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搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:三至六岁,包括学前,就是在幼儿园的教育对我们父母来说也是一个严峻的挑战,选择一家好的幼儿园,选择专业人士指导至关重要。我们现在看到了一个现状,男孩教育的缺失。据统计我国幼儿园教师有一百万左右,其中男性幼儿教师大概有六万人,但是真正从事教育工作的大概占了1%的比例,对于孩子的阳刚教育的缺失,您怎么看待?
Three to six years old,pre-school,Even in kindergarten education to our parents, it is also a serious challenge,Choose a good kindergarten,Choose professional guidance is very important。And now we see a situation,The boy the lack of education。According to the statistics of kindergarten teachers in our country is about one million,The early childhood teachers men about sixty thousand people,But the real engaged in education work probably accounted for 1% of the proportion,Education for children of the lack of the masculine,How do you look at?
殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):其实阳刚教育,并不是说有个男教师就有阳刚教育,阳刚教育是一种综合的效果。当然男教师会对孩子的阳刚之气有很大的影响,这是肯定的,但并不是说只有男教师才可以培养孩子的阳刚之气。
In fact masculine education,Is not to say that there is a male teachers have masculine education,Masculine education is one kind of comprehensive effect。Of course male teachers will on the child's masculinity have great influence,That's for sure,But is not to say that the only male teachers can develop the child's masculinity。
Give some examples,A lot of children grown up in a single-parent family,And her mother live together,But also have masculinity。Our education process first change education idea,To the boys and girls on gender differences in education,With different education form combined with parenting。This is to change Chinese children lack masculinity key,This is the most important,Male teachers can have this effect。We kindergarten has five male teachers,Is department of physical education of undergraduate course graduation,Teach children physical education,This meaning really great,The boys to have great influence,Especially choose some boys suitable movement,For example the football、Martial arts,Can cultivate children's masculinity,Female teachers in these areas is accomplished very hard。
For example, female teachers often education child be brave、bold,But run into a small cockroach,bugs,The female teacher frighten jump up first,This to the child the influence is not the same,Teach children martial arts,Want to use the strength,This kind of female teachers strength will performance not to come out,Martial arts do like as setting-up exercise,To the child sure is a kind of negative impact,A child's main a way of learning is the imitation,The female teacher brings to the child of a slight effect is really big,Change masculinity,Main is to change our education idea and education mode,Male teachers intervention is an important one of the measures。
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:你刚才也说了,并不是说幼儿园因为没有男教师所以才让孩子缺失一些阳刚之气,在现有教育条件下,我们很多幼儿园还是女教师的条件下,幼儿园该如何进行男孩教育。
You just also said,Is not to say that kindergarten because no male teachers so that makes children lack some stereotypes,In the existing education conditions,Many of our kindergarten or female teacher's condition,Kindergarten this how to carry on the boy education。
殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):最好的方法就是进行运动,国际上也是这样。幼儿园,包括小学,主要是女教师的天下,选择一些不同的教育的形式,比如说有些运动,男孩子要多去做一些,适合他们阳刚之气,所谓阳刚之气,实际上这是一种很广义的描述,实际上我对阳刚之气理解是三方面,第一是敢于承担,敢于担当,这个非常重要,第二个就是一种勇气,有一个事情出来了,可能有挫折,可能有危险,你男孩子首先选择去做。第三点就是你的一种责任或者一种包容。
The best way is to exercise,And so it is international。kindergarten,Including primary school,Mainly is the female teacher of the world,Choose a few different education form,For example some sports,Boys want to be much to do something,Suitable for their masculinity,The so-called masculinity,In fact this is a kind of very general description,Actually I understand of masculinity is three aspects,The first is to bear,Dare to bear,This is very important,The second is a kind of courage,There is a things out,There may be setbacks,Might be dangerous,You boys first choose to do。The third point is your a duty or a kind of tolerance。
The ways we design different education environment,Design different education form,And let the boy go to participate in more,For example to play football,For boys, training masculinity is a kind of very good form。We kindergarten has done more than ten years children football,Just contact football,Football a fly,A lot of students are hide away,They think it is a kind of hurt,But after the contact,He will brave jump on the ball,Sometimes in the process of playing the ball flew by,Claret,He is a shine to continue playing。Football is a very good training children masculinity movement,We choose a different idea,Different forms,Can develop the child's masculinity。
搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:刚才您也提到了博凯幼儿园有了五位体育专业本科毕业的男老师,这几年来,您觉得他在幼儿园发展,包括对幼儿园里面孩子的成长有哪些重要性,您觉得博凯幼儿园的孩子跟别的幼儿园孩子相比,身上有哪些独特的气质?
Just now you also mentioned the BoKai kindergarten had five sports professional undergraduate course graduation male teacher,In the past few years,You think he's kindergarten development,Including kindergarten for the growth of children in what are the importance,You feel BoKai kindergarten children compared with other kindergarten children,What are the unique temperament on?
殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):广义上是三方面,第一是他们爱学习,有非常好的学习兴趣。第二点每个孩子我们培养他们具备能人所不能的素质,这个是非常重要,因为我们人类作为万物之灵能主宰地球,为什么那么多动物没有能主宰,就是因为我们人类与动物不同。有的人可能适合当厨师,有的人适合做裁缝,有的人适合做这个,我做不到,但是别人可以做到,而且都可以做到极至,每个人的能力不同,之所以能够成为精英,成为一个社会需要者,正因为他们有具备能人所不能的独特的素质,而每一种动物它们个体的能力几乎是相似的。
In the broad sense is three aspects,The first is that they learn to love,Have a very good learning interest。The second point each child we cultivate their have talent cannot quality,This is very important,Because we humans as the soul of the universe can dominate the earth,Why do so many animals can not master,It is because we humans different from animals。Some people may be suitable for when the cook,Some people for tailor,Some people suits to do this,I can't do,But other people can do,And extremely can do it,Each person's ability is different,Can become elite,Become a social needs,Because they have have talent cannot unique quality,And every kind of animals they individual ability is almost similar。
So we this culture is also a key teaching,Cultivate children have talent cannot quality,Critical period in seven years before。
The third is our children to set up a kind of physical fitness、Psychological integrated development pattern,This is very important,confidence、independent、A personality、Dare to think、Dares to do,Rich adventure,This is very important,These three points should be the core of the BoKai education,BoKai most graduate child has reflects。
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