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  上机数控库存压顶,鹿山新材毛利急降,皇明撤回 Computer numerical control inventory malice,LuShan new material Maori urgent drop,Huang Ming withdraw

  理财周报记者 张慧宇 黄剑/文

Finance ZhangHuiYu HuangJian/the weekly newspaper reporters


Industry under low,The company there is no escape from fate。


By on August 9, 2012,Since this year for 10 home photovoltaic industry company halberd fold the IPO。


The same industry as many as 10 companies listed was no,This situation does not see more。The above one of the generation of 10 companies said,“It is common in the industry。”


“Photovoltaic industry is now in the downturn,Have some of the companies listed on the losses,Profits forecast lead to a lot of public companies issue not go out。”The east China area a large listed brokers of long-term research photovoltaic industry analysts said。


行业共性:产能过剩价格暴跌 Industry common:Excess capacity price has plummeted


10 IPO stranded photovoltaic company computer numerical control is respectively、Think of photovoltaic、LuShan new material、Henderson photovoltaic、Fast can photovoltaic、solar、Day can science and technology、The li bei、The emperor bright shares and brilliant solar energy,Before starting the application is no is three,Henderson photovoltaic to suspend review,And the remaining six home is terminated review。


They are facing market for its profitability of torture,This is not only a company,But the industry's risk,Which excess capacity and price drop was this round of photovoltaic winter the most important problem。

  8月7日,美国投资机构M axim G roup最新发布的一组数据显示,中国最大的10家光伏企业债务累计已高达175亿美元,约合1110亿元人民币。不论数据的准确度有多高,毫却无疑问地打击了光伏企业和投资者脆弱的内心。

August 7,,The United States investment agency M axim G roup released a set of data shows,China's top 10 photovoltaic enterprise debt had accumulated as much as $17.5 billion,$111 billion yuan RMB。No matter how high the accuracy of the data,Fine long hair is no doubt hit the photovoltaic enterprises and investors of the fragile heart。


2009 years ago,Global photovoltaic market start,To the demand to soar of polysilicon,At that time limited capacity,Supply is far less than demand,Cause polycrystalline silicon prices。2010 years later,With the new capacity expansion and polysilicon enterprise the release,Global output growing polysilicon to continue。


Public data shows,Global photovoltaic market from 2005 to 2009 years to achieve the compound annual growth rate of 45% in the rapid development,But from the second quarter 2011 began to have the sudden cold winter。2011 years,Global amounted to 240000 tons,But according to IHSiSuppli statistics,In 2011, only 205000 tons of polysilicon global demand,Polycrystalline silicon the market supply significantly greater than demand。


At the same time,Since 2010,For the demand of domestic polysilicon by tight into excess,In 2011 a lot of polysilicon inventory and price slump。


2011,Can be said to be the most destructive photovoltaic industry a year。Look from the environment,On the one hand,Accounting for more than 6 a photovoltaic market Europe began to cut photovoltaic subsidies;On the other hand,The United States to China a photovoltaic industry anti-dumping and antitrust。


and,The photovoltaic industry analysts analysis,The debt crisis and the American double reverse the effects of photovoltaic market is the sharp atrophy,While China more than 90% pv products export,Most of our products are exported to Europe,In recent years China and photovoltaic products production and growing,Supply far more than demand。


In addition to excess capacity,Photovoltaic industry product price is also in constant innovation low。


In June this year,Day by extension consultation《2012 photovoltaic industry market analysis report》Said in a,Photovoltaic industry research institutions, according to the latest statistics show that IMSResearch,Pv product price in 2011 down dramatically。Among them,Solar wafers prices over the past 12 months the decline of 70%,In 2011 the first quarter from $1 / watts,Descend to 2012 years in the quarter to $0.3 / watts。In addition,Polycrystalline silicon、The battery and component prices were down 48% from the same period last year、57% and 44%。


In early 2012 to June 6,,Photovoltaic products unit price is still in the dip。In the first half of 2012,Poly fell 21.5%,Polycrystalline silicon slice fell 5.15%,Monocrystalline silicon slice fell 0.65%,Photovoltaic cells in fall by 1.05%、Pv modules fell 12.9%,Film battery component fell 6.31%。


