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In recent years,With a series of reform and innovation,China's capital market has made remarkable achievements,Capital market legal system/Into the open/marketization/The degree of internationalization of improved significantly,Rapid narrowed the gap between the market and maturity,Capital market service entity economic capacity significantly increased.In the party's"Eighteen big"Victory at a,China's economy will enter a new round of great-leap-forward development,For China's capital market development provides new opportunities of once in a blue moon,China's capital market will usher in the new spring.

  一、中国资本市场最近十年发展成就 a/China's capital market in the recent ten years development achievement


Since 1990, the Shanghai and shenzhen stock exchange since was established,Especially in the 21st century in recent 10 years,China's capital market in the exploration progress,In the process of reform innovation,Realize the great-leap-forward development,Made remarkable achievements.


One is the capital market scale the forefront of the world.By the end of 2002,Shanghai and shenzhen stock market only 1223 listed companies,The total market value of less than 3.8 trillion yuan RMB.After ten years of development,By the end of 2012 on November 12,,Shanghai and shenzhen two cities there are listed companies 2494,By the end of 2002 than double,The total market value is 21.3 trillion yuan RMB,By the end of 2002 than the growth nearly five times.In the world federation of exchange(WFE)Global market value rankings,The capital market in mainland China by 2002 years of 13th leapt to the current of the third,After the United States and Japan,With our country entity economic scale global ranking the second to adapt.


The second is multi-level capital market system is increasingly perfect.After years of unremitting efforts,Our country has initially formed a motherboard/Small and medium-sized plate/Gem and agent share transfer system as the main body of a multi-level system for capital markets,For the sustainable development of the real economy to provide a powerful driving force.By November 12,,Shanghai and shenzhen markets motherboard/Small and medium-sized plate/Gem companies were 1438/701 and 355;In the regional equity transfer market and property right trading market listed enterprise thousands of home.


Three is the capital market services national economic capacity is increasingly ascending.Ten years,China's capital market for the establishment of a modern enterprise system/To support the real economy development made a significant contribution,Effective promotes the economic transformation and development mode change,Accelerating social resources to the advantage enterprise concentration,A large number of state-owned enterprise and private enterprise through merger and reorganization and restructuring of listed to realize the optimal and stronger and industrial structure adjustment,At home and abroad has become remarkable industry leading,The representative of the national economy growing.By the end of 2012 on November 12,,Shanghai and shenzhen stock markets accumulated raised funds of 4.88 trillion yuan RMB.From 2006 to 2011,A total of 143 listed companies implement the industry integration type of material assets reorganization,Transaction value of 757 billion yuan RMB.


Four is the capital market internationalization degree improved steadily.Since 2002,Capital market internationalization degree significantly increased,Made many positive results.In financing internationalization,Accumulated 172 companies(Do not contain delisted)Issuing H shares,Raised $178.7 billion from abroad.In the investment internationalization,Qualified foreign institutional investors(QFII)The total amount of investment of $80 billion;Qualified domestic institutional investors(QDII)Product net worth about 57.9 billion yuan RMB.In the business institution in internationalization,A total of 13 house set up joint venture securities company,41 home joint venture fund company.


In general,In the recent ten years,China's capital market in many areas has made great progress,The market mechanism and market environment for improved,China's capital market and mature markets in the gap between the shrinking.

  二、中国资本市场未来十年发展机遇 two/China's capital market in the next ten years development opportunity


recent,party"Eighteen big"Report to China's economic development and reform and opening up will put forward some concrete strategic plan,In the next ten years,Adhere to the new industrialization/informatization/urbanization/Modernization of agriculture,Promote informatization and industrialization depth fusion/Industrialization and urbanization benign interaction/The urbanization and the agricultural modernization coordination,Promote industrialization/informatization/urbanization/Synchronous development of agricultural modernization,Speed up improvement of the socialist market economic system,To speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development,Efforts will economic development vigor and competitiveness raised to a new level.These strategic deployment will promote China's economy into a new round of great-leap-forward development,For the development of China's capital market to open a new development period,Also for China's real economy the coordinated development of the capital market and provide the new opportunity comes once in a blue moon.

  机遇之一:经济结构战略性调整持续驱动资本市场发展 Opportunity of:Strategic adjustment of the economic structure continuous drive capital market development


"Eighteen big"The report put forward,Promote strategic adjustment of the economic structure is to speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development of the main attack direction.Firmly grasp the development of the real economy this solid foundation,A more conducive to the entity economy development policies and measures,Strengthen demand-oriented,Promote strategic emerging industry/The healthy development of advanced manufacturing industry,To speed up the transformation and upgrading of the traditional industries,Promote service especially modern service industry development and expansion,Reasonable layout construction infrastructure projects and basic industries.


