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奥运结束“天才少年”引关注 培养方法大家谈--亲稳网络舆情监控室
核心提示: summary:
Although the 2012 London Olympic Games torch has gone out,But in the sports meeting those appear“Boy genius”Are still attracted the line of sight of people,Apart from SunYang and leaves of poetry“Rain go home road”,Even their names are contains business opportunities,After the Olympic Games,Maybe Chinese parents for your child to practice swimming enthusiasm will also unprecedented upsurge...At the same time of,About these“Boy genius”Little drops of life was also a lot of people take delight in talking about,Their parents education children method a: what's the difference?“genius”Success really can copy?The method of child how is correct?And listen to everyone say...

姑娘叶诗文赢伦敦第二金 天才少女怎样炼成的 Girl leaf verse win London the second gold genius girl how to refined into
Magical Chinese little girl leaf poetry,The local time 31 in London Olympic Games women's 200 - meter medley game again staged drama in reverse,To win her second gold medal in London。
game,At the end of the third stroke,Leaf verse still languishing in third,But in the last 50 meters freestyle swim the faster,Finally the first touch the wall,The gold grade of two points 7 seconds 57,She had broken in the semi-finals of the create two points 08 seconds and Olympic record。
几天前,在女子400米混合泳决赛中,叶诗文也是在落后的情况下最后100米发力,最终惊人地打破了世界纪录、夺得金牌。 》》详细
A few days ago,In the women's 400 - meter medley final,Leaf poetry is in the backward situation finally 100 meters hair force,Final wonderfully broke the world record、Won the gold medal。 》》detailed
叶诗文、孙杨、李雪芮……奥运会上的"90后"冠军 Leaves verse、SunYang、LiXueRui...The Olympic Games"After 90"champions
最年轻叶诗文 The young leaf poetry
as“China's swimming army first double gold king”,Leaf poems is also the Chinese delegation in the Olympic Games gold medal winner of the young,Was born in March 1996 she,Won the women's 400 - meter medley and 200 meters medley champion,And four points to 28 seconds and result broke the previous world record。
最耀眼孙杨 The most dazzling SunYang
In the Olympic Games,The Chinese delegation won the gold medal and is the largest SunYang,He received a total of two JinYiYin a copper。In the men's 400 m freestyle competition,SunYang realized the Chinese men's swimming an Olympic gold medal zero breakthrough,And in the men's 1500 m freestyle final,SunYang to 14 points 31 seconds 02 gold medal,And refresh by his own world record kept。
最幸运李雪芮 The most lucky LiXueRui
This was born in January 1991 the women's badminton singles shinco Olympic champion,In the London Olympic Games first half of the month before the Olympic Games in the list,As the Olympic Games women's singles no. 3 seed of she,In the game two victories over the teacher elder sister,And won the championship。
最辛苦陈定 The most hard Chen
In August 1992, Chen was born,For the Chinese delegation won the Olympic Games only track and field gold medal man 20 km race walking。He walked in the final of the journey is all“After 90”In the champions“Long distance”of。
最默契汪皓/陈若琳,曹缘/张雁全 The tacit understanding WangHao/ChenReLin,Cao edge/ZhangYanQuan
As born in December 1992 and the WangHao ChenReLin,Common harvest the London Olympic Games women's double ten meters diving platforms gold medal,The latter also won the women's 10 m platform single game gold medal,become“Women's 10 m platform first grand slam”。
1995年2月出生的曹缘和1994年6月出生的张雁全,是中国代表团最年轻的金牌男选手。这两人合作拿下了男子双人十米跳台的冠军,这也是本届奥运会上中国代表团在男子跳水项目上的首金。 》》详细
Born in February 1995 cao edge and June 1994 ZhangYanQuan born,The Chinese delegation is the youngest gold medal of male athletes。The two men had cooperation man double ten meters diving platforms champion,This is also the Chinese delegation Olympic Games in the men's diving project of the first gold。 》》detailed
叶诗文载誉归 成长解密苦练,花季少女卓然绽放 Leaf massing poetry to growth and decryption,Adolescent girl outstanding blossom
In London,At the age of 16 leaf poetry to the extraordinary performance shocked the world。Her progress really can use miracle to describe。From the national title to the Asian champion、World champion、Olympic champion,She is only used three years。
April 2010 the national swimming championships in shaoxing,14 years old leaf poetry with 2 points, 10 seconds and won the women's 200 m individual medley champions,To make Chinese swimming team head coach YaoZhengJie shine at the moment。“When women's 200 m individual mix is not China's strengths,Leaf poetry can I see the hope。”In the championship game,Leaf of poetry and the coach XuGuoYi to Australia's Ken wood with training。
Study results has obvious,In October 2010 Beijing to host the international fina short course swimming on World Cup series,Leaf poetry in the women's 200 m and 400 m individual medley of the game world record holder the United States twice defeated general schmidt,Also in the 200 - meter individual medley swim out when the world's second good result。Of the 2010 guangzhou Asian games,As the Chinese delegation contestants in the age of the youngest one,Leaf verse harvest 200 meters medley relay and 400 meters medley 2 pieces of gold content high gold medal。Her 200 meters individual medley win results for two points 09 seconds 37,Ranking the world first,400 m individual medley performance ranked second。14 years old leaf poetry not only caused the attention of people,Also become the foreign media coverage of the object,CNN has forecast:“Leaf poetry will be 2011 world swimming championships and the London 2012 Olympics title contenders”。
Indeed as expected,After a year of Shanghai world swimming championships,15 years old prose leaf in the 200 - meter medley final,With the last 50 meters of powerful sprint realize reversal,With 2 points 08 second 90 result stand at the top of the podium,To become the world's most young pit 35 years world champions,At the same time, she is also the first in the world to wear ordinary bathing suit break through two points 09 seconds mark player。
从不缺席一堂课,也从来不愿认输 Never miss a class,Never willing to throw in the towel
At the age of 6,Leaf poetry was in kindergarten class,The teacher see she is higher than their peers many children,Hands grow also big,Will recommend her to sports school practice swimming。From then on,Regardless of wind and rain,Father YeQingSong always ride electric car to take her to the training。YeQingSong memories,“Text consciously training very hard,365 days a year,In addition to the pool in water for a few days,She a day of training are not falling。Once accidentally crus scraping broken,Seam nine needle。But less than 10 days to rest,She can't wait to return to sports school。”
叶诗文的启蒙教练魏巍透露,训练中叶诗文从来不吵不闹,给多少任务,她都会认真完成。教练交代游10000米,她绝对不会只游9900米。仰泳和蝶泳是她的弱项,节假日别的队员都外出放松去了,叶诗文常常自己加练仰泳和蝶泳。她相信偶像菲尔普斯说过的一句话:“如果你休息一天,实力就会倒退两天。” 》》详细
Leaf verse enlightenment coach wei wei said,Training middle verse never noisy don't make,To how many of the tasks,She will finish seriously。The coach metasomatism swim 10000 meters,She is definitely not only swim 9900 meters。The butterfly and the backstroke is her weaknesses,Holidays other players to go out to relax,Poetry often leaves his JiaLian backstroke and butterfly。She believes that idol Michael Phelps said a word:“If you take a day,Strength will be back two days。” 》》detailed
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