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不扶病倒老人 算不算“人情冷漠”?--亲稳网络舆情监控室


话题原由 Topic reason

  8月10日上午,有网友发微博称,早八点,在上海新华路淮海西路口,一老人躺倒在地,满头是血,围观的路人很多,有人打120,但没人敢扶起,引来骑车经过的一名外国女子破口大骂。此事引发网络热议,网友纷纷感慨 “人情冷漠”和 “国人素质堪忧”。但也有专业人员指出,救人需要专业知识,这事和冷漠无关。您怎么看?

In the morning on August 10,,Have net friend FaWei bo said,At 8 o 'clock early,Xinhua rd in Shanghai huaihai west road,An old man lying in the land,Hair is blood,Onlookers passers-by many,Someone call 120,But no one dare to lift up,Draw cycling through a foreign woman denounce openly。This trigger network of hot debate,Netizens have regrets “Human indifference”and “Compatriots quality is”。But there are also professional researchers point out,Save need professional knowledge,It has nothing to do with indifference。How do you see?


正方 tetragonal


“扶老”是美德,不扶当然失德 “Helped the old”Is virtue,Don't help, of course, lost DE


I think this happen,Not first aid knowledge is obviously not root cause,Afraid of being blackmail nor direct reason。Nowadays human cold light,None of things has high suspend and interest supreme idea, such as the popular and people quality is not high is the root,If you don't solve these problems,Such as“Guide to help the old man”Such measures as all take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure。


字知之明 Word is bright

  摔倒的是老人,扶起的是道德,这是文明社会的起码道德规范。外国人为什么看不惯呢?正因为国人的冷漠让人心寒。怕被讹诈虽然算作一个理由,但见死不救于情于理都说不过去!我们也会老,如果将来某一天倒地的是我们,我们渴望的不是那只援助之手吗? 英洪波一号

Fall is the old man,Lift up is moral,This is the civilization society of at least ethics。The reason why foreigners can't bear to see?Because of people's indifference are frightening。Afraid of being blackmail though as a reason,But to help in unsupported by reason say not the past!We will also old,If one day in the future we are down,Our desire is not that only a helping hand? British HongBo a number

  我朋友碰到过这事,好心好意扶起老人去医院,被随后赶来的家人臭骂一顿,还险些挨打。我朋友说不是他碰的,其家人说,不是你,你怎么去扶,你怎么那么好心?朋友无语。直到老人清醒后说出真相才罢休。自此,朋友发誓再不多管闲事。这个社会不允许我们做好事。 70一介草民

My friend met it,With good intentions helped the old man to the hospital,Is then to family bollocking a meal,And nearly beaten。My friend said that is not his touch,His family says,Not you,How do you go to help,How do you so good?Friends say。The old man awake until after tell the truth to give up。Since then,Friends swear don't assume。The society does not allow us to do good。 70 a vulgar people

  老人倒地没有人过问当然令人气愤,老外怒斥围观者可以理解的,因为在她的国家可能没有这样的事情出现。也许贸然移动老人是不科学的,但可以像这位老外一样做些适宜的事情,比如擦掉血污和呕吐物。相比这位热心的老外,我们这些国人真的有些“老外”了! 娟2妹

The old man fell no one voice in of course is angry,Foreigners can understand the nu scold surround,Because in her country may not have such things appear。Maybe jump to a mobile old man is not scientific,But as the foreigner can do some appropriate things,Such as rub off bloodiness and vomit。Compared with the zeal of a foreigner,We the people really some“foreigners”the! Juan 2 sister


反方 opposition


无扶有助,勿乱贴“冷漠”标签 No help help,Don't disorderly stick“apathy”label


Lift up is a concern,Call 120 for help or by any other means as positive assistance to the old man's care,As long as it's not turn a blind eye to、Look on coldly shouldn't have been dubbed the apathy of censure label。For the reason of trip no judgment,Scientific knowledge of first aid is also very key。so,We should not ravel so not“Lift up”,In order to more shouldn't question moral。Summer 20
