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In the summer of 2012,A financial scandal swept through several major British and American financial institutions,The core of the scandals is called“LIBOR”London interbank loan interest rates。

  6月底,英国巴克莱银行被指在金融危机期间人为操纵LIBOR而遭到英美监管机构的调查。在丑闻中,巴克莱首席执行官罗伯特·戴蒙德(Robert Diamond)等多人黯然辞职,该行还遭受了英美监管机构处以的高达4.5亿美元的巨额罚款。

By the end of June,British barclays bank referred to in the financial crisis period manipulation by the British and American regulators LIBOR survey。In the scandal,Barclays chief executive officer Robert diamond(Robert Diamond)People such as dim and resign,The bank also suffered from British and American regulators fined $450 million of a hefty fine。


August 15,,New York and Connecticut justice department announced,Already to seven transnational bank warrants,So that a thorough investigation into the alleged manipulation LIBOR behavior。The seven Banks including:Swiss bank、Deutsche bank、Royal bank of Scotland、Jpmorgan chase、citigroup、HSBC holdings and barclays bank。This shows that LIBOR storm is still far from calm。


LIBOR formation mechanism in the obvious artificial operation space,Therefore are also for the public,LIBOR calls for reform has been an increasingly louder call。Britain's financial services regulatory bureau(FSA)Finally on August 13, LIBOR is put forward reform proposals,Says it“No longer match and purpose,Must be replaced or change”。


LIBOR was born in 1986,Has become the world's most widely used one of the benchmark interest rate。According to the American media estimation,Global about $350 trillion - $800 trillion financial derivatives and its hook,The United States has about 90% of the business and mortgage also and hook。The United States federal reserve chairman Ben bernanke said last month,Barclays bank control LIBOR practice damage the public opinion in banking and the confidence of financial markets。


In each trading day,By the British banking association the selected bank(Six to 18 inequality)Will each estimated the borrowing rate submitted to the townsend Reuters company。Townsend Reuters will receive the highest of all offer 25% and the lowest 25% after removed,Take surplus quotations of the arithmetic mean value,That is the day that the LIBOR。The bank interest rate means that the bank may be willing to accept the interest rate,From the interbank market accept short-term unsecured loan。


Generally speaking,If LIBOR quotation level is low,The bank will be think abundant funds,Therefore able to lower the cost of financing for liquidity。Barclays bank is considered in the financial crisis broke out later,Deliberately down LIBOR price level,To the market to financial status health impression,And to acquire funding shortfall。And there is evidence to show,Traders and the bank is in charge of quotation declaration member(Submitter)A collusion behavior,In order to the derivatives trading profits or stop。


British and American regulators revealed by the media in the period of the financial crisis found bank control LIBOR behavior,But because of fears that scandal exposure will further weaken the already fragile market confidence,Therefore chose misprision。This help a tyrant to do evil behavior is investigated the continued and suffered from widespread criticism。

  7月2日,在丑闻被曝光后,巴克莱银行董事长阿吉斯(Marcus Agius)递交了辞呈。人们马上注意到,他同时也在LIBOR的报价监管机构英国银行业协会担任主席。媒体批评英国银行业协会在丑闻事件中难辞其咎。

On July 2,,After the scandal was exposed,Barclays bank chairman the o(Marcus Agius)Her resignation。People immediately noticed,He also in LIBOR offer regulators British banking association chairman。Media criticism in Britain's banking industry association in the scandal corrupting vibrant traditions。

  另一个涉及的监管人物就是美国财长盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)。2008年,在《华尔街日报(博客,微博)》质疑LIBOR制定方式存在缺陷后,盖特纳给英国央行行长默文·金(Mervyn King)去信,建议英国央行对LIBOR实行改革以避免“误报”。他还提出了改进LIBOR系统的具体建议,其中包括银行需建立可信的报价程序、增加样本中美国银行的比例等。此事被媒体披露后,多位美国国会议员向司法部长施压,要求让未能“阻止已知或者应知银行不法行为”的银行家和监管者负责,将矛头指向盖特纳。

Another involves regulatory character is the American finance ministers' cover Turner(Timothy Geithner)。In 2008,,in《The Wall Street journal(blog,Micro bo)》LIBOR question formulated way after defects,Cover Turner to the bank of England governor Mervin · gold(Mervyn King)To believe,Suggestions to the bank of England LIBOR reform in order to avoid“misinformation”。He also puts forward the concrete Suggestions to improve LIBOR system,Including bank need to establish confidence offer program、Increase in the proportion of sample bank of America, etc。The matter by the media after the disclosure,Many of the United States congress to minister of justice pressure,Requirements for the failed to“Stop known or should know the bank illegal behavior”Responsible for the bankers and regulators,Taking aim at cover Turner。

