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State-owned bank and joint stock commercial Banks of the customer satisfaction gap between overall start to show narrow trend;But China's retail banking and the us and other mature markets than there are still a large gap。This is J.D.P OWER Asia Pacific company in July 10, the disclosure“2012 China's retail bank customer satisfaction research”Shows the results。


This is the fourth year J.D.P OWER Asia Pacific company in China expansion retail bank customer satisfaction research。The study from the channel trading/business deal with experience、products、Account information、facilities、Charges and problem solving and so on six aspects to measure retail bank customer experience。


Investigation shows that,In the full score 1000 points,In 2012 the overall satisfaction score is 687 points,Rise compared to the two points。the,2012 customers for problem solving、charge、Each channel trading/business deal with experience three satisfaction than last year have greater ascension,Promote the 59 points respectively、38 points and 31 points。


J.D.P OWER Asia Pacific company financial services senior manager zou xin said:“Last year, banking regulators announced the scrapping of one of the 34 bank service charge;At the same time,The banking industry to provide more open and transparent charging standard,And strive to provide corresponding with the cost of the products and service level。This will help improve China's retail bank customers for the satisfaction of charge。”


It is important to note that,Since 2010,State-owned bank and joint stock commercial Banks continue to expand gap between the degree of satisfaction,In 2012 contained effectively。(As shown in figure a)

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From 2010 to 2012,Joint stock commercial bank customer satisfaction score is 730 points in turn、737 points and 733 points;Over the same period,State-owned large done fraction is in turn for 677 points、663 points and 670 points。In other words,From 2010 to 2011,Joint stock commercial Banks and state-owned large line between the points difference 53 points expand to 74 points。And by 2012,Due to the state-owned big done overall satisfaction scores rose 7 points,At the same time joint-stock commercial bank fraction micro fell four points,Leading to the points gap down for 63 points。


Even so,In the industrial and commercial bank of、The bank of China、Agricultural bank、Construction bank and bank of communications the five state-owned large line,No one scores more than 700 points。The highest score of the state-owned big line is bank of communications,Score 694 points,Barely over the industry average score 687 points。


Scores more than 700 points bank has 10,All is a joint-stock commercial bank。The shenzhen development bank score the highest,For 751 points,Everbright bank(601818,guba)、Merchants bank(600036,guba)Parse the second and the third,Followed by ping an bank(000001,guba)、Guangdong development bank、Shanghai pudong development bank(600000,guba)、Minsheng bank(600016,guba)、Societe generale(601166,guba)、Citic bank(601998,guba)And huaxia bank(600015,guba)。

  J.D.POWER and Associates全球金融服务副总裁Rockwell Clancy提醒道,虽然中国零售银行的客户满意度有所上升,但与美国等成熟市场相比,“得分还存在显著差距”。

J.D.P OWER and Associates global financial service vice President Rockwell Clancy warns,Although China's retail bank customer satisfaction increased,But with the United States than mature markets,“Score still exist significant difference”。


Data display,The market of the average customer satisfaction score is 753 points,While China for 687 points。(Figure 2)

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From the channel trading/business deal with experience、products、Account information、facilities、Charges and problem solving and so on six aspects in comparison,Chinese customers in the cost of satisfaction and the United States close to,Even in the problem solving aspects of satisfaction has been higher than the United States,But in trading/business to deal with、Account information、facilities、Products are large gap,Points difference in turn to 45 points、40 points、79 points、31 points。(Graph 3)

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Especially bank outlets and self-service terminal customer service satisfaction score lower。Investigation shows that,The former bank in China and the United States between the points difference for 75 points,The latter points difference for 39 points。

  Rockwell Clancy表示,等候时间过长和较低的服务水平是中美客户对银行网点满意度存在差距的主要原因。

Rockwell Clancy said,Waiting for a long time and low level of service is the customers on the bank outlets satisfaction the main reason for the gap。


Investigation shows that,In the United States bank,The standard of customer waiting time for 2 minutes,And in Chinese Banks,Standard waiting time for 10 minutes。“Line up too long/teller shortage/too busy”Become China's customers on the bank's largest complain;The second is the bank in hardware environment and self-service equipment use existing problems。(Figure 4)

