BaoZhen secretary、Mayor LiBaoKai fiscal hole to fill,But in XuWanYun without the knowledge of the condition,Will the peach blossom gorge scenery area.in(Including view sound garden)Overall transfer to xinjiang huijin real estate development Co., LTD。“I have never received any from the government about this notice。After the event,I go to the,However BaoZhen keeps not。”XuWanYun said。


Negotiations after inconclusive,XuWanYun can only to resort to the law,Request dissolve partnership,Withdraw investment。But the court is to the contract party b-“Jin screen peach blossom gorge scenery town browse the administrative committee”Do not have the legal person status grounds,That contract shall be invalid,made“XuWanYun to retrieve‘The view sound’Built in the items”The popularity of the sentence type。


May 2011,《zheshang》Magazine reporter to the local interview the case。The secretary of DangGongWei LiuFeng said,Keep up the previous transfer is appropriate。The middle of June,LiuFeng jointly with the jiangsu ShengGaoYuan of two of the judge,To ningbo and XuWanYun poste mediation,And a stage of claims reconciliation plan。

  787万元“天价”赔偿冤不冤 $7.87 million“Day price”Compensation don't cause cause

  —一起关于建筑工程施工适用条款的争端 -on the construction project construction together for the terms of the dispute


《zheshang》Magazine published in April 2012《$7.87 million“Day price”Compensation don't cause cause》,Integrity wasin encounter with the group of zhejiang day price claim for compensation。


2008 years,Hua cheng group company with 160 million yuan price of fujian nanan fan the investment Co., LTD. A project。contract,On February 20 RiHua into the company, formally began,Total duration for 480 days,The contract price is tentatively set for 175 million yuan。


Because the company did not do appropriate to building fan engineering construction permit,Wasin company sends letter declining fan company counsel start requirements,And requests rescission of the contract。Fan company said“Agreed to disable signed by both parties《contract》”,But stressed that will“Reserves the right to claim”。Because the two sides there are large differences for specific price,Eventually failed to reach an agreement。


November 2008,Fan company for a lawsuit,Request for compensation contract wasin company caused by the breach time limit losses、Price rises in the loss,The price of steel and rose in losses。The company is in wasin counterclaim fan company did not deal with the construction permit,Default prior。


Quanzhou intermediate court ultimately rejected claims to the company all fan。Fan to fujian ShengGaoYuan plan-construct one appeal,Requirements to support its lawsuit request。


Fujian ShengGaoYuan think,Because of the delay of time limit,The agreement of unit after completion date and the completion date agreed wasin there 97 days of delay has become a fact,With reference to the special clause 35.2 of the contract law“Total duration one day delayed,The contractor shall, in accordance with the project of pay liquidated damages at five over ten thousand”,Eventually got $7.87 million compensation。


Hua cheng group think,In the second ruling exist“The judge partial”may,《zheshang》Reporter and then to fujian of interview,The local court denies。


At present the case to the stage。A lawyer in see after reports,offered“Solve problems”requirements。


 离奇的罪案 Bizarre crime

  —司法不公导致浙商身陷囹圄 -the miscarriage lead to zhejiang merchants in jail


September 2011,《zheshang》Magazine published special planning report《Bizarre crime》,Big space report ZhuXue zhejiang businessmen see in jiangxi encounter the miscarriage。


Eight years ago,Shengzhou businessman ZhuXue see to the xin investment in jiangxi province。In addition to introduce the main acoustic horn,The government also of form a complete set for the xin bound, 1760 acres of hole mesh river coast land for residential and commercial。but,ZhuXue see and no real estate business in development,WangXiaoDong contract management by fellow,The company which Outlines FeiYu obtain 128 million yuan of after-tax profits。


In the contract agreement,Both sides and to sign a contract agreement,Agreed to loan early Outlines for a $128 million profit,WangXiaoDong ZhuXue to see 128 million yuan of profit after tax return for 128 million yuan to the loan。


August 2008,For the director of the national development zones WuJianHua lok ma involved,ZhuXue see contract fraud in a lawsuit,Because after the contract fraud won't test,Case after return,Legal committee have relevant personage have with the court's people said,Get a new trial on charges。The local court eventually to buckle the transfer of land by unlawful sin。


On April 20, 2011,YuShui district people's court sentenced to ZhuXue see illegal transfer、Sell the land use right of sin,Sentenced him to six years,Fined RMB 10 million yuan shall be turned over to the state Treasury;Then FeiYu party refuses to appeal,On June 29, 2011,Xinyu intermediate people's court hearing in not,Rejected an appeal ZhuXue square,Maintain the original。


