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培养出阳光健康的孩子是父母、教师及整个社会共同的心愿。那么,如何抓住孩子发展关键期?如何在关键期开展科学系统的教育?3-6岁儿童应该开发哪些能力?面对巨大的升学压力孩子及家长如何摆正心态?新学期里孩子需要掌握什么?8月9日,著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人殷红博做客《搜狐教育会客厅》就"如何培养阳光健康的孩子"话题进行探讨。以下为访谈实录: Cultivate sunshine healthy children are their parents、The teacher and the whole society's common wish。so,How to seize the child develop critical period?How to carry out science in critical period of the system education?3 to 6 years old children should develop what ability?In the face of the huge pressures upon their schoolwork children and parents how to adjust state of mind?The new semester children need master???????On August 9,,The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder blackish red bo guest《Sohu education saloon》it"How to cultivate the sunshine healthy children"Topic discussed。The following is a interview memoir:


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:博凯幼儿园对于孩子体育锻炼,包括像我们刚才谈到的男孩教育方面特别的重视,也受到了一些家长和社会上的关注。那么您认为博凯幼儿园核心竞争力用一句话来表达会是什么?

BoKai kindergarten for children physical exercise,Including like we just talked about boy education in particular attention,Also received some parents and social attention。So you think BoKai kindergarten core competitive power with a word to express what would it be?


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):核心竞争力就是我们的理念、教育体系以及优秀的员工。民办教育体系教师流失非常大,但我们的20多位骨干教师都在幼儿园工作十年以上,这是非常少见的,他们爱岗敬业。我们独创的关键期教育理念,使他们更科学、更有针对性的教育孩子,对孩子关键期发展更有利。

Core competitiveness is our idea、Education system and excellent staff。Private education system teachers loss is very large,But our more than 20 backbone teachers in kindergarten work ten years or more,This is very rare,They love their work。Our original critical period education concept,Make them more scientific、A more targeted education child,Critical period for children development more advantageous。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为博凯幼儿园的发展,对中国民办教育提供哪些可以借鉴的经验,分享一下?

Do you think the development of BoKai kindergarten,China's education run by the local people to provide what can be the experience of the use for reference,share?


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):我们理念就是办科学的、系统的创新教育。我们开办了十五年,没有办任何的加盟,也没有搞任何的连锁。我觉得中国学前教育加盟模式太早了,外国教育有几十年历史,他们有非常成熟的理论、体系和优秀人员做支撑,具备这些才可以进行加盟,否则盲目扩张无法保证教学效果,孩子和教育本身都会受到伤害。

Our idea is to do science、System innovation education。We started 15 years,Did not do any to join us,Also did not make any chain。I think Chinese preschool education to join mode too early,Foreign education have decades of history,They have a very mature theory、System and excellent personnel do support,Have these can join in,Otherwise the blind expansion cannot assure the teaching effect,Children and education itself will be hurt。


Blind expansion will bring a lot of unexpected happens,Education not economic,Not enterprise,Is to cultivate people,So a education of any type,A education experts,You more attention is education itself,This is our core concept。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:博凯幼儿园的师资高稳定性,高素质,在业内保持领先,您作为管理者,您是如何做到的呢?

BoKai kindergarten teachers high stability,High quality,In the industry leading to keep,As a manager you,How do you do it?


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):关心每一个孩子才得到家长的支持。同时,还要关心每个员工的发展,博凯幼儿园会出资培养老师去攻读心理学和教育学的研究生以提高他们的素质。我们现在有23位研究生学历的老师,这在国内应该说是没有的,花时间,花精力去培养孩子和老师,才能保证幼儿园的高素质,高发展。

Care about every child to get parents' support。At the same time,They also need to care each staff development,BoKai kindergarten will be contributive training teacher to study for a psychology and pedagogy of graduate students to improve their quality。We now have 23 a postgraduate qualifications teacher,This in domestic should say no,Spend time,Take effort to cultivate children and teachers,To guarantee high quality of the kindergarten,High development。


Another is innovation。Each year we take 3 -- 4 national subject,Promote our research,No research has nothing,Scientific research is the first productive force,You must have a new education system,When must sometimes update education methods and education mode,This to keep up with the progress of the society。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我前一段时间也在关注一条新闻,在南京有一家幼儿园很多的父母家长为了孩子能够进入这么一所幼儿园,整晚的排队,等着报名,对于现在入园难的问题,归结起来是因为园少人多,还有分布不均,一些比较好的幼儿园比较少,优质幼儿园如何发挥作用,将自身的优势资源进行一个整合,向更多的地域进行辐射,您在这个问题上是怎么看的?