In the strategic adjustment of the economic structure and economic development mode change process,Capital market have a brilliant future.The capital market as an important platform for optimizing the allocation of resources,To guide investment/Promoting economic development mode change has irreplaceable positive role,Especially in the economic transformation and emerging industry development process plays an important role.In the capital market,The company's investment value leading capital flow,With the aid of capital market price signal,Can quickly gathered a lot of money,For structure adjustment open increment capital source channel,And can effectively guide the various factors of production/Economic resources to the core region and policy support regional cluster,Realizing the system advantages/Talent advantage/The policy advantages and economic resources in the capital gathered area comprehensive organic combination,Formation resource synergy effect,For the transformation of the economic development space,To promote the enterprise to regionalization/Internationalization development,Guide industry orderly transfer,And promote the upgrading of the industrial structure adjustment and,Optimize the allocation of resources,Promote the national economy sustainable development.

  机遇之二:城镇化、新型工业化、农业现代化不断为资本市场发展注入活力 Second opportunity:urbanization/New industrialization/Agricultural modernization for capital market development continuously inject vigor


In the process of urbanization,Need to carry out large-scale infrastructure construction.The capital market can support meet the conditions of the infrastructure/Public utilities/Energy industry enterprise through the equity financing,And through the FaZhai/Exclusive project/Asset securitization, and other ways to help raise funds.


In promoting the process of industrialization,Especially in the information conditions to promote the new industrialization,Need to continuously introduce new technology and equipment,The promotion of the traditional industry technical renovation and advantages of annexation and reorganization of enterprises.Realize this shift,Must make better use of the capital market platform,Give full play to the merger and reorganization/Investment and financing/Optimize the allocation of resources and function,To improve the total factor productivity and industrial concentration,Provide an inexhaustible source of power for industrialization(600405,guba)spring.


Modern agricultural production including product storage/transport/A lot of link such as processing,Modern agriculture needs modernization of capital markets to provide support.At present,Our country agriculture, on the whole, still highly dispersed,Need to support meet the conditions of the modern agriculture enterprise listed financing and merger and reorganization,Do big do best and stronger,Drive the whole agricultural production.

  机遇之三:中小企业、创新企业的发展拓展资本市场成长空间 Third opportunity:Small and medium-sized enterprise/The development of innovative enterprise develop capital market growth space


At present,Small and medium-sized enterprise is the main force in the national economy,Of China's total number of enterprises 99% of the small and medium-sized enterprise,Contributed to a 50% tax,Create 60% of GDP,Completed 70% of the innovation achievement,To solve the 80% of urban employment.But the small and medium-sized enterprises especially small miniature enterprise financing difficult problem long-term failed to effectively resolved,Small and medium-sized enterprises lack of founding equity or debt financing time is long,Together with small and medium-sized enterprise and the uncertainty of the asset light etc,It also determines the difficult to obtain bank credit funds of the full support.therefore,Need to rely on multi-level capital market,Through various forms for small and medium-sized micro enterprise provides various direct financial services.


China is now the world's largest industrial nations,But innovation and creation ability is not strong,Many in the industry chain low-end engaged in production,The lack of independent innovation enterprise,therefore,Need to implement innovation drive development strategy,Improve original innovation/Integrated innovation and introduction, digestion, absorption and innovation ability.In the financial support innovative way and manner,Capital market has natural advantages.Capital markets to provide risk sharing/Benefit sharing mechanism,To promote all kinds of resources to high and new technology industrial cluster,Accelerate transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces,Improving national innovation capability,To speed up the construction and improvement of the national innovation system and knowledge innovation system.

  机遇之四:广大人民群众巨大的财富管理需求为资本市场带来源源不断的长期资金 Opportunity in four:The masses huge wealth management demand for capital market with continuous long-term capital


party"Eighteen big"report,In the development of balance/coordination/Sustainability obviously enhanced basis,2020 years to achieve GDP and urban and rural residents per capita income more than double by 2010.From the urban and rural residents per capita income in 2010 than double to see,In 2010, urban per capita disposable income of about 20000 yuan RMB,By 2020 about can achieve 4 ~ 45000 yuan RMB;Rural per capita net income of farmers in 2010 about 6000 yuan RMB,By 2020 about can achieve 1.2 ~ 15000 yuan RMB.With the large increase in per capita income level,People need a complete functions/High efficiency wealth management platform,And the capital market can provide the necessary wealth management function.


In people's income level increase at the same time,The population aging in our country is rising degree,By 2020,China's 65 years old population will account for 12% of the total population.But our country social security system construction and pension timely follow up,Due to the narrow investment channels/System construction is backward wait for a reason,Our country social security funds/Enterprise annuity and long-term capital also faced with the value of the huge pressure.By the end of 2011,The national social insurance funds accumulated balance is 3 trillion yuan RMB,98% in financial institutions,Opportunity cost is very high,Invisible loss bigger.therefore,It is necessary to use the capital market,For these funds for centralized operation and professional management,To realize the value of the market way.