  LIBOR事发后,曾在美国财政部金融研究办公室担任顾问、现任教于美国麻省理工学院斯隆商学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)的金融学教授罗闻全(Andrew Lo)曾经对美国媒体说,“这是金融史上最大的一次丑闻。”

LIBOR after the incident,Worked in the department of the Treasury financial research office as an adviser、Presently teaches at the MIT Sloan school(MIT Sloan School of Management)The finance professor luo smell all(Andrew Lo)Once in the U.S. media said,“This is JinRongShi on one of the biggest scandal。”


ROM. Smell all in financial engineering field is rich in research and practical experience。His supervisor MIT financial engineering laboratory are engaged in the financial system of information security research,And this is what LIBOR events of the key weak link。


On August 12,ROM. Smell in all accept《financial》(blog,Micro bo)An interview with reporters said,LIBOR has been deeply embedded in the financial system,Even if spend years,Also cannot be modified by millions of dollars contract to weakening the standard leak to the influence of the market。Application of information technology is to improve the LIBOR calculation and report way is one of the most effective ways。And regulators also needs corresponding improvement management mode。


金融史上的大丑闻 On the JinRongShi scandal


《financial》:You have said to the media,LIBOR control JinRongShi event is the biggest scandal。Why do you say that?


ROM. Smell all:This is considering to LIBOR for reference of financial contract number,Amount of(Evidence shows that the number of $300 trillion);LIBOR to a tiny manipulation can affect tens of billions of dollars of the market。The event in the history of the potential affects more than any one of the impact of the financial scandal,So I would say so。


《financial》:In the control LIBOR events,Banks and regulators should respectively take what kind of responsibility?This is the individual behavior,Or bank institution intends to cheat?Why the event after a long time to exposure?


ROM. Smell all:It involved in financial system in all aspects of the participants,They have a different responsibility。What is clear is,Bank to the supervision of the employees are insufficient;Regulators after problems have been found no further investigation to solve the problem。Current evidence,Regulators in the financial crisis together during and bank involved in the control LIBOR behavior。So at this stage need to investigate problems。


This event only recently to exposure,Part of the reason is in financial crisis period,Maintain public confidence in the financial system is a very important consensus。Regulators are very worried about banking would suddenly collapse,So they adopted a series of stable market measures。Until 2009 years later,Regulators began to pay attention to in the LIBOR event what happened。


《financial》:During the financial crisis,Regulators have deliberately ignored the problem too?


ROM. Smell all:yes。In a crisis in the process of gradually accumulated,People realized that the financial system is becoming more and more unstable。Regulators of the original intention is to keep the stability of public confidence,And to reduce unstable factors。So we see is,LIBOR during the financial crisis shows too stable trend。


《financial》:In addition to maintaining market stability in the financial crisis,Bank through the control LIBOR also will get what income?The scale of these earnings are expected to have how old?


ROM. Smell all:To LIBOR investigation is still in the early stage,To control the original intention of LIBOR now is too early to draw conclusions。The current charges and evidence,No matter market ascending or descending,Bank traders may through the control LIBOR profit。Especially in the market fluctuation a lot of cases,Bank's most traders can through the stable rate behavior benefit。


The scale of these benefits calculation need bank regulators to provide data。As far as I know,The survey also did not give the conclusion。This is indeed one of the problems need to be solved, estimate the bank control LIBOR get income;On the other hand,Investigators also need relevant loss calculation。Control the cost of LIBOR may have billions of dollars of the high,It also shows the importance of this standard。


怎样改革LIBOR How to reform LIBOR


《financial》:How to think of the present investigation and treatment method?The most reasonable solution is what?


ROM. Smell all:As events unfold,There are more and more organizations and local governments to bank litigate,Because they realize that this event influences。Now the stage also can't see many survey details,I also hope that the future more out in the open。


To solve this problem, the method is how to better supervision of financial institutions to transfer information process。I think,At present through the application of scientific and technological means,Can better improve supervision and management。For example,In the event of LIBOR,Is by the offer member to report interest rates,The existing human control information space。In the future can be considered for digital electronic coding,And after coding data transmitted directly to the different declaration agency,Such as Britain's banking industry association, etc。If this idea can realize,We can exclude human factors,Also is ruled out the possibility of artificial control information。


Of course,This can't solve all problems,Because these data will at some point into one can access to the system。But as long as there is enough control,Control the information will become more and more difficult。

  《财经》: 如你所言,以LIBOR为参考利率达成的衍生品合同有数百亿美元,说明LIBOR尽管存在种种缺陷,却已深深嵌入整个体系。从这个角度考虑,应当如何对LIBOR进行改革?