To reported,ZhuXue see still held prison。Visit his relatives and lawyer said,Due to long-term upped the,And consciously men,ZhuXue see physical and emotional state care。


孤儿寡母叫板“喜得龙” Orphans GuaMu JiaoBan“Still dragon”

  —12年代理之路一朝倒下无处维权 -12 years of the road is a fallen agent 'rights


ZhangTianFu zhejiang general agent,For the listed company as agents still dragon has over 12 years,After having a 34 shops、70 shops。October 2010,ZhangTianFu sudden brain stem bleeding,Unfortunately become a vegetable。


“The dragon commitments to bear the cost of external debt and receiving all he company assets,After another debt without cause。I sought to jinjiang still dragon old total Lin water dish,Bitter half day,But Lin from the heel。”ZhangTianFu wife LvMeiHua said。


And the dragon aspects argued,The new agency will take over a business within the scope of the business,Debt also is responsible for one and by,The company only coordinate to solve the difference between the old and new agents。The company said its,LvMeiHua finally will assets to a call ChenGuoTai,The dragon not joined them。This is disputed by the LvMeiHua strongly opposed:“Even ChenGuoTai is who I have is not very clear,Just at the beginning with joy over the dragon and a claim‘ChenGuoTai’people,Accompanied with the dragon is signed。”


After the event,There are other dealer told LvMeiHua,ChenGuoTai real identity unexpectedly is Lin water dish brother-in-law!That is,Lin water dish out began doing innings。


At present,The case is still in the course of legal proceedings,Results far off。however,“Husband lying in hospital,Monthly need medical expenses 20000 multivariate,But in addition to the 156000 yuan was outside,Still no pay a dragon of the so-called medical expenses and the child。”LvMeiHua said。


 芜湖浙商被“关门割肉” Wuhu zheshang is“Close the door to cut meat”

  —鸠占鹊巢强霸资产诉讼维权反遭收监 -JiuZhanQueChao strong the litigation rights by the prison assets


December 2011,《zheshang》Reporters zhejiang businessmen ZhangHuiLin reported in anhui wuhu was“Close the door to cut meat”Miserable experience。


5 years ago,ZhangHuiLin and three in WuHuXian capital contribution WuHuXian fellow founded east the kindergarten。Therefore the locals ZhaiHouRen matchmaking、YuYuHua couple was appointed director of the service and the principal。


The next year,More than ZhaiHouRen couples will be arranged in kindergarten relatives,Even in early 2008, the school financial personnel present,Don't put more than 50 ten thousand yuan tuition included in the school financial。


Investors and ZhaiHouRen recall husband and wife position。Unwilling firing of the two began on the spot,YuYuHua picked up hot water bottle at the ZhangHuiLin,Caused the scalp burst,Hospital stitches to。On the,School report to the local police station shareholders,And the public security organs shall not done so。


Seven months after,But ZhaiHouRen report says ZhangHuiLin chair YuYuHua with blunt force trauma,The ZhangHuiLin into a hit the murderer。Tricky is,14 the witness described the plot is not consistent,And only a description of the person and the authorities to agree,And this person just is“The victim”YuYuHua brother-in-law qin to herself。


March 2009,WuHuXian first-instance court judge ZhangHuiLin intended harm blame criminal detention six months,1 years probation;Civil compensation of more than 120000 yuan。ZhangHuiLin appeal to wuhu intermediate people's court,Don't want to have to criminal detention half a year in the course of the decision,The ruling overturned the probation。


“Three years life hell of a lawsuit,Let me from a investment merchants,Be the first prisoners。”ZhangHuiLin feel weak and resentment,“ZhaiHouRen couple pin in my purpose is JiuZhanQueChao,Our investment property taken!”And according to《zheshang》The reporter understands,ZhangHuiLin on September 10, 2008 prosecution of partnership dissolved disputes,Haven't got any disposal。


 平度浙商遭遇“一女二嫁” Pingdu zheshang encounter“A female two married”

  —一地卖二主损失找谁赔 To sell-a second Lord loss to find who compensate


In early August, 2011,Zhejiang businessmen ShiQi suddenly received shandong pingdu economy zone administration committee staff of the phone,Say you have friends to be expropriated, Qingdao q of his industry and trade Co., LTD. Of the land,Ask its exit。


Things up in September 2010,Q of the company and the pingdu economic zone administration committee signed the agreement,Investment of 80 million yuan to build dynamic car accessories production factory。however,The bureau chief to management“Land funds need to deal with land formalities pay”for,The company refused to pay the land transfer of the right to use of deposit,


