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海南1名女童抓虾陷泥潭 4玩伴救人全溺亡(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  南海网万宁8月24日消息 24日万宁市海址村附近5名小孩溺水身亡事件发生后,引起了万宁市相关部门重视.各相关部门也赶赴事故现场调查。许多村民质疑污水厂长期排水造成深水坑,是导致孩子溺水的祸根。南海网记者第一时间赶赴现场,对事故进行深入了解。

South China sea network WanNing August 24 news 24 WanNingShi sea near the village of address five child drowned after the incident,Caused WanNingShi related department to pay attention to. The relevant departments also rushed to the scene of the accident investigation。Many villagers questioned sewage plant long-term drainage caused deep pit,Is the leading cause of child drowning the curse。South China sea network reporter the first time team to the scene,To further understand the accident。


4小孩帮助拉救身陷泥潭女孩 不幸全部溺水 Four children help pull save in a mire girl unfortunately all drowning

  24日下午,和溺亡的5名小孩一同在海边小巷口抓虾的9岁小女孩潘美怡,带着记者来到事发的水巷口。她指着岸边摆放着溺亡孩子拖鞋说:“当时先是13岁的小霞姐下去抓螃蟹,下水后,我们发现水漫在她的胸部位置了,她赶紧喊救命,其他的4个同伴想上前拉住她,但是她们全部人也慢慢沉下去了。我赶紧和小弟弟跑回村子里去喊人了。” 前往事故现场打捞孩子的海址村村民潘先生告诉南海网记者,他是中午12点左右和另一位村民闻迅速赶往现场抢救,之后和其他村民一同在水中寻找孩子。“我们在岸边一米处发现近4米宽2米深的水坑,在那底下捞出了所有孩子的尸体。大人的身体下下去都是直接漫过人头。”潘先生说道。

On the afternoon of December 24,And drowned his five children in the sea with a small lane that has catch shrimp's nine years old PanMeiYi little girl,With the reporters came to the water entrance to the lane。She pointed to the shore is putting drowned dead children slippers said:“At the time of the first 13 small XiaJie down to catch crabs,After launching,We found that water diffuse in her chest position,She hurriedly crying for help,The other four companions to came near, and took her,But they all people also slowly sink。I hurriedly and little brother ran back to the village to shout a person。” Go to the scene of the accident salvage the child's sea address village villagers mr.ban told south China sea network reporter,He is at 12 o 'clock and another villagers smell rapidly to the rescuing site rescue,And after other villagers together in the water looking for children。“We in the shore a meters found nearly four meters wide, 2 meters deep pool,In the fish out under all the baby's body。Adult body next down is directly over head。”Mr. Ban said。


村民质疑污水厂长期排水形成深水坑是祸根 The villagers questioned sewage plant long-term drainage formation deep pit is an apple of discord


Sea address village villagers told south China sea network reporter,Around the village was originally used to a large field,Shenzhou peninsula in sewage treatment plant built last year after,Farmland is,And the sewage through the farmland row into the sea。The child drowning place is located in a sewage outlet,From the recent water entrance to the lane,In the past will often have children adults in the beach and catch crabs fishing。


“The discharge of wastewater treatment plant water directly to the sea, row,Us farmland into large and small large puddle,In the puddle around the pond no safety barrier,Children in the past is very dangerous。Today children accident site is the outlet of the wastewater treatment plant emissions,Perennial drainage in water lane that has formed a huge puddle,The children must be don't know here are so deep pool。”Sea address village villagers Mr Pan said。


相关部门介入 事故案件性质有待调查 Related departments involved in the accident case properties to be survey


At present,Five children with body has already come up fishing,Currently placed in sea address village on the road side。Reporters on the scene saw,The child's family all grief,Crying a piece of。The child drowning accident happens,WanNingShi caused by the government、Public security bureau、Safety supervision bureau、Education bureau and frontier faction related leadership attaches great importance to。Relevant personnel team to the scene,Understand the specific situation。The east bay town xinhua village committee was also on the scene to make resettlement work。


WanNingShi safety supervision and administration ChenRuPing said,At present the case's nature is still in further confirmation,A case properties could be an accident,The processing of the case to the public security department, such as further investigation confirmed。

  南海网记者来到事故地点周边的污水处理厂,但是污水处理厂大门紧锁,大门旁也没有悬挂厂名牌之类标志。在事故发生现场,污水处理厂也一直未出面接受记者采访。(见习记者 刘莎)

South China sea network reporter came to the accident site surrounding sewage treatment plant,But the sewage treatment plant gate lock,Gate no suspension factory brand and so on mark。The accident site,Sewage treatment plants have been not to reporters。(Trainee reporter LiuSha)
