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Observe the development of world financial CBD is not hard to find,Whether in the"The cluster"Under development,Borrow or"migration"The machine of overnight,Or from scratch under government's guidance,The development of context always has a track record,And this also is in rapid growth for emerging CBD provide some ideas and reference.
“一平方英里”的集群效应 "A square mile"The cluster effect of
在泰晤士河北岸,有一片以伦巴第街和针线街为界的狭小区域,有着古典与现代的融合,历史与创新的并行,伦敦人习惯称之为“一平方英里”(the square mile)虽然面积仅为1.4平方英里,却被誉为英国的经济中心、与华尔街齐名的世界三大金融中心之一的全球经济动力之都。
In the north of the river Thames,One piece in Lombard street and threadneedle street for small area,A fusion of classical and modern,History and innovation in parallel,People used to call it in London"A square mile"(The square mile)Although the area of only 1.4 square miles,But was regarded as the economic center/With Wall Street along one of the three financial centers in the world of global economic power.
It is the city of London,Though only the city of London in a minimum of 33 administrative region,But have their own government/The mayor/The court,Is worthy of the name in the city of London"City within",At the same time is also the oldest one in the region.Observe its development history is not hard to find,The boom here begins with the cluster effect.
At first,,Here is the merchants together to drink coffee/Talk about business.And then,Maritime transport and insurance industry in the development.As the British established business"Day not fall empire",Here is becoming a financial hub,And eventually evolved into the world financial center.
now,Here brought together nearly all the major international Banks and financial institutions of the office/Branch offices or headquarters,And become one of the world's biggest source of international bank loans,Hundreds of thousands of professionals in this work,More than 40% of employees employed by foreign institutions,Use of more than three hundred languages.Of course,,Become an international financial center requires a lot of necessary conditions,As the market changes and continuously adjust the management strategy and development direction,But for the city of London,The accumulative effect developed to get incisively and vividly is undoubtedly the source of the eternal charm of it.
The mainstream view is that,Open competition and the regulation of the appropriate cluster provides an important basis for financial institutions.London school of economics, professor koudijs goodison, professor, has pointed out,Competition is to promote prosperity.It is because of breaking down the barriers to competition,London was attracted a large number of competitive talent and capital from all over the world.We have learned,Compared with other international financial center,The openness of the city of London is the supreme,And always follow"Principle of heavy,Not the rule"The regulatory model,And the high degree of liberalization and open market environment more released the market potential,Continue to attract multinational companies and financial institutions.
Of course,,In the development process of the city of London also faced many times turn,For example, the first world war ended the global expansion of Victorian age;In 1963,,The government tax on the behavior of the purchase of foreign securities;Deregulation of the big change in 1986;In 1999,,The European central bank announced it would settle in Frankfurt and the birth of the euro, and so on.And now,More difficult problem,"As currently envisaged,If the British withdrawal from the eu,The city of London is likely to suffer,And if not withdrawal from the eu,Disaster is likely to come more early."Blackstone's executives in a recent article.
As luck would have it,London has been away for a rainy day,Turning to the new area layout"Yuan business center plan".There are statistics show that:2012 years ago for 6 months,London's renminbi products and services is growing rapidly,Trade in services grew by 390%,Credit growth as 20 times,Import and export financing has increased by 19%;In terms of foreign exchange,Product delivery of foreign currency RMB can average daily turnover increased by 150% in total,The renminbi spot exchange products increased by 150%,Average daily trading volume of $1.7 billion.
It is worth mentioning,Instead of facing the same twist many times,The city always make agglomeration effect in the historical inheritance and transformation of innovation,And fruitful in the latest issue"The global financial centres index"The rankings,Press, New York, London force,Successfully defending the world's most important financial center.
副都心 迁徙成就辉煌 Deputy heart migration to greatness
Referring to Japan's CBD,Perhaps most people first think of the silver,As Tokyo, after all, the most important representative areas,At the same time also is Japan's largest/The most prosperous blocks,Ginza is always along with champs elysees and fifth avenue.
But also it is because the function of urban concentration,Since the 1960 s,The Japanese government decided to is located in the shinjuku area of about 6 km west of ginza built into comprehensive deputy all heart.As the depth and breadth of gradually expanding,Shinjuku became Japan's largest CBD/Modern industrial concentration degree of the highest.
Can say,Shinjuku CBD's glory comes from"migration".
Before become vice all heart,Shinjuku in consumption/Entertainment industry has displayed a certain appeal.In the 1950 s,Due to the heart of the CBD central business center Tokyo the original three already can not adapt to the needs of the development of situation,The government authority/Corporate headquarters/National economic management agencies and commercial service facilities such as highly concentrated.In order to alleviate the pressure of central district,At the same time, combining with the development of surrounding areas,Japan's decision to"migration",The shinjuku area first begin.
After decades of development,Up to now,The economy/line
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