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硕士进入城管队伍 女性城管多考高分--亲稳舆论引导监测室


占宝山城管此次新招人员的六成 Baoshan urban management of the new recruit personnel's sixty percent


经专业培训考试合格后方可上岗执法 The professional training examinations rear can mount guard law enforcement


Baoshan urban management wanted to ZhaoLu 31 new players,But finally only recruited 17。17 new players,Women 11,While men only six。Baoshan urban management this want to recruit men,But judging from enter oneself for an examination,Women more than partial,Test scores and high women。


More and more high degrees are being introduced into Shanghai urban management law enforcement team。


a,Baoshan urban management law enforcement brigade ushered in 17 new players,The name is 11 of them master graduate student,Proportion of more than 60%。The morning paper reporter recently from baoshan urban management learned,The group of new players is through the end of the civil service exam began unified selection process,11 master graduate student is also for law enforcement baoshan district urban management brigade first full-time postgraduate study。


In recent years,More and more students、Graduate students become urban management law enforcement in the team。But the urban management law enforcement said,Baoshan urban management such as disposable recruit master graduate student degree of the players,Also belong to relatively rare。


女性报名多考分高 More women sign up high test scores

  “不过,我们并不是刻意去招收研究生的。”宝山城管有关负责人告诉早报记者,根据去年底开始报名的此次公务员统一招考要求,报考者的学历要在大 学本科以上。宝山城管在此次招人的条件中,将报考者的专业限定为法律、行政管理两类。而在报考者中,有不少都是硕士研究生学历,最终,在经过笔试、面试等 严格的选拔程序后,11名硕士研究生加入了宝山区城管执法大队。

“but,We did not go out of graduate student recruit。”Baoshan city manager told reporters the morning paper,According to begin to sign up at the end of the civil servants unified admit by examination requirements,The candidate's qualifications to learn in big bachelor degree or above。Baoshan urban management in the move conditions,Will the candidate of the professional limited to the law、Two kinds of administrative management。And in the candidate,Many are master graduate student degree,finally,After written examination、Interview, etc strict selection process,11 master graduate student to join the baoshan district urban management law enforcement battalion。


According to the plan,Baoshan urban management wanted to ZhaoLu 31 new players,But finally only recruited 17。In this 17 new players,Women as many as 11,While men only six。“Due to the nature of work's sake,We still want to recruit some male players。”But judging from enter oneself for an examination,Women more than partial,And also higher test scores of women。


高学历者有利队伍建设 High educational level favorable team construction

  据宝山城管有关负责人介绍,目前,宝山区城管执法大队共有346名队员,其中大学本科以上学历的队员有100多名。在此次招录新队员之前,大队 也有1名硕士研究生学历的队员,不过不是全日制硕士研究生。因此,此次招录新队员中的11名硕士研究生,可以算是宝山城管的首批全日制硕士研究生学历的队 员。不过,尽管拥有高学历,这些硕士研究生学历的城管新队员在入职后,也仍需与其他队员一起进行专业培训,并经过专业考试取得执法证件后,方可上岗执法。

According to the official in charge of baoshan urban management,At present,Baoshan urban management law enforcement there were 346 players in the brigade,University degree or above in which the team has more than 100。In the ZhaoLu new players before,The brigade also have a master graduate student degree players,But not full-time postgraduate study。so,The new players ZhaoLu the 11 master graduate student,Can be the first batch of baoshan urban management master graduate student degree of full-time team member。but,Although they have highly educated,The master graduate student degree of urban management new players on the job,Also with other players still needs together with professional training,And a professional in the examination after the law enforcement certificates,Can mount guard law enforcement。

  “高学历队员具有的优势,短期内可能看不出来,但从长期来看,多一些具备较高专业素养的队员,对整个城管执法队伍的建设,将起到一定的引领作 用。”上述负责人表示,此次招录的新队员都具有本科以上学历,且都是法学、管理等专业毕业,对于城管队伍今后的法治建设、依法行政等,更容易理解、执行。

“Highly educated players have the advantage,The short term may look not to come out,But in the long run,Some more has a high professional quality of players,To the urban management law enforcement of the building,Will play a lead for use。”The chief said,The ZhaoLu new players have bachelor degree or above,And are law、Management field,For urban management team of rule of law construction in the future、Administration according to law, etc,Easier to understand、execution。


今年招538名城管人员 This year 538 city gathered in charge of personnel


In fact,At the district county law enforcement in the brigade,Master degree of the players have not only baoshan,huangpu、In the urban management team and xu hui,Also there is no shortage of master graduate student figure。City urban management law enforcement sources said,In recent years,Along with the city of urban management law enforcement team for higher,And improve treatment etc,At present ZhaoLu new players basically all requirements, bachelor degree or above。

  《上海市城市管理行政执法条例》明确提出,上海要加强城管执法队伍建设,打造一支政治坚定、群众信赖的城管执法队伍。根据规定,城管执法人员实 行统一招录制度,公开考试、严格考察、择优录取。今年,上海将面向社会公开招录538名一线城管执法人员(其中女性55名),以充实郊区大型居住社区和城 郊接合部地区的执法力量。

《Shanghai urban management administrative law enforcement regulations》Clearly put,Shanghai to strengthen urban management law enforcement team construction,Build a firm political、The masses of urban management team trust law enforcement。According to the regulation,Urban management law enforcement personnel do ZhaoLu system of unified,Public examination、Strict inspection、According to admit。This year,Shanghai will face the public ZhaoLu 538 a line urban management law enforcement(With women from 55),To enrich the suburbs large living community and rural areas of the city effects.the topological enforce the law strength。


According to understand,The urban management law enforcement personnel ZhaoLu for a larger over。In enter oneself for an examination conditions,Under the age of 35 and university degree or above,become“introductory”Hard Numbers。
