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广州留学市场乱象调查 近千家中介仅14家有资质--亲稳舆论引导监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;">   编者按: Editor's note:据统计,广州从事留学中介的机构近千家,但在教育部公布的合法留学中介机构名单中广东省仅27家,广州市只有14家,九成以上无资质,打着各种旗号进行留学中介服务。记者走访发现,非法中介和合法中介常同处一栋大楼,由于无资质中介缺乏内部监管,对消费者坑蒙拐骗,业务反而红火…… According to the statistics,Study abroad intermediary agencies engaged in guangzhou is close,But publicized by the ministry of education in the legal consultative organizations list only 27 home of guangdong province,Guangzhou only 14 home,More than ninety percent no qualification,Under the banner of for study abroad intermediary services。The reporter found visit,Illegal intermediary and legal intermediary often together building,Due to the lack of internal supervision no qualification intermediary,To consumer KengMeng of kidnapping,Business instead of red imported fire……更多精彩新闻请进入搜狐教育>> More wonderful news please enter sohu education>>  近年来,我国出国留学人数以每年24%以上的速度快速增长。统计数字显示,2011年我国出国留学规模超过30万人次,其中自费留学人员占到了92%以上,中国已经成为全球留学生最大的输出国。这一强劲需求带动了留学中介行业的快速发展。据专业机构估算,广州每年出国留学人数超过3万人,如果按照行业收费标准每人5万元计算,广州留学中介市场份额高达15亿元以上。但高收费并未带来高满意度,广州市消费者委员会的统计显示,留学中介消费者投诉率占据中介市场榜首。 In recent years,Our country to go abroad to study abroad each year the number to more than 24% of the speed fast growth。Statistics show that,In 2011, more than 300000 people go abroad study abroad scale,One study abroad at one's own expenses accounted for more than 92% staff,China has become the world's largest exporter foreign students。The strong demand abroad intermediary spurs the rapid development of the industry。According to professional agency estimates,Guangzhou study abroad each year more than 30000 people,If the industry charging standard 50000 yuan each calculation,Guangzhou study abroad intermediary market share as high as 1.5 billion yuan of above。But high fees did not bring high satisfaction,Guangzhou consumers committee statistics show,Study abroad intermediary consumers TouSuLv occupy top intermediary market。


According to the statistics,Study abroad intermediary agencies engaged in guangzhou is close,But publicized by the ministry of education in the legal consultative organizations list only 27 home of guangdong province,Guangzhou only 14 home,More than ninety percent no qualification,Under the banner of for study abroad intermediary services。The reporter found visit,Illegal intermediary and legal intermediary often together building,Due to the lack of internal supervision no qualification intermediary,To consumer KengMeng of kidnapping,Business instead of red imported fire。


大多中介无法出具资质证明 Most of the intermediary can't issue qualification certification


According to the state laws and regulations,Legal study abroad at one's own expenses of intermediary service agencies,Need to get the national ministry of education qualification authentication,Can provide study abroad intermediary services。But the reporter recently visited near the intermediary company,Most can't produce proof to the reporter qualification。


Reporters arrived at a west road sports education agents('s think study abroad),Just enter door,A consultant and passion come forward to say hello。When a reporter asked whether have aptitude,The consultant momentarily,Then open the publicity materials home page,The head office have said is located in Beijing for qualification,In guangzhou does not need qualifications。When a reporter determined to see the related certificate,The consultant pointed to the hanging on the wall the business license and tax registration certificate,But never see qualification certificate。Advisers in the explained,Guangzhou branch is not here,and“Just points office”,Online can check the qualifications of the head office in Beijing。“If there is a problem,We also cannot open 20 years now?”Advisers say with smile。


And the other a is not far“The study in the international”Intermediary institution is more a catch in it。A door,All kinds of greatly small certificate hung in the wall,Chinese and English。The reporter asked about chief have aptitude,He said:“Our headquarters have aptitude,Guangzhou branch also have aptitude,Hanging in the doorway。”


Reporters and the scrutiny,But always found no qualification certificate,Only the business license,A Europe and America homecoming consultation center(The intermediary ministry of education has qualification certification)Qualifications protocols,In addition,And a certificate to the center of Europe and America homecoming consulting international“cooperation”Relationship certificate of。The consultant is introduced,This is their qualification certificate。The original,The agency's qualifications,Also just call in other qualified intermediary company just。But according to reporter understanding,Legitimate company affiliated agency must also be to provincial education administration authorities for the record。If without education departments audit,Callings is invalid,Also illegal。


Asked this question in any qualification,Most of the intermediary obfuscating the head,Located in the fourth floor of the garden throughout the day an information consulting Co., LTD(Guangzhou reputation into information consulting Co., LTD)To the problem is very sensitive,Almost to reporters to get angry,Reporter by“Don't know,Afraid of being lied to,So I want to understand clearly”Ease the situation on the,The company senior adviser to easing tone,and“advice”reporter:“Any qualification is not important,As long as we have the resources to hand,Can help you apply for to go to school can be a life,Tube so many stem what?”


