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China's securities market through more than 20 years,Has grown for the total market value after the United States the world's second largest market,But the road is not flat,Especially after the financial crisis for five years,China's stock market performance almost become the worst performance.


In a recent international financial BBS 2012 global annual meeting,The scholars and the personage inside course of study will be pointing at the current problem of stock issuance examination and approval system/The government and the market limit is not clear or even excessive supervision system symptom and obstacles.


Beijing financial bureau secretary HuoXueWen think,At present the stock market downturn period,In the stock market is the best period of system innovation,Reform on market volatility should be the least influence,And the system innovation center should be to protect investors/Constraint good need to recapitalise people/Standard intermediary between/Fair exchange four aspects,To protect investors and increasing investor education are the responsibility of the government to cope with.


 缘何五年最差 What is the worst in five years


On November 20th,The China securities regulatory commission announced the New Deal,Allow insurance sales fund,And to further prevention and control insider trading has formulated the new guidance.Whether the fund/brokers/trust,In a series of New Deal next is marching toward marketization mixes industry the management direction towards further.And GuoShuQing CSRC office after President this more than a year's time,Is more from listed companies share out bonus/Insider trading zero tolerance/IPO system reform and so on many aspects introduced more than 70 New Deal.But in this"Weekly political"Under the reform of,China's stock market is still low back.


Capital market in China is a product of economic reform,Though more than 20 years of history relative to developed countries one hundred years development course is very short,Late last year the whole Shanghai A share/Shenzhen A/B shares and the mainland enterprises in Hong Kong the red-chip state-owned enterprises total market value scale is $35 trillion,The second in the world,Second only to the United States.But another is the fact that,Over the past five years,After the outbreak of the financial crisis,China's stock market is one of the worst of the global performance of the stock market.If and main developed country/Emerging market countries compare stock market,A shares only good performance in European bank shares/Spain and Italy stock market.


Learning international economic research institute director XiaoGeng put forward,Why are China's GDP growth so fast,But stock market returns so low?In 2010,,China's GDP higher than the United States about seven percentage points,But stock index return on investment is less than the United States about 8%.He thinks,RMB appreciation and supportive for bank has certain influence,But the main problem is,From the real economy to see,Chinese listed enterprise is not the best Chinese enterprise,Is not the best Chinese project.This directed at China's stock issuance examination and approval and the allocation of resources and institutional problems.


The state council development research center director of the financial research institute ZhangChengHui said,The China securities regulatory commission has conducted a number of system reform,But the market is all the more depression.He worries about not,"Now China's securities market is a bit vicious cycle condition,The government and the market limit is not clear,Lead to market distortion,All sorts of problems.Then make supervision department with administrative means management of these problems,The results make the market more distortion,More prominent problems,Limit more is not clear."


Since the reform and opening up has four power to boosting the growth of China's economy:The heavy chemical industry drive industrialization,The large-scale infrastructure investment promote urbanization,To attract foreign investment by the modernization of the pull,And in 2001 after China's entry into wto,Export-oriented brought about by globalization.It is also the drive led to the government will pour force support big enterprise/Large project,Will depend on depressive consumption to promote investment,The inevitable result displays in securities market,The value orientation of the government is to protect the issuer must/Protection issuer,Rather than protect investors.ZhangChengHui think,Now the traditional mode unsustainable,Economic growth mode is changed,The government securities market development concept or target is worth rethinking,And the core of the system reform is to reshape the investor confidence.


最大制度障碍 Maximum system obstacles


Financial stability is the primary goal of supervision,But the current administrative supervision mode is China's stock market volatility of the stock market in the world one of the highest,Worst performance in five years.Spring capital group chairman HuZuLiu the truth,China's capital market in the future development of the most important system obstacle is excessive supervision.


In his view,So far,China's capital market still exist indirect financing proportion is overweight,Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult,High-tech innovation deficiency,Insider trading and market manipulation is serious,The stock market price fluctuation coefficient is too high,Financial products single,The bond market dysplasia,A listed company's corporate governance structure is not sound,The phenomenon such as insufficient protection of investors.In order to overcome these challenges,Grasp the good opportunity of the development of capital market,China needs to accelerate the reform in all,If synergy sexual system construction does not reach the designated position,But local propulsion,Just like in the past few years the capital market also did some attempt,But whether Shanghai international edition,H shares or full circulation,Or QFII, etc,Are local"Instant gratification/JiaoTongYiJiao",This reform mode will be wasted effort,The effect not beautiful,Change the concept of market regulation and system,Should be the next five to 10 years capital market reform of the grand opera.


20 years,In China's capital market to promote state-owned enterprise restructuring/The bank reform and private enterprise growth has played a significant role,Supervision system in form and with the western developed countries more and more similar to each other,But China's capital market,From Shanghai/At the beginning of the shenzhen stock exchange,Is set up by the government from top to bottom,The government in capital market planning/start/access/In the process of operation and supervision,To implement the full participation and control.HuZuLiu think,The essence of/The connotation and concept actually inherited the planned economic system in the government of the tradition of executive dominance,The government plays the leading role in the strong stock market early or play an indispensable role,But this and China's overall economic structure changes,And the requirements of the development of the capital market in the future more and more does not adapt.


At present,Whether from ownership/Market access/Shareholder support/The appointment or removal of the executives personage to specific financial products and business license, etc,The government supervision department for capital market each microscopic level,Has been a direct/widely/In-depth and specific intervention.In HuZuLiu seems,China has not can directly from the administrative supervision role into a real being neutral and professional prudent regulators.


He cites,The disadvantages of administrative supervision mode from China implements stock issuance examination and approval system LveJianYiBan.Although after several and reform but Chinese stock issuance system in essence is still administrative ShenPiZhi,Enterprise can't have terms of issuance,When can you hair,Issue site in Shanghai/Shenzhen and Hong Kong,Issue size,And the issue price range,Share all by regulators have the final say,The real decision making and the main body of responsibility for play only a passive/Mature role.But the administrative examination and approval and derived from the government out of many,Also resulted in China's bond market development the main reason for the poor,The current securities issue system examination and approval opaque,Process trival/time-consuming,With a lot of unpredictability,Increase the enterprise financing cost."In general,Because the central economic planning history background and long-term government in the economy in the leading role,China's financial supervision is not too little/Too loose,But too much/A strict.The financial system of the state/Wholly owned/holding/The proportion of equity participation is not too low,But is too high.A good operation of the financial system,Obviously need the government's prudential supervision.Administrative supervision interfere with the normal operation of the capital market and the market the basic function of the full play,Distort the market participants' behavior and motivation,Suppress the financial innovation,For the capital allocation efficiency has a negative influence.and,Too much power in the,And the lack of a transparent administrative supervision system,Often breed rent-seeking and corruption,Damage the regulators and the reputation of the government/Authority and credibility of the.therefore,The future reform is a key point,How to reset the government and the market boundary."HuZuLiu says.
