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午盘评述:获利回吐打压股指下行 技术休整再临市场考验--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  周二两市小幅低开,沪指报2127.52 点,下跌7.37 点,跌幅0.35 %;深指报 8728.09点,下跌41.45 点,涨幅0.47 %;中小板指数报4431.67 点,下跌17.79 点,跌幅0.40 %;创业板指数报761.55 点,下跌0.76 点,跌幅0.10 %。行业板块方面船舶、航空航天、运输设备、石油、工业机械、电脑设备、家用电器等板块早盘开盘飘红,建材、燃气供热、有色、工程机械、煤炭、券商等板块小幅回落。两市个股方面,600435北方导航(600435,股吧)、300056三维丝(300056,股吧)、300011鼎汉技术(300011,股吧)、601890亚星锚链(601890,股吧)、600072中船股份(600072,股吧)、002265西仪股份(002265,股吧)开盘涨停。

On Tuesday the two city small low open,Boomed to 2127.52 points,Down 7.37 points,Fall 0.35%;ShenZhi to 8728.09 points,Down 41.45 points,Or 0.47%;Small and medium-sized plate index to 4431.67 points,Down 17.79 points,Fall 0.40%;Gem index to 761.55 points,Down 0.76 points,Fall 0.10%.Industry plate aspect,ship/aerospace/Transportation equipment/oil/Industrial machinery/Computer equipment/Household electrical appliances plate early plate opening wave red,Building materials/Gas heating/non-ferrous/Engineering machinery/coal/Brokers pare back slightly, etc.Two cities in stocks,600435 the north navigation(600435,guba)/300056 3 d filament(300056,guba)/300011 the tripod with two handles han technology(300011,guba)/601890 yaxing chain(601890,guba)/While the 600072 shares(600072,guba)/002265 west instrument shares(002265,guba)Opening harden.

  【消息面】成品油价两连涨 多地汽油重返“8”时代:9月10日晚间21时,国家发改委准点对外宣布,“决定自9月11日零时起将国内汽、柴油价格上调550元/吨和540元/吨,折算到90号汽油和0号柴油(全国平均)零售价格分别提高0.41元/升和0.46元/升。”调整后汽、柴油价格将分别为8840元/吨和8020元/吨,较之前调价的涨幅分别提高了6.1%和6.5%。这也是今年以来,国家发改委第七次调整,第四次上调中国成品油价格。二轮招标启动布局页岩气又迈出了实质性的一步:昨天,国土资源部网站发布公告,面向社会各类投资主体公开招标出让页岩气探矿权。此次招标共推出20个区块,总面积为20002平方公里,分布在重庆、贵州、湖北、湖南、江西、浙江、安徽、河南8个省(市),探矿权有效期为3年。为了吸引投资,此次第二轮招标资质条件放开程度是空前的。招标范围从国有企业扩展到除外资或外资控股以外的所有企业。内贸发展“十二五”规划出台:国务院办公厅日前印发国内贸易发展“十二五”规划。规划提出,2015年社会消费品零售总额达32万亿元左右,年均增长15%左右。同时,规划提出,要创新金融支持政策,包括大力发展消费信贷、加快金融产品创新、加强金融基础设施建设、提供良好的金融服务。

[News surface]Finished product oil prices rose two even more gasoline to return to"8"age:On September 10, when evening 21,The national development and reform commission announced on schedule,"Decision since September the 11th, zero hour date will be domestic steam/Diesel prices increase 550 yuan/ton and 540 yuan/ton,Reduced to 90 gasoline and diesel, 0(The national average)Retail price increased 0.41 yuan/liter and 0.46 yuan/liter."Adjusted steam/Diesel prices will respectively for 8840 yuan/ton and 8020 yuan/ton,Before a price adjustment gains were increased by 6.1% and 6.5% respectively.This is since this year,The national development and reform commission seventh adjustment,The fourth China raised the prices of refined petroleum products.Second round of bidding startup layout shale gas and made substantial step:yesterday,The ministry of land and resources issued a web site,Facing all kinds of social investment subject public bidding the shale gas exploration right.The bidding launched a total of 20 block,Total area of 20002 square kilometers,Distribution in chongqing/guizhou/hubei/hunan/jiangxi/zhejiang/anhui/Henan eight provinces(city),Mineral exploration right is valid for three years.In order to attract investment,The Times a second wheel bidding qualifications open degree is unprecedented.Bidding range from state-owned enterprises expand to except foreign or foreign holding outside of all enterprises.Domestic trade development"1025"Planning issued:The general office of the state council issued by a domestic trade development"1025"planning.Plans to put forward,In 2015, total retail sales of 32 trillion yuan,The average annual growth of around 15%.At the same time,Plans to put forward,Want to innovate the financial support policy,Including developing consumption credit/Speed up financial product innovation/To strengthen the financial infrastructure construction/Provide a good financial services.


[Disk on]Two city in early trading, small low open,Then stock index in building materials/brokers/Engineering machinery/insurance/Coal and other plates driven by back shock slump,Plate stock index approximation 30 average daily line nearby,Then the market in medicine/Mineral products/Media entertainment driven by plate on small rebound,Start early dish shock finishing market.Industry plate aspect,Ship manufacturing/aerospace/Media entertainment/semiconductor/Mineral products/Pharmaceutical sectors such as rising slightly,Building materials/Engineering machinery/brokers/Gas heating/coal/insurance/Environmental protection/building/Real estate plate plummets.Market hot spot in,Ship manufacturing/Aerospace and other plate become the focus of attention in early trading market,By the diaoyu island question again upgrade influence,Ship manufacturing/Aerospace and other military concept contrarian going strong,601890 yaxing chain/002608 sainty ship(002608,guba)/While the 600072 shares/600150 China ship(600150,guba)Aircraft carriers such as stocks contrarian stronger again.Two cities in volume,Early disk volume y109.52 to continue,Capital outflow signs noticeably.

  【巨丰观点】受市场获利回吐和经济继续回落影响,短期市场再次面临技术调整,近期市场可能会围绕着2100点和30日、20日均线附近展开调整,建议投资者可逢高卖出、逢低买入把握市场短线的投资机会。  巨丰投顾

[JuFeng view]By the market profit taking and economy continues to back influence,Short-term market once again faced with technology adjustment,Recent market may be around 2100 points and 30/20 average daily line nearby expansion adjustment,Recommend that investors can meet high sell/Bargain buy grasp the market short-term investment opportunities.  JuFeng goal to