The risk of photovoltaic industry is a direct result of the declining ability of the enterprise profit,And it has also become a photovoltaic enterprise around the camp of IPO not。


首发被否:盈利能力伤不起 Starting was no:Profitability doesn't hurt


Computer numerical control、Think of and LuShan new material is three was no IPO photovoltaic enterprise,Common characteristics is insufficient profitability,Specific problems, there are differences。


Computer numerical control is pv silicone material grinding equipment production enterprise,The main products are various precision CNC machine tools。April 10, 2012,The application was rejected IPO securities。Computer numerical control the main problem facing is the flagship product, gross margin downside risk and inventory pressure。


2009-2011,Computer numerical control photovoltaic numerical control equipment were 57.32% of the gross profit margin、54.68%、52.26%,A reduced year by year。At the same time,Downstream pv industry demand dynamics,And capital size less than day dragon photoelectric(300029,Shares it)、Beijing express(601908,Shares it)And fine work science and technology(002006,Shares it)Their respective 30% of computer numerical control,The ability to resist risk actually have much stronger?


In addition,2009-2011,Computer numerical control inventory book value of more than 40 million yuan respectively、120 million、160 million,Accounting for current assets of 35.34%、38.95% and 47.32%,Inventory of current assets ratio climbing,At the same time,In stock inventory goods in 2011 greatly increased。The company explain,The second half of 2011 silicon prices continue to fall by the impact,Then the downstream customer power down,Pv equipment orders fell,Part of the order of the delivery date is delayed。


Computer numerical control and compared,Think of photovoltaic reflect main problems is growth slowed,For projects from overcapacity。


2009-2011,Think of business income is 168.55 million yuan respectively、328.98 million yuan and 410.38 million yuan,In 2010 and 2011 year-on-year rate of increase of 95% and 24%, respectively,Operating income although a growing trend,But growth is slowing constantly。In addition,Think of the asset-liability ratio to 78.9% respectively、61.7% and 65.1%,Capital pressure being questioned。moreover,In the photovoltaic industry under the background of the fallen,Think of photovoltaic offering the main products of the project for photovoltaic glass glass capacity serious excess,Super pervious to light v glass prospects also can care。


LuShan new material IPO by the outside world was questioned,Think the empty to add advocate business wu income of 60%,Actual starts less than 50% and the equipment investment is empty to add $60.4 million budget。From its prospectus look,The company's problems is the main business gross margin decline,The product price plummeted;Increase in inventory,Business cash flow increases。


 终止审查:皇明非经常性资产较大 Termination review:The emperor bright irregular assets is bigger


At present,In the photovoltaic industry,In addition to three IPO was no,Henderson photovoltaic is suspended review,Another six companies termination review,This one,When the concern about the three fold the emperor bright shares of the halberd IPO。


Finance reporter once weekly newspaper from himin solar energy and its sponsor citic securities(600030,Shares it)To understand,Himin solar energy IPO termination review,For him to withdraw the application,The main reason is that non-business assets too big and performance continue to slide。


The emperor bright group has two parallel, independent company,Were himin solar energy Co., LTD and huang tidy city can holding company。solar-thermal、The hotel group of、Conference center、Light cubic industries is to belong to the emperor bright shares,And door window、glass、building、Photovoltaic industries are belong to the emperor bright group。


Himin solar energy to the relevant person in charge of the brand had financial weekly newspaper reporters,Himin solar energy consciously company“Non-business assets too big,Especially the real estate”,Worry for this reason not through the CSRC review,So active withdraw application for listing。


In addition,The review of the day can terminate main products of science and technology for monocrystalline silicon,And gradually to downstream of single crystal solar battery、Panels components and photovoltaic system application and other products extensions,The three kinds of product prices continue to drop。


And the results show the Lebanon,From 2009 to 2011,The company achieve revenue is 727 million yuan respectively、1.685 billion yuan and 2.231 billion yuan,Net profit is 18.58 million yuan respectively、130 million yuan and 79.31 million yuan,Among them 2011 net profit fell about 40% year-on-year。At the same time,Business net cash flow from 2010 in to 091 million yuan net inflows fell to 2011 net outflow 415 million yuan,Earnings quality deterioration。The worry is that,The enterprise listed the face after the performance。