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this,Zou xin said:“Bridge the gap will depend on whether meet the customer's basic needs,For example reduce account and trading error、Keep branch good appearance and shorten the waiting time。”

  Rockwell Clancy补充道:“提升满意度的第一步是消除让客户感到失望的不良体验,如ATM机发生故障或无法访问网站等。只有满足客户对于无瑕疵服务的基本期望,并建立良好基础,之后银行才能进一步以优秀的客户关系经理、稳健的理财建议、积极主动的沟通和高端的服务产品来实现差异化。”

Rockwell Clancy added:“The first step in ascension satisfaction is to eliminate lets the customer feel disappointed bad experience,Such as ATM machine malfunction or unable to visit the web, etc。Only meet customer service for stainless basic expectations,And to establish the good foundation,After the bank to further with excellent customer relationship manager、Prudent financial advice、Active communication and high-end service product to realize the differentiation。”


“2012 China's retail bank customer satisfaction research”To develop business in China mainly involves 24 major Banks,On 16 city 6651 retail bank customers to carry on the investigation。

  Q&A:中国客户对“收费”非常敏感 q&A:Chinese customers to“charge”Very sensitive


《Institution investment》:In early July,《wealth》The global fortune 500 list disclosure。China several state-owned large done ranking had the very big leap,But the state-owned big done satisfaction is not high。How to understand the conflict?

  Rockwell Clancy:长远而言,银行在财务上取得的成功,与其在客户满意度上取得的成绩是紧密相连的。银行在其他方面都可以自己控制,但客户是否愿意与这家银行做生意,最终的决定权在于客户,而非银行可以自控的。即,若要树立稳定的竞争优势,银行必须重视客户体验、客户服务。

Rockwell Clancy:Longer term,Banks in financial success,With the customer satisfaction on the achievements are closely linked。Banks in other ways can control ourselves,But customers are willing to do business with the bank,The final decision is to the customer,And non-bank can be self-controlled。namely,If you want to establish stable competitive advantage,The bank must pay attention to customer experience、Customer service。


From the history of the United States experience,In the past the United States bank only pay attention to the satisfaction of the shareholders,Its efforts to launch product、Change system,The statements do well,All is to keep shareholders happy。But eventually they lost customer,The results,Is causing the bank collapse。We should learn from the lesson,Back to the customer experience on the original intention。Only the customer satisfaction,To maintain long-term shareholders' satisfaction。


In the long term,If the bank can focus on the customer service to the customer satisfaction,Then the competitive advantage to lasting。Otherwise if only pay attention to the short-term realize financial data、Financial success,And don't pay attention to the cultivation of long-term competitive advantage,This situation will not last。


《Institution investment》:Pay attention to this year's survey,“charge”This a factor weight reaches as high as 33%,Last year its weight less than 20%。why?Does this mean that year between the degree of satisfaction and no comparability?

  Rockwell Clancy:中国的客户对费用非常敏感。收费因素在美国、加拿大、英国的权重都只在11-14%之间。

Rockwell Clancy:China's customers on the cost is very sensitive。Charge factors in the United States、Canada、The weight of Britain only 11-14% in between。


Our study USES“Level index model”,Will affect the overall customer satisfaction factor is divided into six,Each factor under the son factor。Weight is based on the overall customer experience to the influence degree to decide,Each year we will according to the consumers and the bank,adjusted。


overall,We will have a consistency with previous years,comparability。At the same time,We also need to from the factor weight on reflect market change,To reflect the customer experience value degree change。That is,From the whole customer satisfaction says,Between the score still have very high comparable。But specific to each factor speaking,Because the weight under special circumstances happen a lot of adjustments,To the concrete problem is made a concrete analysis。


《Institution investment》:The satisfaction of joint-stock Banks generally higher than state-owned large line,The main reason is?

