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“小升初”改革办法拟今秋出台   昨日上午,北京小学红山分校开学典礼上,家长们为孩子们戴上北京小学的校徽。当日,该校举行开学典礼,近百名新生入学。新京报记者 范春旭 实习生 张洁 摄 Yesterday morning,Beijing primary school at hongshan on the opening ceremony,The parents for the children put on Beijing primary school school badge.On that day,At the opening ceremony,Nearly new students.The Beijing news reporter FanChunXu interns by zhang jie perturbation “小升初”改革办法拟今秋出台 正在研究更为完善入学政策;民办幼儿园学费不超2000元将可获补贴 Are studying more perfect admission policy;Private kindergarten fees do not exceed 2000 yuan will be available subsidies

  新京报讯 (记者杜丁)为确保奥数成绩在升学过程中彻底失效,市教委将推进“小升初”入学办法改革,昨日,市教委相关负责人表示,此改革办法拟在今年秋季出台,目前,已开始着手研究更为完善的入学政策。

The Beijing news - (Reporter dutin)In order to ensure Olympic math scores in the process of study in complete failure,Municipal education commission will boost"another"Entrance way to reform,yesterday,Municipal education commission officials say,This reform measures proposed in this fall out,At present,Already started research more perfect admission policy.


Will strengthen the policy enforcement


According to introducing,From 1998"another"Cancel the unified exam,Marketing training institutions started to really into fiery temper,Scribing came near to the entrance computer 1 school places allocation policy face a double resist parents don't want to child was"random"Sent to"Poor school",ChongDianJiao is not willing to accept"1 school places allocation born".this,On August 28,,Municipal education commission will hold an emergency deployment,Said to ensure Olympic math scores in the process of study in complete failure,Will boost"another"Entrance way to reform.


For how to reform,yesterday,Deputy director of the Beijing municipal education commission LuoJie said,Beijing"another"Policy has been is more perfect/Is strict,On this basis,Beijing will through the policies to strengthen the enforcement,Let the districts and counties and school implementation in place."Now the problems found are some executive didn't reflected in the problem."He said,The so-called perfect,Refers to not only in policy-making level,And in the policy implementation level,In the policy implementation effect to achieve policies consistent with the requirements.


Private garden not excessive price adjustment


August 22,,Beijing public kindergarten executive 15 years unmodified"Beijing kindergarten level class fee standards"Have been adjusted.yesterday,The Beijing municipal education commission preschool marshal ZhangXiaoGong said,Freshman enrollment work basic end,The new term KaiYuan work is in an orderly way.


In addition,According to the people concerned"Public garden price adjustment after whether the private kindergartens will price adjustment"problems,ZhangXiaoGong said,Each district and county before with private garden organizers are a communication,According to the request and private garden price cannot have higher amplitude adjustment.


In addition,According to the public garden price adjustment,The government also for private garden issued a reward subsidy measures,ZhangXiaoGong said,To pass the examination/In charge of 2000 yuan of the following private garden rewards subsidies.According to introducing,At present Beijing kindergarten run by the local people to 508,Charge the price is in 2000 yuan of the following has reached more than 200.




Next week will be up early peak in advance


School peripheral road will appear plugging feeling,Vehicular traffic can be round

  新京报讯 (记者郭超)经过一个暑假的休整,下周一(9月3日),全市各中、小学校将迎来新学期正式上课的第一天。交管部门发布交通预警提示,预计,9月3日后,早晚高峰交通压力将明显增加,早高峰将提前到来。

The Beijing news - (Reporter GuoChao)After a summer vacation,Next Monday(September 3),The whole city in the/Elementary school will have the new term official on the first day of class.Tubal branch issued traffic warning prompt,Is expected to,September 3 future,Morning and evening peak traffic pressure will be increased significantly,Early peak will come early.


Reporters from traffic department to know,After the start of,Sooner or later, during the peak flow of traffic around campus will have apparent change.From the past,Students go to school/During the school,The west fourth ring road buried zhengyang flyover/The north fourth ring road.the zhongguancun flyover/Peace avenue stretching west yellow intersection/The haidian district yongding road crossing/Diabetes road intersection,The students by shuttle traffic influence concentration,Often appear vehicle slow situation,Suggest past vehicles in 7 to 8,Late 16 30 points to 17 30 points when two time as far as possible to avoid the above section.


According to the primary and middle school after morning and evening peak road and the actual situation of school peripheral,After the start of,Tubal branch will be in the key areas/sections,Especially the campus surrounding more police counseling.At the same time,Policewoman escort duty/Female crossing guard escort duty all start,ladies/Female crossing guard all arrive in place,Key responsible for elementary school students, and kindergarten children's escort,Maintain campus surrounding traffic order.


Tubal branch tip,After the start of the school peripheral road will become parents transfers the child's hotspots.At the same time,September Beijing will also carry out a number of large-scale activity,Traffic pressure is not optimistic.the,Tubal branch will initiate personalized counseling scheme.