I some time ago also are paying attention to a news,There is a kindergarten in nanjing many parents the parents for the children to enter such a kindergarten,Queue all night,Waiting for registration,For now into the garden the difficult question,Sum up, because the more than less people,And uneven distribution,Some good kindergarten is less,High quality kindergarten how to play a role,The advantage of oneself resources for a integration,More to the region to radiation,You in this issue is how to read?


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):教育不均不仅是中国存在,全世界都存在。家长排队,甚至托各种关系入园这是完全可以理解的。解决教育均匀均衡,教育发展长短腿,不仅涉及经济,关键是要看师资。

Education inequality is not only exist in China,The world there is。Parents queued,Even Joe various relations into the garden it is completely understandable。Solve education evenly balanced,Education development leg length,Is not only related to economic,The key is to see teachers。


Beijing is the capital of the country,The center of economic and cultural education,But is still lack of preschool teachers,Even put a lot of primary school teacher into a preschool teacher,This is a kind of helpless。Want to solve the education is not balanced,Strong development education,Countries are now pay more and more attention to,Now GDP is 4% should be placed on education,I think the future of China must be very good,But there must be a lot of shortage situation,This is understandable。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:目前许多高端幼儿园已经开始着手建立普惠性幼儿园,把自己的优势资源向别的区域进行辐射和推广,博凯幼儿园目前是怎么样开展的?请介绍一下你们首创的关键期网络幼儿园和全新概念的教学一体机。

At present many high-end kindergarten has started to establish pratt &whitney sex kindergarten,His own advantage resources to other area of radiation and promotion,BoKai kindergarten now is how to carry out?Please introduce your pioneering critical period network kindergarten and new concept teaching multifunction。


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):在优质资源最大化方面,我们现在做了两件事情,我们博凯幼儿园七年前就开始筹备办一个网上幼儿园,名字叫"中国儿童关键期教育网",这在世界上也可能是第一家真正的网络幼儿园,它最大的学术突破是真正实现了网络教学系统化,使幼儿园课程和结构教学实现电子最优化。我们把我们历经20余年创立的儿童关键期教育体系做成3D动画和FLASH通过网络来惠及家长和孩子,家长带着孩子上我们网络幼儿园教学,这个费用是极低的,开始我们都是免费的,这是最大的普惠教育。网络幼儿园今年九月或十月就会上线。

In the high quality resources maximization aspects,We now do two things,We BoKai kindergarten for seven years ago began to run an online kindergarten,name"Chinese children critical period education network",This is in the world may also is the first a real network kindergarten,Its biggest academic breakthrough is really realize the systematic network teaching,Make the kindergarten curriculum and teaching structure to realize electronic optimization。We put our after more than 20 years of children education system established critical period made 3 d animation and FLASH through the network to benefit the parents and children,Parents take their children our network kindergarten teaching,The cost is very low,Start we are free,This is the greatest pratt &whitney education。Network kindergarten in September or October is the meeting line。


Another is that we develop the teaching multifunction,Is our teaching contents are made into 3 d animation and FLASH,Integrated in a 55 inch LCD one machine,This is equivalent to a mobile teaching kindergarten,The machine's largest academic breakthrough is our original children's critical period teaching content electronic optimization,Greatly reduce teachers' the preparing time and teaching strength,Fast improve the quality of teaching。We have will multifunction gifts to the remote poor local kindergarten,We are now in hebei、Shandong kindergarten began to pilot。This is pratt &whitney education is an important form,If you want to do a lot of kindergarten is too slow,The teacher is difficult to achieve rapid accumulation。


Ten years the trees,One hundred years to bear fruit,Teacher education development is one of the core elements,Teachers must go through professional training to master an accomplished disciple owes his accomplishment,Chinese children critical period education network and critical period teaching multifunction,We both new pratt &whitney education project a do,Can a large number of promotion pratt &whitney sex education,Impoverished region,Even villages and towns kindergarten can get high quality education。


The children in the poor areas lack of a lot of things,But they want most is advanced education,Advanced education will change the fate of their children,This is every care about education of people's duty。


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢殷老师,感谢您今天作客搜狐,跟我们大家一起分享这么多。

Thank you teacher Yin,Thank you for your visit today sohu,And we share so much。


殷红博(著名儿童心理与教育专家、儿童关键期教育创始人): Blackish red bo(The famous children's psychology and education experts、Children's critical period education founder):谢谢。

thank you。