  机遇之五:全面建成小康社会与社会经济转型升级为一大批上市公司经营业绩快速增长提供机会 Opportunity in five:Built in comprehensive well-off society and social economic transformation and upgrade for a large number of listed companies operating performance rapid growth provide opportunities


With the resource conservation/Environment friendly society construction of continuous propulsion,Along with the industrialization/informatization/The urbanization and the agricultural modernization level and quality improved significantly,With the comprehensive well-off society built and residents income multiplier cause consumer upgrade,With China's successful entry into the ranks of innovative country,With the strategic emerging industry/Advanced manufacturing/The development of the modern service industry,China's capital market will produce a large number of leading position in the industry/The explosive growth of the business space/Financial performance excellence of the listed companies,They will for investors to provide continuing rich return on investment,Make the public can fully share the great achievements rapid economic growth.

  机遇之六:资本市场多样化投资组合促进居民理财收入大幅增加 Opportunity in six:The capital market to promote diversified portfolios residents finance income increase


With the continuous progress of the marketization reform,Securities company/The innovation of the fund company business development,Innovative products quantity increase,For the investment choice of investment target and investment combination has become increasingly rich and colorful,From the money market/Bond market/The stock market to all kinds of classification and mixed product portfolio,Form risk income structure rich variety of vertical integration,Meet different risk preference of the demands of investors,Make investors from capital market for the return of the investment and property income increasing,Completely change the previous property income residents excessive dependence on the pattern of the low level deposit interest.

  三、中国资本市场未来发展展望 three/China's capital market development prospect in the future


[The financial industry development and reform"1025"planning]And the party's"Eighteen big"Reports on current and future a period of time China's capital market reform and development work to make the comprehensive deployment,Clearly put forward"Improve the proportion of direct financing"/"Deepening the stock issuance system reform"/"The positive development of the bond market"/"Propulsion futures and financial derivatives market development"/"Strengthen basic market system construction"/"Deepening the reform of the financial system,To promote sound macro economic stability/To support the real economy development in the modern financial system,Multi-level capital market"Specific task.In the future period of time,China's capital market in size/structure/competitiveness/Standardization and openness, etc will have important breakthrough.


In the market scale aspects,The proportion of direct financing improved significantly.Social financing structure comprehensive optimization,Direct financing accounted for the proportion of total social financing is expected to improve to 30% ~ 40%.The initial formation of direct financing is given priority to with the financial system,Financial structure basic balance.Financial system flexibility and stability significantly enhanced,Systemic regional financial risk guard against and defuse capacity significantly increased.


In the market structure,stock/bonds/futures/Financial derivatives, and other capital market tool all-round development,Market structure more reasonable and balanced.Financial products more rich,Market depth and span greatly expand,Trading mechanism to be more perfect and efficient,Gradually form multi-level/High efficiency/Full coverage of the market system,Can satisfy diversified investment and financing needs.


In the market competitive power,The main body of market, improve the international competitiveness and influence.Sprung up a batch of internationally competitive securities company/Modern wealth management organizations and intermediary service agencies,The financial service level improve,Institutional investors become a decisive influence investment main body.Sound corporate governance of listed company/Standard operation,Overall quality improved significantly.


In the standardization of market,Market legal system more perfect."three"Principle to obtain the maintenance,Transparent and efficient supervision system basically completed,Market operation is more stable,The legal rights of investors get full protection,All kinds of market innovation activities have more development and elastic space.


In the market openness aspects,Market more open and more inclusive.International financial institutions and international capital to participate in China's capital market to further improve the degree of,Financial services infrastructure has reached the international advanced level,Effectively promote RMB capital project basic convertible,To further enhance China's economic in the world of the resource allocation ability.

  作为资源配置与财富管理的重要平台,中国资本市场肩负更加重要的历史使命。在未来的一段时间,我们需要不断加快市场化改革步伐,逐步建成一个与中国经济发展水平相适应的成熟资本市场,一个体系结构合理、运行机制完善、功能充分发挥、投资回报丰厚的国际一流资本市场,为支持与推动实体经济发展做出更大贡献。 (上交所资本市场研究所)

As the allocation of resources and wealth management an important platform,China's capital market has more important historical mission.In the future period of time,We need to speed up the marketization reform pace,Gradually built a and China's economic development, in order to mature capital market,A system structure reasonable/Operation mechanism perfect/Function into full play/Return on investment rich international first-class capital market,To support and promote the development of entity economy make greater contribution. (ShangJiaoSuo capital market research institute)
