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浙大生化博士选择当社区民警 从小立志做警察--亲稳网络舆情监测室

浙大生化博士选择当社区民警 从小立志做警察 王继业和老药师正在订正新出的医书 WangJiYe and old pharmacists are revised the new books


Once was in the police station of the famous“Important force”,Is now in the community of bitter“peacemaker”。But he still has an identity is zhejiang university biochemistry and molecular biology graduate excellent doctoral student。In ZhaLongKou police station,Identity varied community police WangJiYe is a celebrity。


yesterday,The dr. Wang is a new title medical book the author。He helped a from five hundred and sixty years old medicine finished the book compilation,Part of it or by his requests。


WangJiYe identity let a person feel is a legend,Biochemistry specialized graduation why when the police,Now that is a doctor,Should be able to have a better professional,Or the question,Why to when the police?


老药师找社区民警 一起著书立作 Old medicine find community with police and set it up as a writing


Yesterday 11 a.m.,ZhaLongKou police station received alarm hall into a white-haired old man。


The old man told LiuChangZhi,Over years old,Hangzhou railway hospital before retirement is a pharmacist,After retiring also didn't put down the line,Also had some related medical skill book。


Liu ye to the police station here just for a Ben is the new books compiled to an ordinary community police WangJiYe hand,Please him together revised work。


The original,The police station was everybody called“doctor”Community police also is really a biochemical and molecule biology doctor。


In June this year,LiuChangZhi old physician of being introduced,Heard that ZhaLongKou police station there is a community police don't but biochemistry and molecular biology doctor was born,And a passion。It happened that,Mr Are writing new book is mainly aimed at rare disease treatment,And the rare disease 80% are caused by genetic problems。


therefore,Mr Active the door found WangJiYe。“Genetic molecular biology is very important part,So Mr Find me,I am also very are willing to use their own learning help。”


Several times after contact,Mr WangJiYe to some of the professional knowledge and opinions very appreciate,So Mr. Please WangJiYe responsible for writing part of the new book。


The day before yesterday afternoon,Mr. A complete new draft,Early in the morning to look for WangJiYe yesterday,With the reduction of molecular biology related content。


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拳头功夫了得 嘴上功夫也不俗 Fist effort get mouth kung fu is not common


WangJiYe is not people imagination bookworm,The shandong man,Absolute is a two brushes。


WangJiYe born in 1982 in shandong yantai channel town half port shop village,Yantai China is the birthplace of the mantis boxing,The area folkway warrior。And from there he grew up natural no less practice a recruit a half type。


“My grandpa and my parents like into the practice,I have ever seen with grandpa elbow a lap have flown home one high wall。”


Such a thing,Children are always the temptation to part-grown calf of,Therefore from can remember,Every day WangJiYe tie one hour "ma bu" or horse stance,And at home playing sandbags。


There is always a hard harvest,In 2010 he just to the police station when the police,His kung fu is sent went up use。


Once impact a gambling dens ",WangJiYe not only skill a firmly hold two people,Still use a leg and,Successful scored the third person。This time,Just to XingZhenZu WangJiYe of a place in the hit fame。


Last June,WangJiYe became a community police,More is mediation between residents of the dispute。


January 28,,Under the jurisdiction of the community WangJiYe happened in an event together。DaRenZhe wang mou and wife li-peng visited one,And before all did a willow close relations。However, li-peng visited a and willow one day long living feeling,Lead to wang mou and li-peng visited one in September 2011 divorce。


Wang mou heart angry,Want to find willow one make a statement,But liu a has been avoided。finally,On January 28, early morning 1 point,Wang mou in commandant a and willow a dwelling keep watch,And the region a dozen to nasal bone fracture。


WangJiYe after more than one month of mediation,Finally will both sides about approach。Wang mou request willow one take good care of his ex-wife,Willow one also said his injury all expenses incurred。The two sides vow since then is unlikely to make friends,But never won't disturb each other life。


从部队退伍的爷爷 让他从小立志当警察 From the army veterans grandfather let him from childhood to when the police


WangJiYe in September 2005 to July 2010 room,Have been in zhejiang university living creature in biochemistry and molecular biology professional,Continuous and received a doctor's degree。But how could he think of when the police?WangJiYe said,This is his ambition since childhood。


WangJiYe before the city high school,The biggest fun in addition to stay,To listen to my grandfather is about the army of things。Time long,His soldiers、The police such disciplined services full of yearning。


“In fact my undergraduate course graduate have had the chance into yantai local public security system,But at the same time also has received the zhejiang university graduate admission notice。”WangJiYe said,He had intended to go when the police,But as a rural in children,To enter a famous university graduate,This is quite unusual in the local,So in my parents' insistence,WangJiYe eventually came to zhejiang university graduate school,Didn't expect for outstanding during grinding,He recommended an exemption direct study out doctor's degree。


Dr. Wait until after graduation,Although parents more hope he can stay in school to continue study,But ultimately agree with him to his dream to try。


Indeed as expected,WangJiYe smooth pass into the hangzhou public security system,Round his dream。And he also found their other half。

  “她和我是校友,同专业的硕士毕业,也进入了公安系统工作。”两人白天在工作岗位上忙碌,晚上回家还有功夫切磋一些学术上的事情。王继业觉得,这样的日子已经再好不过了。(记者 朱寅)

“She and I are alumni,With professional master's degree,Also entered the public security system work。”Two people in work on the busy during the day,Go home at night and kung fu from some academic things。WangJiYe think,This day has couldn't be better。(Reporter ZhuYin)


(Source: morning today)