Primary and middle school students home optional listen to teacher lectures


Digital school on September 1,Students through TV may at any time to choose to listen to 1-9 grade teacher course

  新京报讯 (记者杜丁)北京数字学校9月1日正式开学,今后,中小学生在家中可根据学习需要,通过电视随时选择1-9年级的名师同步课程进行学习。

The Beijing news - (Reporter dutin)Beijing digital school September 1 officially start,In the future,Primary and middle school students in the home can according to need to learn,Through the television always choose 1-9 grade teacher synchronous course learning.


This year will provide 9500 day digital teacher teaching


The Beijing municipal education commission members LiYi is introduced,The virtual classroom selection the Beijing municipal superfine teacher/The leader in the field of/The city level backbone teachers' participation in the curriculum development of more than 3000 people,Training more than 500 audiovisual education teachers engaged in director/camera/Prison work and so on trial,Employ nearly experts participate in trial course technology/politics.At present already make finished class nearly 4700 knots,On-line more than 2000 class.


It is understood,In 2012, the Beijing municipal education commission will be small and medium-sized school students and parents to provide 21 subject section 9500 famous digital teaching resources.


On September 1st,Primary and middle school students will be through the Beijing digital school portal(www.bdschool.cn)/Gehuayouxian high-definition interactive digital video-on-demand curriculum resources.LiYi said,In gehuayouxian digital television,Has opened up a"Public education"column,Citizens in the home through the gehuayouxian high-definition interactive TV home page in the face"Public education"of"Beijing digital school"Column into"Classroom on demand",May at any time choose 1-9 grade teacher synchronous course learning,will"Masters please go to the home".


Digital school website will and student card hook


According to introducing,Beijing digital school portal(www.bdschool.cn),Set up a unified identity authentication system,Will the user accounts and student student card binding,Students as long as input your student number and password can visit teacher synchronous curriculum resources,Also can with other students/The teacher exchange/Discussion and sharing resources."September,For primary and middle school admission of new haven't student card,Platform to provide a uniform test account,For students to/Parents and teachers experience trial."LiYi said.It is reported,Beijing digital schools have online applications include courses on demand/Synchronous course live/Interactive English learning module.


Courses on demand can according to grade/subject/Knowledge or network comment on fraction choose course,Can also according to the weekly timetable choice.Synchronous course live is nine grade according to the unified arrangement of curriculum schedule on a rolling.


Article 312 early message will be distributed free


Chaoyang district for experimentsite area,All 0 to 6 years old children's parents are to receive

  新京报讯 (记者杜丁)今后,0-6岁儿童的家长将每周收到一条免费短信和彩信指导早期教育知识,昨日,市教委启动“北京市0-6岁儿童社区早期教育服务和指导项目”。

The Beijing news - (Reporter dutin)In the future,0 to 6 years old parents of children a week will receive a free SMS and MMS guidance early education knowledge,yesterday,Municipal education commission start"Beijing 0 to 6 years old children's early education community service and guidance project".


The project selection chaoyang led predicaments period,To all 0 to 6 years old children's family(Including Beijing and the Beijing cadastral cadastral),The main content for the:"A letter/Two books/Three class"Twelve period and early education posters and early education flyer.


Beijing education society chief li political view is introduced,"A letter"The project is the most distinctive content.The experts from 0 to 6 years old children to grow up, the parents' need to know more than 6000 key knowledge,According to the children of different age groups,Edit into 312 text messages and MMS.Through the MMS and messages sent free."Get help parents with children to grow up completely in sync professional parenting guidance."


Lee said political view,On the same day,0 to 6 years of age different children's parents,Receive a and his children ZhouLing consistent about 3000 words contents of the comprehensive guidance advice.


[Specific measures]

  “一封信” 把0-6岁孩子成长中家长需要了解的6000余个关键知识点内容,按照孩子成长不同的年龄段,编辑成为312条短信和彩信。

"A letter" The 0 to 6 years old children to grow up, the parents' need to know more than 6000 key knowledge content,According to the children who grow up in a different age,Edit become 312 text messages and MMS.

  “两本书” 有关专家共同编写《0-3岁早期教育指导手册 百问百答》和《3-6岁早期教育指导手册 百问百答》两本手册,分别针对相应年龄段中经常遇到的100多个育儿问题给予权威性的解答。将对试点区域的0-6岁儿童家长免费发放。

"Two books" Experts have jointly compiled[0 to 3 years old early education instruction manual hundred asked the answer]and[3 to 6 years of early education instruction manual hundred asked the answer]Two this manual,According to age respectively corresponding frequently met in more than 100 parenting problem to give authoritative answer.Will the pilot area from 0 to 6 years old children's parents for free.

  “三堂课” 对教师提供系统的、集中的、强化性的培训课程;对家长提供具体的、贴近的、案例性的系列专家讲座;对孩子提供示范性亲子课程。

"Three class" To provide the system of teachers/Concentration of/Strengthen sexual training courses;For parents to provide specific/Of press close to/Case sex expert lecture series;For children to provide demonstration parent-child course.
