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女教师坚持家访十余年 写近10万字家访日记(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

女教师坚持家访十余年 写近10万字家访日记(图) 小平 WuXiaoPing


女教师写近10万字家访日记(图) Female teacher family visit diary written nearly 100000 words(figure)


南昌吴小平坚持家访十余年 Nanchang WuXiaoPing adhere to the family visit more than 10 years


每周家访两次“上门家访是走进学生心里的一条捷径” The family visit two a week“The door in the family visit is the heart of students into a shortcut”


The family visit had left for countless students to a beautiful memory,But now the traditional house type family visit is gradually disappear,Instead, the phone or network communication。but,In nanchang also hold this tradition was the education mode。QingLian nanchang city school junior high school teacher of Chinese、The teacher in charge WuXiaoPing ten years to keep a weekly to student's home family visit twice,Write down the nearly 100000 words of the family visit diary。WuXiaoPing said,The family visit is the heart of students into a shortcut,Less than a student's home cannot control the students' growth first hand information。


初衷:想让班里少点“问题学生” Original intention:Want to let class less“Problem students”


1987 years,The young WuXiaoPing just to a professional high school as a Chinese teacher and the teacher in charge。“I find that many students have to early love、Smoking phenomenon,Even some children cluster,In order to stabilize the class study atmosphere,I decided to part‘Problem students’Family visit。”WuXiaoPing said,And a lot of the teacher,At the beginning of the family visit purpose is very strong。“These children's life has just started,I hope they can feel at ease in the school really learn something。”


WuXiaoPing clearly remember the first family visit of the students are small strange。Small strange smoking in class,And on the campus and a female classmate behavior is too close。“When I say I want to go to when family visit,Small's parents very happy。But I can see small strange some worry,But he still took me to his home。”


The day,WuXiaoPing see small's father was the first thing“Your child is very smart”,Then this also be her when family visit the opening of language。“Don't take the idea of unbelievers family visit,Not only can create the child's psychological conflict,Also easy to let parents mood excited,Against exchange。”WuXiaoPing said。


坚持:每周家访两次 Insist on:The family visit two a week


After many family visit,WuXiaoPing with class learning atmosphere is strong up,The students to WuXiaoPing feelings deepen。Once WuXiaoPing take the whole class to GongQingCheng outings,4 am going to the school set,Because WuXiaoPing home far away from school,Several students ride bike to the special her house to meet her。WuXiaoPing said,For her family visit in students and parents lay the heart the basis of trust,This gives her bring much convenience,She gradually taste the family visit's“miley”。


but,Then the WuXiaoPing family visit object basically is“Problem students”,The family visit is not many times。1997 years,WuXiaoPing turned to junior middle school teacher,Start the concentration of a planned family visit。“The teacher in charge work is to set up communication of the bridge,Let the children and their parents better communication between,Promote the student and the teacher's understanding of and trust in between。”WuXiaoPing give myself the requirements:A week family visit two times。Every time before the family visit,WuXiaoPing will and students、Good parents make an appointment。


家访:走进学生心里的捷径 Family visit:Students into the shortcut to the heart


The Chinese teacher WuXiaoPing has a habit,Like to write things,Record in life。Ten years down,She has been writing bits and bobs 400 more than this family visit diary,Nearly 100000 words,The diary detailed record every family visit's pass and content。


Now a lot of teacher family visit way is to phone or network,WuXiaoPing why still insists on the door family visit。WuXiaoPing said,Every student has his own story,Less than a student's home to go to,To really understand the student's growth environment and the idea,It is difficult to communicate effectively and parents。


Now WuXiaoPing family visit had no at first distinct purpose。“Is to student's home to see see,And students、Parents sit down together for a chat。”WuXiaoPing said,The family visit is the heart of students into a shortcut,Can help her master students growing first-hand information,Know the students from different angles。


遗憾:错过一次家访让学生失落 sorry:Missed a family visit to let the students lost


Adhere to the family visit more than 10 years,WuXiaoPing said he still has some regret。In 2009 the mid-term exam end,WuXiaoPing and student exchanges together,Students small rong asked her:“The teacher why didn't you go to my family visit?”At that time WuXiaoPing sails。“She worked very hard,But the record is couldn't get on,Is a very clever girl。In fact I like her very much,Now still remember she was some loss of look in the eyes,If the next met her,I have to apologize to her。”


Since then,WuXiaoPing for themselves when family visit can't miss a student。“If less than a child in the family visit home,he(she)Will feel no recognition by the teacher,This will hurt the child's self-esteem。”now,Often have students ask WuXiaoPing,“The teacher,When will you go to my house and family visit?”,This let WuXiaoPing feel a sense of achievement。


But during the hot summer nanchang,WuXiaoPing still often sit bus to students in the family visit home。WuXiaoPing said,The habit of family visit she will always be persist until retirement,Then she will sort out the family visit diary,As a teacher of career。


日记摘录:小女生要做太多家务 Diary excerpts from:The little girl to do too much housework

  今天吃完午饭,就来到云云家,云云爸爸在家等候我。这是一个多子女家庭,有两个女儿和两个儿子,一家七口租住在锦联社区的一室一厅。云云的爸妈都是早出晚归,奶奶也在赚钱补贴家用。照顾弟妹的重担就落到云云的肩上。来家访的目的,是想请家长把云云从家务劳动中解脱出来。这么聪明的孩子,适当帮助父母是应当的,但不能让过重的家务压得孩子喘不过气来。好在其父能理解我的想法,承诺近半年让云云全身心学习。(江南都市报 文/图 记者廖济堂)

Today after lunch,A time came to home,Greetings dad at home waiting for me。This is a families with many children,Have two daughters and two sons,A family of seven members of one room one hall rented in the brocade association。The parents are setting out early time,Grandma also make money in their family。Take care of the heavy burden of the above is a time to the shoulder。To family visit's goal,Is to want to please parents send greetings from housework in earnest。So clever boy,Proper help parents is the shall be,But can't let overweight children on housework for breath。May his father can understand my idea,Promise to give half time study。(Jiangnan metropolis daily text/graph LiaoJiTang reporters)