  Rockwell Clancy:从竞争的需要来说,股份制银行本身作为更商业、更市场化的运作,需要它提升服务来打好竞争的基础,因此相对而言,它更灵活,更侧重于倾听消费者、理解消费者的需求,提升服务质量。

Rockwell Clancy:From the needs of competition for,The joint-stock Banks itself as a more business、More marketization operation,Need it improve service to play the basis of competition,Therefore relatively,It is more flexible,More focus on to listen to consumers、Understand the needs of the consumers,Enhance service quality。


The state-owned big line often large institutions,And the previous business focus is not in retail bank this。As they to retail bank transformation,They have been in the“Understand consumers、Enhance service quality”On the very considerable effort。For example from the degree of progress this year to see,Problems in charge、Problem solving, etc,The state-owned big row hoisting speed than the joint-stock Banks fast。


But due to the bank is standardized service institutions,And the state-owned big do large institutions,Relatively small and medium-sized Banks speaking,Promoting standardized processes and services speed will be slow,This not only in China,In the world any place meet the same problem。


《Institution investment》:Rural finance is a key in our country in the future。The establishment of villages and towns bank,Will affect how bank satisfaction trend?

  Rockwell Clancy:增加乡镇银行网点,初衷是增加便利性。设施在客户体验满意度的权重为20%左右,因此这些乡镇网点的建设,对提升乡镇客户便利性意味深远。

Rockwell Clancy:Increase the villages and towns bank outlets,Original intention is to increase convenience。Facilities in the customer experience the weight of satisfaction is about 20%,So the villages and towns of the network construction,To improve township customers convenience means a lot。


Key is,Increase the number of villages and towns bank outlets at the same time,Also want to pay attention to the standardization of network service level、unification。If you only pay attention to quantity,Not heavy quality,Can't reach that customer can get the high quality service purpose。


In the United States our research covering the township area。We found,Large cities often township customer satisfaction than low。Because in the big city crowded,In the network convenience、Easy to arrival rate and so on to achieve than villages and towns。On average,Do the best of village and township,And do the worst cities between about 15 to 20 points behind。


《Institution investment》:According to level classification satisfaction,Can how cent?

  Rockwell Clancy:我们把整体的客户体验画成一个金字塔,分为4层。最基础的一层,是满足客户的基本期望。这叫做“入门费”。如客户到一个银行网点,期望银行设施好用,能正常运转,不用花太长的等候时间,银行服务不会出现问题……这些都是基本期望,是打下优质体验的基础。过去4年来,中国银行业在这方面已经有很显著的提升。

Rockwell Clancy:We put the overall customer experience pictured as a pyramid,Is divided into 4 layer。The most basic layer,Is to satisfy customer's basic expectations。This is called“Entry fee”。If the customer to a bank outlets,Expect the bank to use facilities,Can normal operation,Need not spend too long waiting time,Bank service won't appear problem...These are the basic expectations,Is the foundation of a high quality experience。Over the past four years,China banking in this aspect have been markedly improved。


The second,Is the bank and its customer interaction experience link。Including customer into the site after,The bank teller is warm reception、Can shout out customer's name、If there is a polite service and so on。The level,Chinese Banks do have high low,A good bank and not enough good between the Banks differentiation began to appear。


The third layer,The bank is able to provide customers with consultant type service,Communicate with the client more,Provide more transparent,The more sufficient communication process。


The fourth floor,Is the high-end customers with VIP type service,Such as airport shuttle、VIP room、The high quality one-on-one products, etc。


It is important to note that,With the perfection of banking services,The second will gradually into the first layer,Become the basic needs of customers。That is currently in China's banking industry produce differentiation between the point,The future will become“Entry fee”。The current two levels gradually became prerequisites -- do is a must,Do not to produce not satisfied,And did it is difficult to produce the differentiation,Will put forward higher requirement to the bank。After two levels will indeed produce differentiated。If the bank ready,Customer satisfaction will greatly is superior to other Banks,Can produce lasting differentiation,Form advantage。


《Institution investment》:China's banking sector to which layer?

  Rockwell Clancy:目前而言,在中国大约有80-90%的银行能完成第一层的要求;而完成第二层要求的银行则在50-60%之间。

Rockwell Clancy:For the present,In China about 80-90% of the bank can finish the first layer requirements;And completed the second requirements of the Banks are in between 50-60%。


In recent years,Many Banks in the third and the fourth floor painstaking efforts。But need to remind the bank note is,The above level can't jump,Want to do before a,To the transition from the former to the latter。For example,It is impossible for the bank bank outlets basic service provision,Directly to VIP level。overall,If the first layer and the second foundation didn't play well,The latter two levels is hard to do。