In the investigations in,The reporter said scores at ordinary times is not so good,Do not know can study abroad。Dozens of reporters in frequent consultative organizations,Most of the intermediary says,A foreign university high school students of all subjects has really requirements,But it doesn't matter,As intermediary company they can give reporters do a report card out。As long as there are economic strength,The exam results how change will do,This is currently guangzhou some study abroad intermediary company common practices。


The guangzhou bureau of industry and commerce source said,Study abroad intermediary threshold is quite low,Cost investment is not high also,Many people have an acquaintance in foreign countries have relations,A bench in guangzhou、A table to a house a put,Can set up a intermediary company,This led to the whole market is chaos。At present the study abroad intermediary has amounted to guangzhou is close,But only 27 guangdong home legal,Guangzhou only 14 home legal,More than ninety percent of all kinds of illegal intermediary purpose under the name。


无资质中介频遭曝光生意照做 No qualification intermediary PinZao exposure as do business


A survey revealed that,Many illegal consultative organizations and media exposure,Business still flourishing,Have not received any punishment not say,They also declared:“We have the government background,Industry and Commerce Department to our full support,Media exposure is on us free advertising!”


Located in citic building“Stupid study abroad seek advice”Is a so-called“China's largest and most professional consultancy study abroad”,The website has publicly said,Autumn entrance has been received“Admission notice 10133 cases,57% of the top 50 students to enter the United States school”。The agency whether its headquarters in Beijing or guangzhou branch,Are not the list of the ministry of education。


Guangzhou have many media has repeatedly exposure“stupid”The company operating unlawfully,The company relevant personnel are open,They don't have any qualification and license plates,But as long as willing to spend money,The exam results how change will do,Foolish are able to help deal with study abroad。


Last August,China network television sets of cantonese again“Stupid study abroad seek advice”For investigations,The report is the topic“Guangzhou illegal study abroad intermediary,The door open do according to business”。Investigations found that,“stupid”Under the name of study abroad seek advice,But in fact it and study abroad intermediary is the same as,Arranged everything for study abroad,And high fees。But recently, reporters that visit,“Stupid consulting”Study abroad of intermediary business more does more prosperous,The size of the expansion。


According to the online search information reporters came to citic building 32 layer,But could not find the stupid study abroad seek advice is located。then,According to the building of the customer service reporters to point to 55 layer,Indeed as expected at 2 unit to find“Stupid consultation center”,Appearance is very costly,Office place great,Light is a reference to ten cubicle。


The door in a wall,On the entire wall of posters,Top write“By April 30, 2012,Stupid study abroad in autumn 2012 admission consulting client has received offer(admitted)15336 cases,56 students TOP50 colleges into one,21 students won a scholarship。”


The company consulting manager horse manager received a reporter,In a conversation in the process,Reporter discovery horse manager is very cautious,Would not easily reveal much information,Even the reporter asked intermediary fee,The horse manager also just gave a class about the cost to the United States gold medal service 55000 yuan。The horse manager told reporters intermediary fee points many a class,Different grades of service charge is different the cost of the amount,And in each of their intermediary fee will be floating,And according to the student depends。


“You are to give students do some suggest or the whole arranged?”The reporter asked。


“Our side the package,Apply for the school from,To document writing,Have been to visa through,We will bag well。”The horse manager said。


“I've heard that you stupid in last few years the refund rates rose,Is this??”


“We apply for not success is a full refund,If a refund if high rate,We can't do it this year in Beijing、tianjin、Nanjing also opened a new several branches,32 floor of the office before was just replace,Office now expanded 2 times,If a refund if high rate we can't do is growing。”The horse manager said,The company has the government background,Industry and Commerce Department of“stupid”To support,Media exposure is repeatedly do for free advertising。Now the company business more prosperous than ever before,No department to make their punishment。

  在位于天河区维多利亚广场的旌睿(diysmart)教育咨询服务公司,林和西路天誉花园二期大楼里的多家咨询公司,均是被媒体反复曝光的非法留学中介,但是记者走访发现,这些公司仍然开门营业,没有受到任何影响。这些公司负责人不断强调他们有出国留学业务,并且“只送优秀高分学生出国,不做成绩不好的差生的生意”。(成希廖舒雯 周欢欢 余秋亮) (来源:南方日报)

In the tianhe district is located in the continuous Victoria square black(diysmart)Education consulting service company,Lin and west road throughout the day wan garden of the building several consulting company,All is by the media exposure of illegal education agents repeatedly,But the reporter found visit,The company is still open,Not affected。The company officials have been stressing their business to go abroad to study abroad,and“Just send excellent students go abroad high marks,Don't do bad grades for a way out of the business”。(He LiaoShu ZhouHuanHuan YuQiuLiang into CAM) (source:Southern daily)