《financial》: As you say,To LIBOR rates for reference to derivatives contracts have lent tens of billions of dollars,LIBOR despite that defects,But has been deeply embedded in the whole system。From this point of view,How should reform to LIBOR?


ROM. Smell all:LIBOR calculation way and the report way all need reform,I'm also more confident。If we have more supervision,And sufficient transparency,Similar control behavior is difficult to achieve。Billions of dollars of contract and LIBOR hook,So to change overnight these contracts is impossible,Even if spend years also not necessarily can realize。So the best way to solve the problem is to improve LIBOR calculation way and the report way。


《financial》:In specific operation,Use the actual interest rate,Each other or bank anonymous estimate lending rate way? Whether it is feasible?


ROM. Smell all:yes,This is just what I talked about the use of one of the ways to science and technology。At present there are related computer technology,Can realize with anonymous way safely share information,I and my colleagues are also research this problem。This technique is refers to the system in do not reveal any of a single interest rate calculated in the case of the average interest rate。The use of modern encryption technology can improve the LIBOR calculation method。


 增加金融监管的适应性 Increase the adaptability of financial supervision

  《财经》:这一事件之后,强化金融监管的呼声再次加强,甚至连反对强化监管的花旗集团前CEO桑迪·威尔(Sandy Weill)也支持拆分商业银行和投资银行,你对此怎么看?

《financial》:After the event,Strengthening financial supervision calls to strengthen again,Even opposed to strengthen supervision of citigroup CEO sandy wehle before(Sandy Weill)The resolution also support commercial Banks and investment Banks,What do you think about it?


ROM. Smell all:Split commercial Banks and investment Banks will have certain significance formulation,But it is too late to for the moment。Investment Banks and commercial Banks business contact between have too much,Split these business is too difficult,Significance is not large also。A better solution is to develop more clear regulation means,So it can manage all the organization's risk,Whether commercial Banks or investment bank。


From the development point of view,The financial industry in the future will develop a new business line - make investment Banks and commercial Banks more difference between fuzzy。Ultimately these business between virtual barriers will be for business model of complicated and more fierce competition and disappear。We still need to probe into risk failed to be the cause of the probe,Improving the way of supervision and regulation。


《financial》:Can you described in detail in business under the condition of fusion,Good supervision way is what kind of?


ROM. Smell all:At present on the financial business management is mainly restricted bank lever level,For a bank's capital to remain in a certain level。This kind of the way of supervision and regulation, there exist the problems such as,Only the lever level limit,To cope with the market change of flexibility。


For example,If regulators had require Banks to keep more than 2 times the leverage ratio,The simplified in terms of land,This means that the bank each have $1 capital,The most can release 2 dollars in loans。


This kind of look of compasses“One size fits all type”Management measures in some cases will not be flexible:Market fluctuation a lot of time,Such ratio also can appear too radical;And in the market is relatively mild period,This ratio and appear too conservative。Should be to lever level of management and market fluctuation hook,In other words,The needs of the market more improve the occasion、Have good adaptability regulatory measures。Static methods can't adapt to market changes,And adaptive stronger supervision can also bring more strong economic growth。


《financial》:From this incident,We can come to the teaching of the how?Confidence crisis has spawn,How to make up for?The future how to put an end to a similar crisis?


ROM. Smell all:We should realize from the event,The financial system of any part can absolutely avoid control or other inappropriate behaviour。Whether banker、traders、Risk manager or regulators are likely to make the move against the interests of the whole。


We should be more modest and prudent attitude to understand the whole financial system and supervision system;Should also admitted to the system operation mode we still have many don't understand place and need more in-depth study of the place。Financial markets still need more examination and supervision。


A similar crisis is inevitable。As long as people in free enterprise social environment,Can't put an end to the crisis。We need to do is to know in what environment crisis is more likely to occur,And this early warning。It's like we can't avoid hurricanes and earthquakes occur,But being able to through the early warning to to disperse the crowd,Reduce the loss。I would also like to see a better future introduced the way of supervision and regulation,This will make great contribution to economic growth。