The next August,The ac and issued a notice,ShiQi said no agreement within 30 days of the delivery of the agreement land use 20% of the total amount,And does not explain the reason,No construction according to the regulation,The ac for breach terminated by investment agreement,Take back the land use right。And the land promised has a production of glass in the enterprise to start construction。“A woman married with two”,ShiQi gives such a conclusion。


And the total development zone economic development bureau chief studios said,They make the termination of the contract because investors in accordance with the contract, pay no corresponding land funds,And slow the progress of the projects,“At present because land resources more nervous,We SiFaSuo departments with after decided to terminate the agreement to perform。”


ShiQi argue that the loss caused by this matter is inestimable:“We actually have money spent 500000 yuan,According to the agreement should give us the liquidated damages at least 1 million yuan。We have to notify the relevant zhejiang chamber of commerce,Hope customers can aims to learn from、Cautious investment。”


我的地盘,我说了算? My site,I have the final say?

  —新疆药监执法拖垮天山莲公司 -xinjiang tianshan Ephraim also disrupted law enforcement


2011 years,Zhejiang businessmen and ZhouPing finally left his sadly-TuoKeXunXian in xinjiang。


5 years ago,Julia ZhouPing from the county administration of state property bought the shaky business state-owned enterprise-tianshan Ephraim company,but,One year after the company responsible for LiangMou temporary security that the original enterprise inventory a ton of mahuang extract powder steal sold to shaanxi weinan Chinese pharmaceutical Co., LTD, Yang,Then flows into illegal channels。


From then on,The company will fell into the drug agency's enforcement situation。In September, up from,Turpan, the administration's beginning to company for many times the improvement,The marathon investigation lasted nearly two years。August 16, 2010,Based on the failure three months《Ephedrine management approach》Revoked the tianshan Ephraim company《Pharmaceutical production license》,Punishment is still LiangMou according DaoMai ephedra extract powder this fact。


Because of dissatisfaction with the administration's quote failure and regulations,Julia ZhouPing resort to judgment。But local court still maintain the administration's xinjiang the administrative punishment decision。


“Take the factory from now in the past five years,I don't have any production sales,Add up the losses have 1 more than。”ZhouPing zhu painful said。


After a painful choice,Last year ahead of may,Julia ZhouPing decided to give up in local all investment,Escape from the ever let he filled with longing and scarred place。“This place no rules,The unreasonable。”He stood in the already dry、The mountains of MaHuangCao before,tearful,“I want to go,Don't walk again,I'm afraid all life is not his own。”


 湖北随州“地王”沦为阶下囚 Hubei suizhou“royal”A prisoner

  —土地回购引发公司股东纠纷 -by the shareholders of a company buyback land disputes


In early 2012,LiGuJu finally from out of jail,But when the daring of the wealthy businessmen do stay all over。


Nine years ago,Hubei hornbeam textile mills went bankrupt because of poor management,Hence take $70 million offer investment promotion。LiGuJu Hong Kong set jia group with 50 million yuan of acquisition。As the terms of,The original of the textile mill 189.53 mu land to housing land。


Four years later,The hot real estate。Area of huge hornbeam plot is located in golden area,So gradually into the local government of the eyes“Sweet BoBo”。


On February 15, 2007,SuiZhouShi to choose“Planning procedures not perfect,Program illegal”for,Which is to think without the land“Recruit take hang”,The cancellation of this plot housing land land access card,And then,SuiZhouShi state-owned assets supervision requirements with 80 million yuan repurchase this enterprise,SuiZhouShi changed hands will this land to make 360 million yuan。


Not only that,Because of this Pope repurchase triggered disputes between the shareholders of a company。LiGuJu at its account.the delievery that XuJiaWei shareholders and the report forgery seal of sin、Contract fraud,Public security put on record after the investigation was suizhou CheAn,The but again to divert funds of sin、Job occupation crime continues to its investigation。


“I feel puzzling,I don't know that I encroached on who's assets。”According to LiGuJu introduced,The trial process,“I never admitted that he was guilty,Until then,I just know the so-called job occupation,XuJiaWei is that I'm without his permission,The assets of suizhou hornbeam sold to the government。”


In two returned after the investigation,January 16,,Prosecutors finally fact is not clear、The evidence is insufficient decide not to initiate a prosecution。January 19,,In custody after 240 days,LiGuJu to out of jail,But the company two account still in a state of the seizure。

