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准大学生整容者渐多 专家称切忌盲目跟风--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


In recent days,Reporter visit more than cosmetic institutions around the house found,In summer,Among those who came to the facial plastic surgery,Students account for 80%,Most of them for the college entrance examination for college students must soon。Experts remind,Students should be plastic rational treatment,Avoid blindly follow suit,Especially age under the age of 18 students,Had better not easily“sword”。


暑期整容学生唱主角 Summer cosmetic students sing leading role


August 5,,Just full 18 one full year of life of the mother accompanied by the chow chow,The people's hospital medical treatment to the third beauty center double eyelid forming operation。Jojo told reporters,She's a senior high school classmate had hump nose surgery last month,She felt that the result is right,To move a double eyelid idea。


Reporters from the city is home to more than cosmetic institutions to understand,Like jojo such cosmetic use their summer do the students is not alone。City people's hospital medical hairdressing third, director of the center ZhaoXianZhong told reporters,Every summer is the peak of the cosmetic students。Among them,Will go to university of high school graduates and the university students who will graduate soon in the majority。He introduced,Start end from the college entrance examination,Many of the students to cosmetic surgery,In summer,The students to plastic shaping customers total number of more than 80%,It was a sharp increase than the same period last year。Students of cosmetic to facial give priority to,Such as double-fold eyelid、Hump nose, etc,Cost is in commonly 2000 yuan to 4000 yuan。

  谈到为什么选择整容,答案大同小异:“为更自信、为找工作、为谈恋爱”。“想在进大学前‘改头换面’,以全新的形象融入全新的圈子。 ”乔乔表示,大学同学不知道她以前的样子,以漂亮的形象进入大学,对入学后参与社团活动、谈恋爱或未来就业都会具有优势,等到入学才整容就“晚了”。

Talk about why choose cosmetic surgery,The answer very much the same:“For more confident、Looking for a job、For fall in love”。“Think before entering university‘Told a’,With new image into new circle。 ”Jojo said,University students don't know she used to look like,With beautiful image into the university,After admission to participate in community activities、Fall in love or future employment will have an advantage,Until the entrance to the facial plastic surgery“late”。


家长比孩子更心切 Parents more than children can

  记者采访中发现,绝大多数接受整容手术的学生都有家长陪着。一些家长的心情甚至比孩子还要迫切。 19岁的琳琳上周在妈妈沈女士的陪同下,进行了双眼皮、隆鼻、内眼角成型等手术,花费了1万余元,所有费用全部由沈女士“买单”。沈女士告诉记者,她很支持女儿整容,让孩子变漂亮不仅是家长的心愿,对孩子以后的发展、就业也有好处。

The reporter interviews found,Most accept plastic surgery students have parents with。Some parents mood than even children to urgent。 At the age of 19 last week in ms shen around mother accompanied by,Double-fold eyelid the、Hump nose、Canthus molding operation,Spent more than 10000 yuan,All expenses by all the ms shen“pay”。Ms shen told reporters,She's very supportive daughter cosmetic,Let the children become beautiful is not only the desire of the parents,The later development of children、Obtain employment is good。


Also have parents is to see the child be firm,But choose to support。Ms jiang the daughter of a university this year was admitted to nanjing,Before the college entrance examination,Ms jiang promise daughter if play well,And to meet her a wish,Didn't expect the child of the request is double eyelid,But under Chiang woman have to promise。


ZhaoXianZhong told reporters,Many parents to medical hairdressing enrollment and tolerance is getting higher and higher,Often have parents together with daughter to cosmetic。

  学生整容需谨慎 “本想变得更漂亮,却差点毁容。”20岁的东东是南通一所大学的大二学生,身材高挑、相貌靓丽的她还兼职车模。暑假里,她在南大街一所美甲院听了工作人员的介绍,做了双眼皮手术,没想到第二天眼睛便异常红肿。东东本以为是手术后发炎,没想到越肿越厉害,人还发起了高烧。经过专业医护人员10多天的治疗,东东的眼睛才逐渐消肿。

Students should be cautious and plastic “This wants to become more beautiful,But almost disfigure。”20 years old of east east is nantong a university sophomore,tall、Looks beautiful beautiful she also part-time models。During the summer vacation,She in south street of a nail salon workers to staff is introduced,Do the double-fold eyelid surgery,Didn't expect the next day and abnormal eye redness and swelling。East east thought is surgery inflammation,Didn't expect the more powerful the swollen,Man has also launched a high fever。After health care professionals more than 10 days of treatment,East east eyes it gradually reduce the swelling。


The students to warm up gradually cosmetic tide,ZhaoXianZhong said,Under the age of 18 of the students is still in development,Physical and psychological are not mature,Early do plastic,Will affect plastic effect and their own health。Before surgery,Going to regular medical institutions do detailed advice,Make full mental preparation,Don't blindly to do。Surgery to have some risk,Don't to love the,To take unnecessary risks。In choosing cosmetic institution must be careful,Must choose to have qualification、Medical equipment technical good cosmetic institutions,Never covet petty gain and cause unnecessary damage。At the same time,He reminded the students,Must be out of“Have a good looks,Makes a good future”Mistakes of the,Confidence is a good thing,But any time,Should pay more attention to improve individual ability。(YuanXiaoJie)
